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Welcome Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP Arundel & South Downs.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP Arundel & South Downs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP Arundel & South Downs

2 West Sussex County Council Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Louise Goldsmith Leader, West Sussex County Council






8 Questions to Louise Goldsmith Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

9 A community perspective Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Gordon Owen CBE

10 Questions to Gordon Owen CBE Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

11 The rural economy and community Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Jeremy Leggett Chief Executive Action in rural Sussex (AiRS) ‘The Rural Community Council for Sussex’

12 Connecting rural communities Market failure Poor rural broadband access is a case of fundamental market failure – regulation and intervention must be triggered in relation to the urban market offer. Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Intervention and regulation A strategic framework to make use of all private and public assets to reach 90% of rural people needs to be put in place; administrative and commercially restrictive obstacles must be cleared out of the way. The community role AirS can facilitate communities to reach the last 10%, but only if there is a coherent financial and technical framework within which their contribution makes sense and can be sustained.

13 But what is the point? Maintaining the miracle that is the new rural economy Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Removing the scandal of differential access to learning resources for young people Accepting the obligation on government that comes from an “it is on the web, it has been published” policy Re-engaging people by joining real and virtual communities, and here’s how….

14 Questions to Jeremy Leggett Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

15 Break for Lunch Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester We will resume at 2.10pm

16 Welcome back Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP Arundel & South Downs

17 Delivering Broadband Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Robert Ling Broadband Delivery UK

18 Summary Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester BDUK and UK Government objective BDUK Support & funding Superfast Broadband Pilots Spring 2011 funding round Local Broadband Plan Support available Broadband Delivery UK

19 BDUK and UK Government objective Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK BDUK is a team within DCMS, and is responsible for achieving the UK Governments aims “…deliver the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015” - DCMS Structural Reform Plan By 2015 two thirds served by the private sector BDUK will be focused on the ‘final third’

20 Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK

21 BDUK currently has four primary goals Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK To ensure this country has the best Superfast Broadband in Europe by the end of this parliament (2015). To ensure delivery of Standard Broadband to virtually all communities in the UK within the lifetime of this parliament (2015). To ensure the efficient use of funding to deliver Superfast Broadband and Standard Broadband. To assist other Government initiatives which are dependent upon customers ability to access Broadband based services.

22 Current Activity Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK Developing commercial and delivery models to that best leverage the public money available ). Providing input into other government policy that will influence the spread of superfast broadband. Developing ways to provide central support to local initiatives (e.g. state aid guidance) Defining ‘Best in Europe’ superfast broadband. Superfast broadband pilots Selection of Spring 2011 projects

23 Funding available Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK £530 from the TV licence fee was provided as part of the spending review to 2015. Further £150m a year in 2016 & 2017 (£300m total) may be available There are are sources of European funding (e.g. ERDF) to leverage funds provided by BDUK. Other public sector sources (Councils, DAs etc) - Given the potential economic benefits and the possibility for enabling public service transformation, local public bodies may choose to provide additional funding for broadband projects There are a number of models for the use of funding – gap funding investments, revenue shares, public ownership of assets - BDUK is investigating all possible funding models

24 Superfast broadband pilots Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK Our aim is to use these pilots to discover exactly what needs to be done to make superfast broadband commercially viable...” – Jeremy Hunt 15th July 2010 Locations are -North Yorkshire -Herefordshire -Highlands & Islands -Cumbria Very different areas and projects – each will move at its own pace

25 Beyond the Pilots Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK Funding available as part of the Spring 2011 funding round -Guidance for bidding into this round has been published -18 Bids submitted selection process now underway -Further funding will be available later in the year The basis of bids for the Spring 2011 funding round and future funding will be the creation of a Local Broadband Plan

26 Local Broadband Plan Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK Covers the whole of an area, we encourage a partnership approach The strategy should look at: -Transformation of services -Economic development -Links to corporate plans -Social inclusion -Existing broadband initiatives Demand programs will be important to deliver sustainable revenue Community approach will also need to be identified inc. existing networks, community approach to demand stimulation

27 Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK

28 Demand: Race Online 2012 Why local authorities should support the Race Online 2012 campaign To achieve efficiencies/ savings by moving more services such as school applications to internet first To support older people to exercise more choice and control over care services and extend independence/ promote active ageing To increase civic participation through more opportunities for local citizens to find their voice, engage and participate To demonstrate strategic leadership by making the most of the kit, connectivity and support available in communities to help off liners take their first steps online To develop collaborations and partnerships with corporate and charity race online partners and make sure everyone is able to benefit from broadband

