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Published byConrad Lloyd Modified over 9 years ago
11 CLONTARF ENERGY An emerging E&P company focused on Africa and South America April 2012
22 DISCLAIMER The content of information contained in this Presentation has not been approved by an authorised person within the meaning of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”). Reliance upon this Presentation for the purpose of engaging in any investment activity may expose an individual to a significant risk of losing all of the property or other assets invested. If any person is in any doubt as to the contents of this Presentation, they should seek independent advice from a person who is authorised for the purposes of FSMA and who specialises in advising in investments of this kind. This Presentation is being supplied to you solely for your information. While the information contained herein has been prepared in good faith, neither Persian Gold plc (to be renamed Clontarf Energy plc) (“Company”) nor its shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers give, has given or has authority to give, any representations or warranties (express or implied) as to, or in relation to, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this Presentation, or any revision thereof, or of any other written or oral information made or to be made available to any interested party or its advisers and liability therefore is expressly disclaimed. This Presentation does not constitute, or form part of, an admission document, listing particulars or a prospectus relating to the Company, nor does it constitute, or form part of, any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any shares in the Company nor shall it or any part of it, or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, or act as any inducement to enter into any contract therefore. Recipients of this Presentation who decide to subscribe for, or purchase, ordinary shares in the Company following the publication of the final document relating to the proposed Admission (the “Admission Document”) are reminded that any application so to subscribe for or purchase may only be made on the basis of the information contained in the Admission Document which may be different from the information contained in this Presentation and will contain additional information. No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information contained in this Presentation or on its completeness, accuracy or fairness thereof, nor is any responsibility accepted for any errors, misstatements in, or omission from, this Presentation or any direct or consequential loss however arising from any use of, or reliance on, this Presentation or otherwise in connection with it. By accepting this Presentation you confirm, represent and warrant that you have consented to receive inside information (as defined in the Criminal Justice Act 1993 and the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) (the “Acts”)), and you agree not to deal in any securities of the Company until such time as such inside information has been made public and until such time that the Placing has been publicly announced by the Company or the Company decides not to proceed with the Placing. This Presentation may not be reproduced or redistributed, in whole or in part, to any other person, or published, in whole or in part, for any purpose without the prior consent of the Company. The contents of this Presentation are confidential and are subject to updating, completion, revision, further verification and amendment without notice. The Presentation is being distributed on request only to, and is directed at, authorised persons or exempt persons within the meaning of FSMA or any order made thereunder or to those persons falling within the following articles of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) (the “Financial Promotion Order”): Investment Professionals (as defined in Article 19(5)) and High Net Worth Companies (as defined in Article 49(2)). Persons who do not fall within any of these definitions should not rely on this Presentation nor take any action upon it but should return it immediately to the Company. This Presentation is exempt from the general restriction in section 21 of FSMA relating to the communication of invitations or inducements to engage in investment activity on the grounds that it is made only to certain categories of persons.
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44 High potential exploration High potential exploration projects Peru: Two high potential blocks ready for farm out. Block 188: Panguana is an appraisal / early development project. Further potential leads and prospects in the Block identified close to the giant Camisea gas-field. Block 183: Is part of a seven billion-barrel Sub-Andean foreland basin system. Five important leads have been identified. Ghana: A 60% interest in Ghana Tano 2A block licence covering 1,532km 2. The block is close to four recent Tullow Oil plc discoveries. Awaiting ratification. Bolivia: Stakes in two gas & oil producing fields – El Dorado and Monteagudo.
55 PERU: WORLD CLASS EXPLORATION PORTFOLIO Clontarf holds two exploration blocks: 183 and 188. Peru is a highly attractive, growing oil & gas province. Farm out discussions underway. The Government takes proportionally to the field profitability: Total effective state take is 50%. Reasonable work programme.
66 BLOCK 188 - UCAYALI 595,809 hectares of prospective ground, beside the giant Camisea (16 tcf & 880mmbo) producing field. Extensive regional data available (13,400km of 2d seismic and 50 wells). Good seismic coverage and three wells drilled close to Block 188. Main petroleum system is Paleozoic, but; -Four source rocks & three seals proven. -Three main producing reservoirs in the area. -Undeveloped oil discovery at neighbouring La Colpa. Oil discovered on the block in 1998. Phillips Petroleum drilled a well at Panguana in the south-east of Block 188.
