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MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Innovative Training Networks : H2020 “MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine”

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1 MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Innovative Training Networks : H2020 “MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine”


3 152 Tb-NOGADA-NT Highly ionizing particle and low penetration depth 149 Tb-NOGADA-NT 2x p + 2x n°   e+e+ e-e- New hope for cancer patients


5 From 2015 CERN-MEDICIS will be the first worldwide facility dedicated to mass-separated radioisotope beams for medical applications. Its network, consisting of university hospitals, hadron therapy centers and isotope distribution entrepreneurial companies across France, Italy and Switzerland, is leading the field of oncological research, imaging and personalized treatments. It will act as the seed for the extended MEDICIS-PROMED network and train a new generation of entrepreneurial scientists to develop systems for new personalized treatments throughout Europe.

6 WP No Work Package Title Activity Type Lead Participant No Lead Participant Short Name Start Month End month ESRs involve ment 1Mass separation of innovative medical isotopes using CERN- MEDICIS Research3JOGU4482,4,5,7,10 2 11 Carbon PET-aided hadron therapyResearch6CNAO4483,9,11 + CH1,4 3Theranostic radiopharmaceuticals for imaging/treatment of ovarian cancers Research4AAA4481,6,8 + CH2,3 3 4Training 1CERN4481-11 +CH1-4 3 5Management 1CERN148N/A 6Communication 5C2TN6481-11 +CH1-4 3 Work Package List

7 TrainingKnowledge gainedInstitutionWP Mass separators isotope mass separation isotope production targets and ion sources Hands-on training Isolde, CERN1,2 Materials and radiation 2D materials Graphene Material performance and degradation Materials for demanding environments New CDT school/ Univ. Manchester 1,2 Fluka Monte-Carlo Code Multiple particle tracking code Radiation protection Hadron therapy treatment planning Shielding and operational safety INFN, CERN1,2,3 Radiobiology Biological radiation dose-response curve DNA damage and repair Univ. Pavia, CNAO2,3 High power Lasers Laser spectroscopy Atomic transitions Laser ionization JOGU1,3 5f intermetallic phase diagram Inorganic synthesis of intermetallic alloys Handling of actinide materials Characterization techniques C2TN-IST1 Molecular oncology Molecular biology of normal and cancer cells Hallmarks of cancer Development of anti-cancer drugs EPFL-ISREC2, 3 Radiopharmaceuticals synthesis Solid phase peptide synthesis principles Chelators for radiometals Automated modules C2TN-IST2,3 Radioisotope production Production cross-sections Energy deposition Isotope separation and target reprocessing ARRONAX1,2 Nuclear spectroscopy Properties of exotic nuclei Optical techniques Combining atomic traps and lasers KUL1,2,3 Ionization in plasma Classification of plasmas Atomic phenomena Experimental characterization EPFL1 Robotics and automation Process definition Programed vs remote controlled Practical cases EPFL1,2,3 CERN Accelerator School Basic physics of accelerators Accelerator components Practical cases CERN1,2,3 Nuclear engineering Basics of materials for nuclear environments Radiation damage Heat power dissipation Univ. Manchester1,2 Functional imaging Principle of PET-SPECT imaging Image treatment softwares HUG/CHUV2,3 List of scientific trainings

8 Months 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132343536373839404142434445464748 Phase 1 st phase: familiarization2 nd phase: exploration3 rd phase : Implementation4 th phase : Conclusion & Extrapolation Isotope separ ESR 2 CERN SSSSSS M D ESR 4 Graphne inst. M SSSSSSSSSS D ESR 5 JOGU M SSDSSS ESR 7 C2TN M SSS D SSS ESR 10 PAX SSS M D SSS 11 C had therapy ESR 3 CERN SSSSS M D ESR 9 CNAO SSS M SSS D ESR 11 KUL M D SSSSSSSSS ESR CH1 HUG M D SSS ESR CH4 EPFL M DSSS theran ostic ESR 1 CERN MSSSSS D ESR 6 AAA SSSSSS M D ESR 8 C2TN SSSMSSSS D SS ESR CH2 CHUV M SSS D ESR CH3 HUG M SSS D Training Secondments Training events KW GT ST Worsksh/sum_schl W S1 S2 Entrepreneurship Doctoral training Visiting Scientists V V V V V V Conference C1 C2 Annual appraisal Man’ gmt Recruitment Mid-term review MT Meetings K 1 2 3 E Outreach Student Visits Prize, contest P P C P Website WS Public Lecture, Conf PL Con Time table



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