29 Community: ACRE Action with Communities in Rural England is the national umbrella body of the Rural Community Action Network (RCAN), which operates at national, regional and local level in support of rural communities across the country. Rural Community Action Network members are charitable local development agencies, generally based at county level, which support and enable initiatives in rural communities. Your local RCAN member will be able to offer advice and support regarding community consultation in your area. They have many years experience in developing plans with communities, facilitating community action and working with others to meet the needs of rural communities. Please contact your local RCAN Member for advice. Details via the ACRE website or call ACRE on 01285 653477

30 Community Support Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK Aims to provide a national resource for individuals, communities, suppliers and government bodies that would encourage and promote the roll-out of broadband in areas of traditional market failure and in so doing bring a close to the digital divide The Big Society Broadband project has been set up by INCA, the Plunkett Foundation and ACRE to support the development of local next generation broadband schemes.INCAPlunkett FoundationACRE

31 Next steps Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK Announce next wave of BDUK projects Work with Devolved Administrations on National plans Work with Local Authorities who have submitted a LBP or EOI to achieve BDUK sign-off Demand stimulation and registration programmes

32 Contact Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Broadband Delivery UK Twitter: ling_robert Skype: ling_robert Mobile 07736181054 Please note email change

33 Questions to Robert Ling Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

34 Broadband: The small business view Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Geoff Williamson Vice-Chairman Federation of Small Businesses Surrey & West Sussex region

35 A fast, reliable and guaranteed broadband service is crucial for small businesses “In Arundel we are limited to a BT only exchange and the speed is poor. As an internet business the broadband speed is limiting my business. To get a leased line is cost prohibitive” Arundel Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

36 Small businesses have said that their priorities are access to broadband and a higher broadband speed “So poor I had to move to a wireless broadband provider” Pulborough Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

37 The Government target of a minimum of 2 Mbps by 2015 is totally inadequate. The urgent need for significantly better broadband provision for small businesses is here and now “No village exchange – our exchange is miles away in Storrington. Aluminium wiring plus other wiring that dates back to the 1950s. About 700kpbs at best! Very high contention ratios” West Chiltington Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

38 There is no alternative to fibre optic but where fibre optic solutions are not readily available the FSB urge the Government to look at mobile solutions as a compliment to fibre “Very, very poor. Hardly qualifies as broadband. I know people in the middle of the African bush with better connections” Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

39 Some Statistics 90% of FSB Members in East Sussex use the internet in running their business, of which 82% are unhappy with the speed and reliability of their internet connection, and 13% would consider moving business premises to an area with faster broadband. 94% feel their service providers offerings fail to match their advertising claims Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

40 “Download speeds are adequate but upload speeds are poor. Both can vary significantly during the course of a day” Worthing I am on cable in Crawley. I have a download speed of up to 50 Mb but an upload speed of only 1.6 Mb, Which is 3% of the download speed. Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

41 FSB Recommendations 1 Deploy a future proof broadband strategy where fibre to the premises is the most sustainable solution. Where fibre optic broadband is not currently available mobile broadband should be employed as a complimentary service Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

42 FSB Recommendations 2 Make broadband provision a universal service (a vital utility rather than an added luxury to business operations) to ensure faster and more consistent deployment across West Sussex Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

43 FSB Recommendations 3 Reinvest public money saved on digitalising Government services into fibre optic broadband provision “Just been offered up to 35Mb download and up to 9 Mb upload as now have “fibre” available in Horsham. Could not ask for more!” Horsham Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

44 It’s All About Jobs! The FSB calls on the Government to accept our recommendations to help small businesses thrive in this digital age and create further employment in rural areas to add further strength to a recovering economy Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

45 “Very poor! We are about 3 miles from the centre of Chichester (a large town) after massive amounts of time and effort we have managed to get our broadband speed from 512K to just about 1Mb. It’s so bad we will almost certainly be moving our factory as it seems to be the only way we can get a more useable speed. As far as I am aware no upgrades are likely in the next few years. Due to no connection at times we have to use a mobile phone on 3G to connect our company to receive email etc. This situation for any company is appalling for a computer technology company it’s totally unacceptable” Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

46 Questions to Geoff Williamson Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

47 The role of Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester John Peel OBE Chairman Coast to Capital LEP Presentation – click here

48 Questions to John Peel OBE Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

49 Next Generation Access: Enabling Transformation Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Bill Murphy Managing Director Next Generation Access, BT Group Presentation – click here

50 Questions to Bill Murphy Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

51 Britain’s Superfast Broadband Future Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport

52 Questions to Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

53 Discussion Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester

54 Conclusion Friday May 20, 2011 County Hall, Chichester Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP Arundel & South Downs

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