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Electronic Research Administration Office of Extramural Research National Institutes of Health June 22, 2011 eRA Commons Account Administration Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Research Administration Office of Extramural Research National Institutes of Health June 22, 2011 eRA Commons Account Administration Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Research Administration Office of Extramural Research National Institutes of Health June 22, 2011 eRA Commons Account Administration Basics Scarlett Gibb eRA Commons Customer Relationship Manager Sarah Binder eRA Commons Communications Specialist

2 What is the eRA Commons? The eRA Commons is an online interface where grant applicants, grantees and federal staff can access and share administrative information related to grant applications and awarded research grants. Applications Post-award Correspondence Review Assignment Priority Score Summary Statement Notice of Award Assurances Certifications Progress Reports Financial Reports Invention Reports Profile Data Assembled Application Image eSubmission Errors/Warnings Training Appointment Actions 2

3 Today’s Account Administration Topics Account Administration o Navigating the eRA Commons o What is an eRA Commons role? o Account Tips o Creating and editing accounts o Searching for an account o Affiliating an account o eRA password requirements o Forgotten passwords/locked accounts Institution Profile Personal Profile Delegation Resources 3

4 Account Administration

5 Navigating the eRA Commons The eRA Commons navigation menu has three (3) levels. The top level displays the main functions (tabs) available. Clicking a top-level tab will display the second level; clicking a second-level tab will display the third level. 1 2 3 5

6 What is an eRA Commons Role? The functions that a user can perform in the Commons are based on the role or roles assigned to his or her Commons account. Commons has administrative roles (e.g., Signing Official: SO; Business Official: BO) and scientific roles (e.g., Principal Investigator: PI; Reviewer: IAR) and other roles related to specific functions (e.g., Financial Conflict of Interest role: FCOI) Full, printable list of eRA Commons roles: 6

7 Account Tips 7 During Commons registration, applicant organization designates a Signing Official (SO). SO registers or affiliates Project Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s), or PD/PI(s). A single account should not have both the PI or other scientific roles and SO or other administrative roles. A person needing both roles should have two separate accounts (one for each role). PIs should choose usernames wisely; your username remains with you throughout your career! If a PI serves as a reviewer, his or her single account can have both the PI and Internet Assisted Review (IAR) roles without any issue.

8 Creating and Editing Accounts Creating New User Accounts: Select the Admin tab, Accounts tab, Manage Accounts tab, then click Create New Account button. Signing Officials, Account Administrators, Administrative Officials, and Business Officials only! Editing Accounts: Select the Admin tab, Accounts tab, then Manage Accounts tab. Search for the desired user. Select Edit link adjacent to desired user. Above roles only 8

9 Search/Check for Existing Account Administrators should always check to see if a user already has a Commons account before creating a new one. Ask the person if they already have an account, or search within the Commons. 9 If a user already has an account with a different organization, the SO should affiliate the existing account with the user’s new organization. To search outside of your institution, make sure you uncheck this box.

10 Hands-on Exercise: Accessing eRA Commons 1. Click on the eRA Commons Demo shortcut on your computer’s desktop. If the short is unavailable, enter the following URL into an internet browser: eRA Commons Demo (non-production environment): 2. Your handouts include a username and password. Enter the username and password into the appropriate fields under Commons Login. Note: eRA Commons Login is not case-sensitive. 10

11 Hands-on Exercise: Create an Affiliation 11 1. In Commons demo ( search for a person in your institution (Admin, Accounts, Manage Accounts) to affiliate (make sure you uncheck the Search within your institution box). 2. From the search results, affiliate a person with your institution (use Create Affiliation link in Action column).

