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Polaris Infor Supplier Exchange (SE)

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Presentation on theme: "Polaris Infor Supplier Exchange (SE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polaris Infor Supplier Exchange (SE)
Overview Updated

2 Agenda Overview Login Screen Home Page Viewing Planning Schedules
Viewing Purchase Orders Viewing Debit Memos Invoice Process Creating a shipper Creating an invoice Creating a miscellaneous invoice Preferences User Profile Alerts Event Management Console (EMC) Implementation Support Footer Here

3 Supplier Exchange replacing E-Commerce Site
What is the E-Commerce Site? The E-Commerce Site is the old and existing web portal that you use to receive Polaris purchase orders and debit memos as well as submit invoices. The technology and functionality no longer supports our company’s global strategy, so it’s being phased out and replaced. What is Infor Supplier Exchange (SE)? Supplier Exchange (SE) is an advanced, web-enabled supplier relationship management solution that facilitates effective, efficient collaboration and execution between Polaris and suppliers: Supports all transaction types currently available on E-Commerce Site (PO, PO changes, debit memos, invoices and planning schedules) Individual sign-on and user profiles Personalized event notifications and alerts Sorting/filtering/ad-hoc reporting capabilities Multi-language support (English, Spanish and Polish) Download/export content in multiple formats (XML, CSV, XLS) More data capacity to store information for a longer duration And much more! Footer Here

4 Login Screen  Supplier Exchange
Change language Login Latest news and messages Links to Polaris Supplier Portal and training documents Footer Here

5 Home Page Planning Schedules Purchase Orders
Administrator Functions Define users and roles Debit Memos Create Shipper Create Invoice Edit User Profile Configure Alerts Configure EMC Change Password Event Management Console (EMC) Footer Here

6 Viewing Planning Schedules
Planning Schedules will be published weekly on Sunday: On the menu, click Demand. In the Demand submenu, click Schedules. The Search Criteria display. Select the schedule Schedule Search Criteria. Click Continue. The schedule list displays. To view the details of the demand schedule for a part, click the View button to the left. The forecast details displays. Footer Here

7 Viewing Planning Schedules
Planning Schedules will be published weekly on Sunday: On the menu, click Demand. In the Demand submenu, click Schedules. The Search Criteria display. Select the schedule Schedule Search Criteria. Click Continue. The schedule list displays. To view the details of the demand for a part, click the View button to the left. The forecast details displays. Download the Demand Information: On the Demand Releases page, select the required document. Select the format in which you want to save or open the document. Click the Download Demand button. Footer Here

8 Viewing Purchase Orders
View Discrete POs: On the menu, click Demand. In the Demand submenu tab, click Discrete POs. The Discrete PO List displays. Enter the discrete Discrete PO Search Criteria, including the PO Status, to narrow the purchase orders displayed. Click Search. The Discrete PO List updates beneath the search criteria. To view the details of the purchase order, click the View button to the left of the purchase order. The Discrete Purchase Order displays. To see line item detail, click the View button to the left of the line item. The Discrete Purchase Order Line Item displays. Footer Here

9 Viewing Debit Memos Debit Memos are called RMAs on Supplier Exchange:
On the menu, click Receipts. In the Receipts submenu tab, click View RMAs. The RMA List displays. Enter the search criteria to narrow the RMAs displayed. Click Search. The RMA List updates beneath the search criteria. To view the details of the RMAs, click the View button to the left of the RMA. The RMA displays. Footer Here

10 Invoicing Details A Shipper is required to create an invoice
A Shipper can contain multiple POs from the same Ship-to location, but an invoice can only have one shipper Therefore, to invoice multiple POs, you must add all the POs you want to the Shipper (same ship-to) Note: If there is a discrepancy on the invoice for any PO, the entire invoice will be on hold. The Shipper number will auto-default as the Invoice number, it is advised that you chance this to your company’s invoice number for reference and traceability. Delete/Cancel is non-functioning. To cancel an invoice, please contact Filling out the Shipper does not replace the ASN submitted to LeanCor if you receive shipping instructions. You must still follow this process. Footer Here

11 Invoice 1 (shipper 1 assigned)
Invoice Flow Invoice 1 (shipper 1 assigned) Shipper 1 (same ship-to) PO 1 (same ship-to) PO 2 (same ship-to) PO 3 (same ship-to) A shipper can contain multiple POs only if it’s the same Ship-to Footer Here

12 Creating a Shipper On the menu, click Shipments.
In the Shipments submenu, click Create Shipper. The Facility and Location Selection page displays. Select the Facility from the drop down menu (e.g. Spirit Lake, IA USA WHS 5) Select the Ship To from the drop down menu (e.g. MILFORD GEM) Select the Ship From address from the drop down menu. The next shipper number is automatically entered for you. If you need to change the shipper number, enter the correct Shipper Number. As a best practice, have the invoice number be the same as your shipper number. Footer Here

13 Creating a Shipper Click Continue. The Requirements page displays.
Enter the Requirement Filters and click Search. The Parts List updates. In the Parts List table, select the parts to be added to the shipper and change the suggested ship quantities to the actual ship quantities. Footer Here

