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So you have been asked to submit a portfolio… Saleem Farook Associate Dean.

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Presentation on theme: "So you have been asked to submit a portfolio… Saleem Farook Associate Dean."— Presentation transcript:

1 So you have been asked to submit a portfolio… Saleem Farook Associate Dean

2 Objectives of this session Why a portfolio? What is a portfolio in the context of PG medical education? How to put together a portfolio? Portfolio assessment E-portfolios

3 Why a portfolio? Changes to postgraduate medicine Competency based curriculum Need to demonstrate competence Stress on ethical and professional practice Continuing professional development Licensing and revalidation

4 What is a portfolio? Is it a Logbook? Scrapbook? Compilation of certificates? Display album for your presentations? Summary book of publications?

5 Portfolio in other professions Artist’s portfolio Company portfolio Educational portfolio (teachers) Educational portfolio (learners)

6 Company Portfolio Is the company worth the investment? What is the company’s track record? How is it doing currently? –Profits – how will these be maintained? –Losses – how will these be addressed? What are the company’s future plans?

7 Doctor’s portfolio Are you worth investing in terms of –Training time and money? –Patient care? –Health Service? What have you done in the past? –Strengths – how would you continue to excel? –Developmental needs – how will these be addressed? What are you doing currently? Where are you heading in the future?

8 What is a portfolio meant to demonstrate? Knowledge Skills Attitude

9 What is a portfolio meant to demonstrate?

10 Copyright ©2003 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Carr, S Postgrad Med J 2003;79:622-626 Figure 1 A simplified Kolbs experiential learning cycle.2728

11 Putting together a portfolio Question 1 - What is it for? –ST selection –PMETB approval of competencies –Annual appraisal

12 Putting together a portfolio Question 2 - Who is going to look at it? –Appraisers (colleagues) –Assessors (examiners) –Selectors (Trainers)

13 Putting together a portfolio Question 3 – What are they looking for? –Curricular coverage –Dates –Evidence of achievement of specific competencies

14 Putting together a portfolio Question 4 – What will your portfolio say about you? –What type of person are you? –What are your interests?

15 Putting together a portfolio C Collect OOrganize RReflect PPresent

16 Collect Have an accessible file/ folder/drawer Emails Letters Certificates Interesting Cases Private study Reflective summary Presentations Publications

17 Organize Put them in order of Chronology Competencies –PMETB curriculum –GMC Good medical practice

18 Reflect The most important element of a portfolio Brings all the evidence together Demonstrates capacity to learn Reflect on both –Achievements –Developmental needs


20 Present Presentable format Tagged appropriately Summaries where appropriate, especially –Audits –Research –Courses attended

21 Assessment of portfolio – ST selection Wide variation Assessment of achievement and excellence Be ready to be quizzed on specifics Know your way around the portfolio

22 Assessment of portfolio – PMETB Evidence of curricular competencies Evidence of generic skills Evidence of professional development

23 Assessment of portfolio – annual NHS appraisal Meeting GMC requirements Demonstrate excellence Personal development plan Leading to revalidation

24 E -portfolios

25 So what about appraisals then?

26 You will see that you have had 2 assessments relating to history taking

27 The welcome screen alerts you about sessions you attended which require your feedback. Click on the “view” to get a feedback form

28 The Learning log

29 The e-Portfolio

30 Summary

31 Portfolio is much more than a logbook It is a record of educational progress on ALL fronts –Not just knowledge and clinical skills –Also Attitude and Professional skills Cannot do it in one week or one month.. Portfolios are here to stay...

32 References Wyatt R. L., Looper, S. (2004). So you have to have a portfolio. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Carr, S. Education of senior house officers: current challenges. Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2003;79:622-626.

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