77 Block 188 - Undeveloped discovery The identified Panguana structure presents a stand-alone prospect suitable for early drilling: Phillips Petroleum drilled the 2,750 metre Panguana x-1 well in 1998. Uneconomic at the time. The oil collected was of good quality (37°API) in the Green Sandstone Formation of Cretaceous and Paleozoic age. Based on the formation test, a reserves calculation estimated 31 million barrels of oil. The Phillips geophysicist believes that well logs show that the (untested) underlying sections also contain oil.
88 Block 188 - Leads Three Prospects and ten leads. The main objectives are Green Sandstone (Carboniferous) and the Paleozoic sandstones Ambo Group. The secondary objectives are the sands of the Vivian, Chonta, Agua Caliente and Cushabatay formations of Cretaceous age. Sands of Devonian, possibly the Cabanillas Group, Ene, and the Tarma/Copacabana carbonates of Paleozoic age constitutes additional exploratory objectives in the deepest parts.
99 BLOCK 183 - MARANON BASIN Block 183 is 396,826 hectares in the Marañon Basin, which has produced since the 1940s. Two oil fields and one gas field neighbour Block 183. Good quality, recently re-processed seismic data is available. Two main source rocks: Triassic-Jurassic & Cretaceous. C. 1,700km of 2d seismic data – which has been re-processed. Five leads & prospects already identified, including 4-way closures in the Yurimaguas Anticline.
10 PROSPECTS AND LEADS LEAD Nº 1 BLOCK 183 BP reprocessed seismic Line 19. It shows anomalies demonstrating significant gas occurrence, which enhances the hydrocarbon potential in Block 183, bounded most likely with lead four way closure located in the line DX47/DX26.
11 PROSPECTS AND LEADS LEAD Nº 2 BLOCK 183 An important lead with exploratory potential has been identified south of the neighbouring Shanushi well, with significant evidences of gas and condensate, (this lead is located in same trend inside Block 183).
12 PROSPECTS AND LEADS LEAD Nº 3 BLOCK 183 Line DX 22 NW-SE/Line DX 43 SW-NE - Lead four way closure with exploratory potential has been identified in Block 183, north of Santa Catalina 1X well.
13 PROSPECTS AND LEADS LEAD Nº 4 BLOCK 183 Line DX 53 NE-SW - Lead with exploratory potential has been identified on SW border of Block 183 alongside Rio Chipurana.
14 PROSPECTS AND LEADS LEAD Nº 5 BLOCK 183 Lead four way closure located in the lines DX45/DX 28.
15 GHANA SWEET-SPOT BESIDE TULLOW: TANO BLOCK The concession is in the name of ‘Pan Andean Resources Limited’ (Ghana co.). Ghana has emerged recently as a world class oil province. The discoveries offshore Tano contain billions of barrels. Ownership: 60% Clontarf Energy 30% Petrel Resources 10% Ghanaian interests Attractive Terms: Royalty: 12.5% oil Carry: 10% Income Tax: 35% Target-rich block: 1,532km 2 area 676km of 2d seismic reviewed Multiple leads & prospects identified Awaiting parliamentary approval. Expected Q2/Q3 2012 Ownership: 60% Clontarf Energy 30% Petrel Resources 10% Ghanaian interests Attractive Terms: Royalty: 12.5% oil Carry: 10% Income Tax: 35% Target-rich block: 1,532km 2 area 676km of 2d seismic reviewed Multiple leads & prospects identified Awaiting parliamentary approval. Expected Q2/Q3 2012
16 TANO BASIN LICENCE Numerous seeps and shows onshore. Seeps fed from offshore oil kitchens. Past shallow onshore wells drilled without seismic control. No wells in the offshore part of licence. Thick sedimentary section. Promising features on offshore seismic lines. Available data reprocessed and analysed. Eight potential targets identified.
