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The North and the South: Sectionalism - differences cause a strain in the national relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "The North and the South: Sectionalism - differences cause a strain in the national relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 The North and the South: Sectionalism - differences cause a strain in the national relationship

2 Sectionalism and Pre-Civil War SWBATS 1.How did differences between North and South influence sectionalism? 2.How did the Compromise of 1850 and Kansas-Nebraska Act exemplify the opinions of abolitionists and slave owners? 3.How did John Brown’s actions in Kansas and at Harper’s Ferry exemplify anti-slavery feelings at the time? 4.What was the Southern reaction to Lincoln election? 5.Form an opinion: was slavery an issue of states’ rights or morality?

3 Agriculture 1860

4 Industry and Raw Materials 1860

5 Free and Slave Population 1860

6 Expanding Railroads What does this tell us?


8 Industry Expands By 1861, the North has significantly more rails than the South. What impact does this have? (answer in your notes) Which portion of the USA appears more industrial? (answer in your notes)

9 South Expands Cotton Production The cotton gin makes cotton more profitable Cotton plantations expand and produce more What else must expand? (answer in your notes)

10 South Expands Cotton Production The importation of slaves was banned in 1807. The “desire” (demand) for slave labor grew. How was it to be supplied? Internal slave trade expanded. Southern states held slave auctions daily What happens to the price of slaves if the supply is lowered?


12 The Effect of the Mexican-American War The war added 500,000 square miles to the country President Polk wanted to extend the Missouri Compromise 36°30’ line to the west coast Others proposed “popular sovereignty” – states could choose their “fate” The House passed the Wilmot Proviso banning slavery in the Mexican cession. The Senate did not.

13 Clay’s Compromise of 1850 California would enter the Union as a free state The rest of the Mexican Cession would be settled under “popular sovereignty” Slave auctions would end in Wash. D.C. (but not slavery) A more effective federal “Fugitive Slave” law would be enacted to fix issue with escaped slaves

14 Fugitive Slave Act Federal and state agents were authorized to capture and return fugitive slaves. The fugitives were taken to US Commissioners. No Jury and only whites were allowed to testify Anyone interfering (abolitionists) could be put in jail and fined. Abolition movements in the North grew

15 Bloody Incident 1851 Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts delivered speech criticizing pro-slavery forces in Kansas and personally criticized a southern senator Butler. Butler’s nephew, a congressman, beat Sumner with a cane.

16 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act Stephen Douglas (representative from Illinois) wanted a railroad from Chicago westward, southern politicians wanted it from New Orleans to California. To get southern support, Douglas put into his bill, that the northern territories would be “open” to slavery if the settlers voted for it. Northerners were outraged but the bill passed into law Kansas and Nebraska are recognized as states

17 Bloody Kansas Both Southern and Northern activists flocked to Kansas to populate it with their own supporters. Two separate governments were elected. City of Lawrence was burned by pro-slavery forces. John Brown (abolitionist in favor of violence to end slavery) killed five pro-slavery men in response. Bloody clashes continued until a federal governor with military authority was sent.

18 Election of 1856 Issues: Expanding or limiting slavery and internal improvements. Main candidates: – Buchannan a Southern Democrat – Fremont an exclusively northern Republican

19 The Dred Scott Decision 1846-57 Dred Scott sued for his freedom based on his having been taken to live in a “free” territory by his master. 11 years later the Supreme Court ruled: – Blacks were not citizens and therefore could not sue – When Scott returned to Missouri, his status was determined by Missouri’s laws – The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was unconstitutional because it deprived citizens of their property Slaves are considered property

20 The Decision… On March 6, 1857, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney delivered the majority opinion. Taney ruled that: Any person descended from Africans, whether slave or free, is not a citizen of the United States, according to the Constitution. The Ordinance of 1787 could not confer either freedom or citizenship within the Northwest Territory to non-white individuals. The provisions of the Act of 1820, known as the Missouri Compromise, were voided as a legislative act, since the act exceeded the powers of Congress, insofar as it attempted to exclude slavery and impart freedom and citizenship to non-white persons in the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase. The Court had ruled that African Americans had no claim to freedom or citizenship. Since they were not citizens, they did not possess the legal standing to bring suit in a federal court. As slaves were private property, Congress did not have the power to regulate slavery in the territories and could not revoke a slave owner's rights based on where he lived. This decision nullified the Missouri Compromise, which divided territories into jurisdictions either free or slave. Speaking for the majority, Taney ruled that because Scott was simply considered the private property of his owners, that he was subject to the Fifth Amendment, prohibiting the taking of property from its owner "without due process". The Scott decision increased tensions between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in both North and South. Ultimately, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution (1868) settled the issue of Black citizenship via Section 1 of that Amendment: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside..."

21 Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858 Abraham Lincoln ran as a Republican against the Democrat Stephen Douglas for a Senate seat from Illinois Lincoln stressed the main issue was the spread of slavery in the west and that the nation could not “survive half slave and half free”. Proof that Lincoln recognized the issue of sectionalism. Douglas said his statements proved Lincoln wanted every state to be a free state and states should be able to choose Lincoln lost to Douglas

22 Harper’s Ferry Incident October 16, 1859, Abolitionist John Brown and some men took over the arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia Some of his men went to slave plantations in hope of inciting a rebellion The next day, Col Robert E. Lee had marines capture Brown After a trial, Brown was hanged for treason, murder, and conspiracy “I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land can never be purged away but with blood.”

23 Lincoln runs as a Moderate Republican The Democratic Party splits in two – Northern and Southern Democrats over the issue of slavery and secession (leaving the Union). Taking advantage of the fractured Democratic party which suffered from infighting over slavery, the Republican Party found a moderate candidate who had managed not to upset party supporters over the previous years of political conflict. Platform (beliefs): anti-slavery expansion, refused to acknowledge the right to secession, and would not yield federal property within Southern states.

24 Election of 1860: Lincoln Wins Make 3 observations about this map.

25 Southern Reaction to Lincoln’s Election Not waiting for his inauguration, South Carolina seceded believing Lincoln would end slavery in the south when he became president. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas joined SC and formed the CSA electing Jefferson Davis as President. Lincoln believed only amendments or revolution could dissolve the Union A stand-off : who owned Fort Sumter in South Carolina? Lincoln vowed to hold federal land but would not provoke a fight.

26 Fort Sumter: April 12 th, 1861 The Fort was controlled by Federal troops and blocked the port of Charlestown, South Carolina They were ordered to hold the fort South Carolina militia demanded they leave and began firing on it Aggression by the South gave Lincoln an excuse to declare the South in Rebellion! He ordered states to provide militia men (local soldiers) to put down the rebellion War begins! States forced to decide which side to support: The Northern Union or the Southern Rebellion

27 Comparing the Worlds of North and South Which picture is North? Why? Which picture is South? Why?

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