12 Password Requirements Password policy document: Passwords must: contain at least eight (8) characters; no blank spaces contain a mixture of letters, numbers and these special characters: ! # $ % - _ = + Not begin or end with a number Not contain username Not be reused within one (1) year Be changed every 180 days 12

13 Did You Forget Your Password? Click the Forgot Password/Unlock Account? link found directly beneath the Commons Login fields. Enter username and e-mail address, then select Submit. If the username and e-mail combination match the username and e-mail combination in the system, a temporary password will be e-mailed to you. This process will also unlock your account, and you can contact your Signing Official or Administrative Official and have them reset your password. 13

14 Resetting Password and Unlocking Account Administrators: In Admin, Accounts, Manage Accounts, search for the account, then click Edit Account. To lock or unlock an account, or reset the password, select the desired radio button. 14

15 Changing a Password Enter current and new password. Click Submit. Available to any logged- in user. 15

16 Institution Profile

17 Overview of Institution Profile (IPF) The Institution Profile (IPF) is a central repository of information for all Commons-registered organizations. It is designed so that each organization establishes and maintains their organization’s profile data. Depending on their privileges, users can view and/or update Institution Profile information. SOs only can edit IPF info. IPF displayed as a read-only page for users with all other Commons roles. 17

18 Sections of the IPF Sections of the Institution Profile include: Basic: basic information about the institution, including name, address, Institution Contact information, list of Signing Officials, etc. Assurances and Certifications: contains data elements that comprise assurance/certification information about an institution, such as Human Subjects Assurance Number and Animal Welfare Assurance Number, etc. Institution Usage: displays a summary of institution’s users; may not display for institutions with a large user population 18

19 Editing the Institution Profile (Basic Screen) 19 SOs (only) can edit Institution Profile.

20 Hands-on Exercise: Editing the Institution Profile 1. Log in to Commons Demo as a Signing Official. 2. Click Institution Profile. 3. Click Basic. 4. Click on Edit link – add Human Subjects Assurance Number. 5. Click on Submit. 6. Choose Assurances and Certifications and edit fields where necessary. 20

21 Personal Profile

22 Overview of Personal Profile (PPF) The Personal Profile (PPF) is a central repository for individual personal information. Each Commons user is responsible for keeping his or her own information current and correct. Includes Personal Information, Race/Ethnicity, Employments, Reviewer-Specific, Residential Address, Degrees/Residency, Publications, Trainee-Specific, and Reference Letters Very few staff members at NIH have access to change information (for emergencies only) When you change your password, you will be automatically redirected to the Personal Profile tab—take a moment to review and update your information. 22

23 Personal Profile Information is Used to: Verify information submitted in grant applications. If your profile is not current, errors or warnings may be generated during the application submission process. Send you agency notifications. If your profile is not current, we may not be able to contact you. Since many of these notifications are now automatic, we may not even be aware that the notification did not reach you. Complete aggregate reporting. Determine eligibility for Early Stage Investigator (ESI) and New Investigator (NI) status. Determine a reviewer’s eligibility for the Continuous Submission application submission policy. 23

24 PPF—Personal Information 24 Tip: Keep your e-mail address current. You will need access to your e- mail if you forget your password. Also, NIH has transitioned to e-mail for most grant-related communications.

25 PPF—Employments Add New EmploymentEdit 25 Add New or Edit existing employment in the next hands-on exercise!

26 PPF—Degrees/Residency The Degrees/Residency screens list awarded and in-progress academic degrees, including expected completion date. Degree information is important in determining eligibility for Early Stage Investigator and New Investigator status. Use Add New Degree button to provide additional degree information. 26

27 PPF—Degrees/Residency PIs need to update their degree/residency data before submitting an R01 application! List of Degrees screen displays ESI status and a link to ESI Eligibility Information. Use Add Medical Residency button to provide information. View Early Stage Investigator Status and End of Eligibility Date. 27

28 PPF—Publications Publication information is used in annual progress reports. Commons pulls in manuscripts from NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS), publications from PubMed and PubMed Central, and citations entered into the My NCBI tool of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. 28 My NCBI citations automatically appear in the List of Publications screen (after the user links their My NCBI & Commons accounts).