18 BOLIVIA: BUTTERFLY RE-EMERGING? Nationalisation of hydrocarbons decree passed in 2008 so ownership status uncertain. Strong gas demand in Brazil & Argentina. Government determined to develop the oil and gas industry. Clontarf Energy holds stakes in two proven projects, El Dorado and Monteagudo, both on existing export pipelines: El Dorado (10% Clontarf 90% YPFB) is a producing gas field near Santa Cruz. Following recent exploration success, management estimates reserves at up to 400 bcf Gas and 8 to 10 million barrels condensate. Monteagudo (30% Clontarf, 30% Repsol-YPF, 20% Petrobras 20% YPFB). Traditional field producing c. 120 bod. The potential is the deep gas play estimated to contain up to 5 tcf. This is identified by 3d seismic and is identical to nearby multi-tcf discoveries.
19 BOLIVIA – EL DORADO Producing gas field near Santa Cruz estimated to contain 1.5tcfg. Owned 90% YPFB, 10% Clontarf. Dispute with previous 90% owner, BP, led to our group declaring force majeure in 2007. Ongoing discussion with YPFB to clear dispute. Court judgement due. If successful Clontarf will have to pay legacy costs and forego revenue until costs in last two years are paid. Current production 19mmcfd (1.9m Clontarf). These wells are now producing 19mmcfd & 500b condensate. Planned production is 40mmcfd & 800 barrels condensate – yielding gross revenues of over $200k daily.
20 BOLIVIA - MONTEAGUDO Long established oil & gas field in southern Bolivia owned 30% Clontarf, 20% Petrobras, 20% by YPF-Andina and 30% by operator Repsol. Shallow oil wells petering out after years of under-investment. Significant 5 tcf potential structure in the deep ‘Huamampampa’ zone. Multi-tcf discoveries on neighbouring blocks. Agreement reached for Repsol and Petrobras to sell their stakes. Clontarf will go to 50% and LAE – an Argentinian oil services company, will acquire the other 50%. There will be no cost to Clontarf. Government approval required.
21 Focused Strategy Peru: Three pronged strategy Examine opportunities to joint venture the Panguana prospect on Block 188 Farm out both blocks Sell our interest in Block 183 Ghana: Awaiting ratification which is expected in mid 2012. All requirements completed. Ready to move on seismic acquisition. There are interested third parties. Bolivia: Finalising agreements on El Dorado and Monteagudo.
22 COMMERCIAL Listed: February 2011 Shares in issue:200m Price:3.5p Market Cap:£7 million Nomad/Broker:Shore Capital Joint Broker:Optiva
23 EXPERIENCED BOARD John Teeling – Executive Chairman Established and managed a number of Stock Exchange listed resource companies in the past 30 years. Currently chairs 4 AIM resource companies. Holds a doctorate from Harvard and an MBA from Wharton. David Horgan – Director Managing Director of AIM listed Middle East Oil explorer Petrel Resources plc as well as Clontarf Energy. Holds directorships in a number of resource companies. Holds an MBA from Harvard & MA from Cambridge. Manouchehr Takin – Director 40 years experience working in natural resources including working for Iranian Oil Consortium, Geological Survey, Anglo American, Amoco, Ultramar, NIOC and OPEC. Holds a PhD from Cambridge and an MBA from IMI, Tehran. Jim Finn – Finance Director Holds degrees in management and an accounting qualification and is a finance director for several publicly listed junior exploration companies. Mauricio Gonzalez – President South America Former Bolivian Minister of Energy, President of National Oil and Gas Company (YPFB). Director of Compania Boliviana de Energia Electica, the largest electric power generator in Bolivia. Worked as consultant to the World Bank. Jorge Flores – Operations Chief 45 years experience as field petroleum engineer, area supervisor, and e&p manager. Former Operations Chief of Bolivia’s National Oil and Gas Company (YPFB).
24 CONTACT DETAILS Clontarf Energy Plc 162 Clontarf Road Dublin 3 Ireland Phone: +353 1 833 2833 Fax: +353 1 833 3505 Email:
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