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ERT 105: Basic Electrical Technology AZRALMUKMIN BIN AZMI.

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1 ERT 105: Basic Electrical Technology AZRALMUKMIN BIN AZMI

2 COURSE OBJECTIVES (OUTCOME)  Ability to explain the principle elements of DC and AC circuits such as current, voltage, power, energy, nodes, branches and others.  Ability to analyze the DC and AC circuit by using Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, Source Transformation and Thevenin’s theorem.  Ability to calculate and analyze parameter of three phase AC system for Wye and Delta connection.  Ability to explain the basic concept of magnetism and electromagnetism and its application in DC and AC machines.

3 COURSE CONTENT (SYLLABUS) 1.Introduction and DC Circuit - current, voltage, resistance, power, conductor and insulator. - series and parallel circuits - Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff Current Law, Kirchhoff Voltage Law, Source Transformation, Thevenin's theorem

4 COURSE CONTENT (SYLLABUS) Cont… 2.AC Circuit - sine wave, frequency, amplitude, phase angle, complex number - impedance, inductance, phase shifting - active power, reactive power, power factor - series and parallel AC circuits using Ohm’s law - series and parallel AC circuit using Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff Current Law, Kirchhoff Voltage Law, Source Transformation, Thevenin’s theorem.

5 COURSE CONTENT (SYLLABUS) Cont… 3.Three Phase System - single phase system, three phase voltage generation and the phasor diagram - line and phase quantities. - three phase connection in balanced load: Wye and Delta - phase and line voltages and currents - active and reactive power

6 COURSE CONTENT (SYLLABUS) Cont… 4.Three Phase System - single phase system, three phase voltage generation and the phasor diagram - line and phase quantities. - three phase connection in balanced load: Wye and Delta - phase and line voltages and currents - active and reactive power

7 COURSE CONTENT (SYLLABUS) Cont… 5.Magnetic and Electromagnetic - Faraday’s Law, Lenz’s Law, Flemming Law, magnetic field, magnetic material and magnetization curve - reluctance, magnetic equivalent circuit, air gap, electromagnetic induction, Sinusoidal excitation - magnetic losses, eddy current, hysteresis

8 COURSE CONTENT (SYLLABUS) Cont… 6.Transformer - principle of transformer, its parameters and structure - ideal transformer, its equivalent circuit and phasor diagram - non-ideal transformer, its equivalent circuit and phasor diagram - efficiency, losses, performance - the principle of auto transformer and three phase transformer

9 COURSE CONTENT (SYLLABUS) Cont… 7.DC and AC machine - operating principle, voltage and torque equation - motor classification, speed torque characteristics and calculate losses and efficiency - the operating principle of three phase induction motor, speed-torque characteristics and calculate losses and efficiency - other motor and equivalent circuits and calculate the parameters

10 ASSESSMENTS  Final Exam : 50 %  Theory Test 110 %  Theory Test 210 %  Assignments / Presentation / Quiz / Attendance30 % TOTAL 100 %

11 TEXT & REFFERENCE BOOK  Boylestad, Robert L., Introductory Circuit Analysis, 11 th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2007  Hughes, Electrical and Electronic Technology, 9 th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005  Richard J. Fowler, Electricity Principles and Applications, 7 th Edition, Mc Graw Hill, 2008  Charles K. Alexander & Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, International Third Edition, Mc Graw Hill  Nilsson, J.W. & Riedel S.A., Electric Circuits, 7 th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005

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