29 PPF—List of Reference Letters Some grant programs (see Application Guide) require applicants to have references submit Letters of Reference as part of the grant application. Letters are submitted separately from the application directly in eRA Commons. PIs can see if a reference letter has been submitted, but cannot view the letter itself. Referees do not need to be registered in Commons to submit letters! 29

30 Other sections of the PPF Additional sections of the Personal Profile include: Race/ethnicity: information is used for aggregate reporting only Reviewer-Specific: this section is designated for Commons users who are reviewers for NIH (have Internet Assisted Review (IAR) role) Residential Address: Home address info. Screen includes Secure Payee Registration System link for reviewers to use for payment for participation on an NIH review committee Trainee-Specific: providing the requested information on this screen is required for users who have the TRAINEE role 30

31 Hands-on Exercise: PPF Employments 1. Navigate to the Employments tab (Personal Profile, Employments) and click Edit in the Action column to edit the existing record. Notice that the Preferred Address column is set to ‘true’. 2. Enter a date in the End Date field and click the Submit button. You will be returned to the Employment List page. 3. Click the Add New Employment button and complete the required fields on the screen. 4. Click the Find button next to the NIH Recognized Institution field to proceed to the search screen. 5. Enter all or part of an institution name in the appropriate field and click Search. (Continue on next slide) 31

32 Hands-on Exercise: PPF Employments 6. Click the Select link next to one of the institutions in the hit list. Hint: If you did not receive any institutions in your search results, try using the University of Texas in the Institution Name field. 7. When you have returned to the Add New Employment page, enter the rest of the required fields. Leave the End Date field blank. At the bottom of the page click the check box next to Is this your preferred employment address? 8. Click the Submit button to return to the Employments List page. Notice that the original entry is now set to ‘false’ under Preferred Address and your new entry is now set to ‘true’. 9. Click the Close button to complete this exercise. 32

33 Delegations

34 Performing Delegations The Admin section of Commons provides users the ability to assign (and revoke) authority to perform specific functions to other eRA Commons users. This action is called a delegation. Delegate PI Delegate PPF Edit Delegate Status Delegate xTrain Authority 34

35 Types of Delegations Delegate PI (can be done by SO for PI) Delegation can be made to any eRA Commons user at the PI’s institution with the Assistant (ASST) role Remember: SOs register assistants in Commons! Provides ability to complete eSNAP information for the PI’s grants (cannot route or submit) Delegate PPF Edit Delegation can be made to any other eRA Commons user at the institution Provides ability to edit Personal Profile information 35

36 Types of Delegations, cont. Delegate Status Delegation can be made to any eRA Commons user at the PI’s institution with the Assistant (ASST) role Provides access to PI’s status information, including the ability to check for application errors/warnings and to view the assembled application image DOES NOT provide access to application summary statement or priority score Delegate xTrain Authority Delegation can be made to any eRA Commons user at the PI’s institution with the Assistant (ASST) role Provides the same authority within xTrain as the PI, except for the ability to submit appointments to agency 36

37 Special Delegation for SOs and BOs SOs and BOs can Delegate Submit authority to any PI at their institution. Allows a PI to submit own eSNAP (Electronic Streamlined Non-competing Award Process) information to agency Click Delegate Submit. 37 Select a PI from the list. Click Assign. A Delegate Submit Confirmation screen will appear.

38 Preview of Updated Delegation Process 38 The delegation process in Commons will be redesigned this summer. Commons will have a one-stop-shop for a user to manage his or her delegations. Stay tuned! Sample screen; subject to change.

39 Resources

40 OER & eRA Self-Help Resources Websites: eRA Commons: Electronic Research Administration: Applying Electronically: NIH About Grants: 40

41 Finding Help Contact the eRA Commons Help Desk for assistance with: Commons registration, eRA system validations, post-submission functionality Create ticket on Web: Phone: 301-402-7469 Toll-free: 866-504-9552 TTY: 301-451-5939 Business hours: Mon.-Fri. (except federal holidays) 7 a.m.-8 p.m. (Eastern Time) 41

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