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Electronic Portfolio Burcu Örentürk Aybat. What? Uses electronic tecnologies Allows the portfolio developer to collect and organize portfolio artifacts.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Portfolio Burcu Örentürk Aybat. What? Uses electronic tecnologies Allows the portfolio developer to collect and organize portfolio artifacts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Portfolio Burcu Örentürk Aybat

2 What? Uses electronic tecnologies Allows the portfolio developer to collect and organize portfolio artifacts in many media types (audio, video, graphics, text). Shows the relationship between the standards or goals, artifacts and reflections. Demonstrates growth over time.

3 Why? Learning (Formative) Portfolios Assessment (Summative) Portfolios Employment (Marketing) Portfolios (Hartnell-Young & Morriss, 1999; Wolf, 1999).

4 Types of Electronic Portfolio Working Portfolios Showcase or Best Works Portfolios Assessment Portfolios

5 Benefits minimal storage space easy to create back-up files portability long shelf life learner-centered increases technology skills through hypertext links it is easier to make argument that certain standards are met accessibility (especially web portfolios) (Kankaanranta, Barrett & Hartnell-Young, 2000)

6 Interactive Process

7 Digital VS Electronic Portfolio Electronic portfolio artifacts come together for a purpose. Digital portfolios’ may not be. Electronic portfolio shows the growth over time. Digital may not be. An electronic portfolio contains artifacts that may be in analog (e.g., videotape) or computer- readable form. In a digital portfolio, all artifacts have been transformed into computer-readable form. (Barrett, 2000)

8 Electronic Portfolio Development Stages Portfolio Development Electronic Portfolio DevelopmentMultimedia Development Purpose & Audience1. Defining the Portfolio Context & Goals Decide Assess Collect, Interject2. The Working PortfolioDesign, Plan Select,Reflect,Direct3. The Reflective PortfolioDevelop Inspect, Perfect,Connect 4. The Connected PortfolioImplement, Evaluate Respect5. The Presentation PortfolioPresent, Publish

9 Defining the Portfolio Context & Goals Purpose Audience Resources

10 The Working Portfolio Occupies the longest span of time Steps: Determine the types of portfolio artifacts to be collected and then select Select the software development tools most appropriate for the portfolio context and the resources available Set up electronic folders for each standard to organize the artifacts Use a word processor, database, hypermedia software or slide show to articulate the goals/standards to be demonstrated in the portfolio and to organize the artifacts Identify the storage and presentation medium most appropriate for the situation Write short reflective statements with each artifact stored, to capture its significance at the time it is created

11 The Reflective Portfolio Precedes evaluation reviews Three Questions: 1. “What?" 2. “So What?" 3. “Now What?" (Campbell, Melenyzer, Nettles, & Wyman, (2000) based on Van Wagenen and Hibbard (1998)

12 The Connected Portfolio Unique to the electronic portfolio Steps: create hypertext links between goals, work samples, rubrics, and reflections Insert appropriate multimedia artifacts Create a table of contents to structure the portfolio

13 The Presentation Portfolio Record the portfolio to an appropriate presentation and storage medium Present the portfolio before an audience (real or virtual) and celebrate the accomplishments represented Evaluate the portfolio's effectiveness in light of its purpose and the assessment context

14 Electronic Portfolio Development Tools No digital artifacts (some video tape artifacts) Word processing Databases Presentation tools Portable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat PDF files) HTML-based web pages Multimedia authoring program (such as Macromedia Authorware or Director)


16 Acrobat Portfolio Can Import any types of file to PDF Insert graphics, pictures, sounds, videos Create hyperlinks and buttons to organize artifacts.

17 WWW Portfolio Questions: Security and Access: Which information should be confidential? What happens if everybody reach private information? What are the difference between eportfolio and multimedia or digital notebooks? What makes a web page become eportfolio? “real” eportfolios are really belongs to the Internet which is free to everyones access. Does it affect to human rights if it is online? According to a researcher (Breault, 2000); students think that portfolio is a marketing tool while teachers think that it is an assessment tool. If everybody can access to portfolios, students might not want to add their reflections.

18 “customized systems approach” Use online record system to store reflections and artifacts Needs to learn how to use the database Limited creativity and flexibility Higher cost in tools and software, lower cost in training (depends on the system design) Problems about developing portfolio outside the school.

19 Tools used to develop Electronic Portfolio: Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote Adobe Acrobat Netscape Composer or your favorite Web Page Editor iPhoto iMovie3 DreamWeaver eZedia HyperStudio MovieMaker PhotoStory NoteTaker KidPix AppleWorks Kidspiration / Inspiration

20 Recommendations from Helen Barrett (March, 2007) Why? (what is the purpose for implementing the ePortfolio? or are there multiple purposes?) Did you read all of my Frequently Asked Questions on my website? Did you read my page on Professional Development for implementing ePortfolios: The next Eifel conference will be in Maastricht, Netherlands, in October 2007. That is one place to start.

21 ce/index.html

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