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UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 1 UCSF School of Medicine.

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1 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 1 UCSF School of Medicine Educational Technology Strategic Visioning Retreat Thursday, August 21, 2003 Golden Gate Club San Francisco Presidio Participants: Chandler Mayfield, Tara Marchand, Dave Irby, Lee Learman, Helen Loeser, Susan Masters, Ramu Nagappan, Manuel Pardo, Jr., Gail Persily, Heidi Schmidt, Lowell Tong, Kevin Yee Facilitator/Participant: Kevin H. Souza Graphic Facilitator: Christina Cicoletti

2 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 2 Agenda How to use the document: These 4’ x 8’ graphical maps were developed during a daylong strategic visioning process on August 21, 2003 by the UCSF SOM Office of Educational Technology. The Vision Theme map (page 9) summarizes the 8 major priorities for development over the next 5 years. The subsequent Gameplans provide an overview of the project plans for each major theme.

3 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 3 History of Educational Technology at UCSF 1995-2004. Early Adopters Nursing School Library Initiatives Psychiatry clerkship Radiology Learning Center Mission Driven CIT and CIT Multimedia Lab WebCT SOM’s iROCKET and Ilios Center for Health Care Simulation Wireless networks Student Computer requirement Integrated Future Integrated SIS and eLearning Maturation of Ilios for curriculum management Handheld computer Student, Trainee, Professional continuum of education Enhanced CIT Student/Professional Portfolios Electronic Clinical Systems ERA

4 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 4 Current Context of Educational Technology Key Points: Information security is crucial and will impact online education in the health sciences. Democratization of information is driving customer needs for content. Virtual communities, open knowledge movements, customized learning and personal portfolios are major new forces in educational technology. Intellectual property and copyright issues are major political force. Information overload and poor technical infrastructure are major challenges facing us. Core competencies, assessment and redefining academic scholarship offers many opportunities for innovations in online learning.

5 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 5 SPOT: Strengths, Problems, Opportunities and Threats Immediate Opportunities: Increased student and faculty training around technology Handheld computing programs Investigate new technologies such as tablet pcs Investigate integration of competencies into online learning modules. Long term Opportunities: Integration between academic and clinical information systems Integrate computing support of students and teaching faculty across schools Deliver individualized learning systems

6 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 6 Portfolio Cover Story This Cover Story Vision maps the potential for a comprehensive and integrated learning portfolio for students, residents and faculty.

7 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 7 Health Village Cover Story This Cover Story Vision maps the potential for technology to help create a more integrated approach to health care that seamlessly blends patient care and education. In this vision patients would have their own medical portfolios, multiply medical disciplines would work together, there would be wider access to health care and patients would have greater control over the care they receive.

8 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 8 Wired Universe Cover Story This Cover Story Vision maps a new universe of learning in the health sciences. Educational technologist are trained as physicians in order to better understand the world they are developing for. UCSF shares its innovations with world, major partnerships are developed and UCSF emerges as the premier provider and innovator in online medical education.

9 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 9 8 Vision Elements: Handheld Computing Evaluate Ed Tec to Advance Scholarship Improve Course Administration/Management Improve Integration of Medical Student Information Systems Develop Learners ePortfolios Obtain Additional Funding Improve Integration of Ed. Tech. Across Medical Education Continuum Content Quality, Integration, Coordination and Longevity Vision Themes

10 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 10 Handheld Gameplan TEAM/ RESOURCES  Meg Autry  Manny Pardo  Handheld Working Group  Library  CCOC SUCCESS FACTORS CHALLENGES STAGES/TASKS Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3Stage 4  Secure $ to Pilot PDAs in Clerkships  Create basic learner log/patient tracking app  Get buy-in from Clerkship directors/ students  Pilot project with students  Finalize software/ hardware recs  Evaulate Learner Log data and feedback from students  Make Recs on how to proceed  $$$$$  Dispersed teaching sites  Disconnect btwn Med Center and Campus/SOM IT  Infrastructure  Pace of tech change  Office of Ed. Tech  Our Students  Industry? TARGET  Create review mechanism to provide list of vetted Point- of-care reference tools  Link learning outcomes across clinical/ learning experiences  Provide data on equivalency of Ed. Experience across sites  Support use of PDA across MedEd continuum  Effective & Innovative use of handhelds to improve teaching & learning Handheld Computing in Medical Education  Teamwork  Cost effective High Quality Customer Services  Maintain Data Security  Wireless  Gather Ed. Research Data  Collaborative Team Applications  Provide Course materials, quiz and survey capabilities  Device synergy  Other Med Schools  Time constraints in clinical teaching Last updated: 11/14/03

11 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 11 Advancing Digital Scholarship TEAM/ RESOURCES  National Peer- Review Task Force  HEAL  Project LIVE  AAMC  Comm. On Acad. Promotion  Faculty Senate  Acad. Med. Ed SUCCESS FACTORS CHALLENGES STAGES/TASKS Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3Stage 4  Put together national peer- reivew task force  Define evaluation criteria  Request for comments on criteria  Develop peer- review process  Request for comments on process  Schools lobby for definition of scholarship to include technology at tenure & review level  $$$$$  National Cooperation  Recruitment of Reviewers  Balancing quality review with efficient review TARGET  Develop review criteria for assets & modules  Develop peer- review process  Create standard review criteria for learning materials and award faculty through tenure & promotion  Tenure & Review committees recognize edtech as scholarship Advancing Digital Scholarship  Teamwork  National Involvement  Integration  Recruit review boards  Develop training materials for reviewers.  Time constraints for reviewers  Develop training materials  Recruit review boards  Train reviewers  Begin review Process  Provide documentation for review materials  Refine review process  Implement improvements  Standard- ization Last updated: 11/14/03

12 UCSF SOM Educational Technology Strategic Visioning – Developed Thursday, August 21, 2003. Updated Friday, September 11, 2015page 12 ePortfolios in Medical Education TEAM/ RESOURCES  ePort Consortium  OET  Residency Program Directors  Library CKM  ISU  Areas of Concentration  Advisory Colleges SUCCESS FACTORS CHALLENGES STAGES/TASKS Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3Stage 4  Identify stakeholders  Conduct Stakeholder Focus Groups  Survey current work on ePortfolios in medical education.  Develop case studies to demonstrate potential  Seek outside funding.  $$$$$  Integration  Student buy-in  Data security TARGET  Map academic progression  Document advanced scholarship ePortfolios in Medical Education  Teamwork  Porta- bility  Integration  Encourage collaboration  Standard- ization Last updated: 9/11/2015  Data interpretation  School liability for data  Post graduation support  Provide a collaborative digital environment that supports self-reflection and professional growth.  Facilitate advising and mentorship  Document community service, creativity, leadership, and scholarship  Consolidate student assessment across the curriculum.  Capture patient encounters  Longevity  Design framework for ePortfolios at UCSF  Design prototype  Pilot and evaluate prototype.  Determine next steps.

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