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 Please write (legibly) the name you wish me to call you on the name card 

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Presentation on theme: " Please write (legibly) the name you wish me to call you on the name card "— Presentation transcript:

1  Please write (legibly) the name you wish me to call you on the name card  Chris Newton

2 TV Everywhere What I want When I want it Where I want it Chris Newton

3  Cloud Video on Demand (“VOD”) content  End Subscriber  Fundamental points of cloud VOD delivery  Higher quality  more bits (higher resolution, lower compression)  Actual throughput from SERVER  subscriber changes dramatically from subscriber to subscriber and time of day due to changing micro and macro Internet conditions Content Delivery Chris Newton

4  Download (Progressive Download)  Streaming Delivery Methods Chris Newton

5  Essentially same as downloading any file from a Web server  Progressive  can start playing file as soon as a portion is downloaded without waiting for entire file  DEMO DEMO Download Delivery Chris Newton

6  Pros  Can delivery a higher quality file  Once loaded, subscriber can play over and over again without being connected  Cons  Security – once file on HD, can be copied  Advertising  Ability to delete  Cannot jump ahead to parts not downloaded Download Delivery, cont. Chris Newton

7  Parts of file are delivered as small chunks (e.g. 2 seconds in length) from a special Streaming Server  Streaming Server receives commands from Application/Player to tell it what “chunks” to send  DEMO (single stream) DEMO (single stream) Streaming Delivery Chris Newton

8  Pros  Better overall security as content never stored on local storage  Easier to put in targeted Advertisements  Cons  Must encode multiple streams to deal with changing Internet conditions  Requires special delivery formats Streaming Delivery, cont. Chris Newton

9  Microsoft Silverlight  Adobe Flash over HTTP  Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)  Widevine Proprietary  All operate in a similar, but PROPRIETARY fashion: Chunks delivered to player over HTTP  RSTP, RTMP all older formats Common Streaming Formats Chris Newton

10  Base Assumption for online TVE is that a subscriber would rather keep watching a program at a lower quality than “wait” while show “buffers”  This is done by adjusting the QUALITY (resolution/bit rate) automatically based on CURRENT SUBSCRIBER INTERNET conditions  Demo: ABR Demo: ABR Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) Chris Newton

11  Motion Pictures Expert Group – Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP  Essentially a set of common tools (similar to MPEG-2, MPEG-4) to allow for NON-PROPIETARY encoding, encryption, decryption and playback of content  Widevine (Google) one of first to announce a full MPEG-DASH compliant product (June/July 2014 release) for both VOD and LIVE content Future MPEG-DASH Chris Newton

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