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LIVERPOOL CASE STUDY EXTRACT: What young people say.

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Presentation on theme: "LIVERPOOL CASE STUDY EXTRACT: What young people say."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIVERPOOL CASE STUDY EXTRACT: What young people say


3 Group conversation with young people at YPAS Aaron Zoe John Val Kim


5 Finding out about it From college Friends told me Heard good things

6 Access It’s in the city centre You can refer yourself It’s also drop-in

7 Welcome The staff always available They always welcome us It’s comfortable, with a good atmosphere

8 Other services Treat you like a bad child Or a sad child Always think they know

9 What you get Skills to cope Help to move on in a positive way Accepted for who you are

10 Choices and options More than just mental health support: Housing, sexual health, education, employment


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