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Pam Fuller U.S. Geological Survey Gainesville, FL Nancy Elder U.S. Geological Survey Western Fisheries Research Center Marrowstone Marine Station Nonindigenous.

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Presentation on theme: "Pam Fuller U.S. Geological Survey Gainesville, FL Nancy Elder U.S. Geological Survey Western Fisheries Research Center Marrowstone Marine Station Nonindigenous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pam Fuller U.S. Geological Survey Gainesville, FL Nancy Elder U.S. Geological Survey Western Fisheries Research Center Marrowstone Marine Station Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database

2 Terminology Nonindigenous - any species introduced outside its native range – includes "exotics" and "transplants"  Includes all species ever reported from state  No claims about invasiveness  No judgement of “good” or “bad” A species outside its native range

3 60 Fields, including: – Location – Drainage – Habitat Parameters – Date – Status – Source of Information Database Fields

4 Sources of Data Literature State and Federal Agencies Private Individuals Universities Museums l Field Studies

5 Geo-referenced Locational Data All data are geo-referenced to the finest scale possible –State –County –HUC (2, 4, 6, 8-digit) –Point (latitude/longitude)


7 Reporting nonindigenous aquatic species. 1) What is being reported: (i.e. fish, plant, etc.) Common Name(s): The Genus/Species: (if known) Detailed description: (i.e. live/dead specimen, number present/collected) 2) Date of the Observation 3) Where was the observation made? - State: - County: - Actual LOCATION where the observation occurred: - Detailed location description (please be specific). - Latitude/longitude (How derived: online map derived or GPS unit). 4) Who made the observation? - Name: - Email: **(REQUIRED) - Telephone Number: - Address: -Additional Comments 5) Who identified genus/species of specimen? - Name: - Email: - Telephone Number: - Address: 6) Photographs would be great! My contact information: Nancy Elder; USGS-BRD, Marrowstone Marine Station 616 Marrowstone Point Road, Nordland, WA 98358 (360)385-1007 Ext. 222

8 Washington State will have a stand alone link. Example:

9 Questions ?

10 NAS - Nonindigenous Aquatic Species NAS Program Home News Alert System Database & Queries General Taxa Information Links to Other Resources Searches: TypeSearchDescription Text Text-based search (advanced version) This text based search can be used to find a single species or many species given a state. From the list you can get fact sheets and Collection Information Search by State Search for a list of species found in a specific state. From the list you can get fact sheets and Collection Information Search by Major Drainage Area [HUC2 (hydrologic unit code) Search major drainage basins such as California, Lower Mississippi or the Great Lakes for a list of species found in that area. From the list you can get fact sheets and Collection Information Search by Drainage Area [HUC6 (hydrologic unit code)] This is similar to the HUC2 search but allows the selection of a more specific area. From the list of species you can get fact sheets and Collection Information Search by Drainage Area [HUC8 (hydrologic unit code)] This is similar to the HUC6 search but allows the selection of a more specific area. From the list of species you can get fact sheets and Collection Information Search For Zebra Mussel Collections (by state) This is a customized collection search using the Zebra Mussel Search NAS Reference Database Search for references. Also returns list of species and specimens associated with a reference. All of our fact sheets Full listing of all of the species for which we currently have fact sheets. AccessibilityFOIAPrivacyPolicies and Notices U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey Page Contact Information: Pam Fuller - NAS Program URL: This File (/queries/default.asp) Last Modified On: 5/16/2007 12:57:07 PMU.S. Geological SurveyPam Fuller - NAS Program USG S Ho me Con tact USG S Sea rch USG S



13 Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata (Chinese mysterysnail) Mollusks-Gastropods Exotic to United States

14 Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata (Chinese mystery snail) Get Collections in Area: State HUC6 HUC8 After selecting one of the above, click a shaded area on the map. The data will be displayed below the map.) Other Layers: Native Ranges Water Optional Layers: Major Cities All Cities Interstates Counties HUC6 Numbers and Borders HUC8 Numbers and Borders Collection Data for Cipangopaludina chinensis malleata in HUC 17110012 Specimen ID# StateCountyLocalityYear HUC Number Drainage NameStatus 52293WAKingGreen Lake, Seattle, WA196517110012Lake Washington collected

15 Report received Record entered into database Program searches database(s) for previous records of the species in the same: Country State County HUC (drainage) Bio-region (w/ SERC) New area of occurrence Collection >2 years ago Internal Alert only Collection <2 years ago Enters Alert System “Alert Worthy” Alert sent Alert added to archive “False Alert”Record too old Database has records from this area The NAS Alert System

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