14 Creating a Shipper Click Create Shipper. The Shipper displays with the requirements you have selected. The header information is generated from the location selections, requirement filters, and defaults. The shipper is automatically saved to the database. You may need to edit parts of the shipper before you can publish it or print bar code labels. Footer Here

15 Submitting Production Invoices
Once you have created the Shipper, you will now create an Invoice and assign that Shipper to the invoice. On the menu, click Billing. In the Billing submenu, click Invoice Create. The New Invoice page displays. Select the New Invoice criteria. Select same criteria as you did for creating the shipper. This will allow you to assign the shipper (which will pull all the POs assigned to the shipper) to the invoice. Click Create Invoice. The invoice is automatically created and saved. Information is defaulted from the customer and supplier invoice profile. Line items are defaulted based on the selected ASN (Shipper). Update the invoice information as necessary and click Save. Footer Here

16 Submitting a Miscellaneous Invoices
If a PO is no longer available to create a shipper to invoice, a miscellaneous invoice can be generated by creating an ad-hoc shipper. On the menu, click Billing. In the Billing submenu, click Invoice Create. The New Invoice page displays. Select the New Invoice criteria. Instead of selecting a Shipper from the drop- down menu, enter in any shipper number in the field provided. Click Create Invoice. Footer Here

17 Submitting a Miscellaneous Invoices
In the Line Item section, click Add to manually add a PO. Footer Here

18 Submitting a Miscellaneous Invoices
Select the Customer Part from the drop-down list. Enter Polaris PO number and PO Line Number (this must be filled out even though it is not a required field). Select Unit of Measure from the drop-down list. Enter Quantity and Unit Price. Footer Here

19 Submitting a Miscellaneous Invoices
Update the invoice information as necessary and click Publish. Footer Here

20 Viewing Invoices On the menu, click Billing.
In the Billing submenu, click Invoice Maintenance. The Search Criteria display. Select the Invoice Search Criteria. Click Continue. A categorized list of invoices displays. Click Published Invoices to see invoices you have submitted. Footer Here

21 Edit User Profile User profiles are created by the Supplier Exchange administrator user or Polaris. It contains user-specific information that pertains only to you and how you as an individual use Supplier Exchange. As an individual user, you can update your personal user profile. On the menu, click Preferences. In the Preferences submenu, click Edit User Profile. The User Profile displays. Update the User Profile information in the User Information, Security Information, User Preferences, and Contact Information tables. Click Submit. The changes are saved and the User Profile redisplays with the verification: "User successfully updated." Footer Here

22 Edit User Profile Preferences you can change include:
Default language (English, Spanish and Polish only) Password Name, title, address Date/number formats Footer Here

23 Password Rules Password can be changed in the Security Information section of the User Profile. Password Rules: Have at least 14 characters Have a leading letter Not contain your profile ID or name Not contain password Not contain Polaris Not contain special characters * or ! Not be an old password (This can be set to last 10) 6 invalid attempts within 30 minutes, locks out for 30 minutes. Password age max 90 days, min 10 minutes, warn expiration 14 days prior. Footer Here

24 Alerts alerts keep you connected to your Supplier Exchange account without needing to login. As an individual user, you can subscribe to and customize alerts of various events using product groups and tolerance levels. When an event occurs, a message is sent to the address stored in your User Profile. PO Alerts Purchase Order Changed New Purchase Order Published RMA (debit memos) Alerts RMA Added RMA Changed Footer Here

25 Email Alerts Configure Alerts On the menu, click Preferences.
In the Preferences submenu, click Configure Alerts. The Alert List page displays. If you are an admin user, select the User from the drop down menu for whom you are configuring alerts. Select the boxes for the alerts to which you are subscribing. If you have not created product groups, the alert will be turned on for all parts. If you have created product groups, you must edit the selected alerts to assign one or more product groups to the alert. Some alerts also have tolerances associated. You must edit each alert that has a tolerance to set the tolerance. To the left of the alert, click the Edit button. The Product Groups page displays. Select the product groups for which the alert is to be sent. For under, over, early, or late shipment alerts, next to the selected product groups enter the tolerance. Click Save. The Alert List page redisplays. Repeat steps 5-8 for each selected alert. Click Save. The verification displays: "Successfully updated Alerts." Footer Here

26 Event Management Console (EMC)
The Event Management Console (EMC) acts as Supplier Exchange's homepage. As an individual user, you can configure the EMC to display in a way that better fits your work. You can choose which events displays as priority items, which events display as category items, and the order in which categories are listed. You can also configure which events display for which product groups and set tolerances. Footer Here

27 Event Management Console (EMC)
On the menu, click Preferences. In the Preferences submenu, click Configure EMC. The Event Modules page displays. If you are an administrator user, select the User from the drop down menu for whom you are configuring alerts. To display the list of events for a category, click on a table heading. The table expands. To have events display as priority items, select the Priority check box to the right of the event. To have events display as standard items in their category list, select the Standard check box to the right of the event. To edit an event using product groups and tolerances, to the left of the event, click the Edit button. The Product Groups page displays. Select the product groups for which the event is to display. For under, over, early, or late shipment events and the requirements exceed net change release event, next to the selected product groups enter the tolerance. Click Save. The Event Modules page redisplays. To collapse the list of events, click on the table heading. To position the categories, in the Positioning table select the order in which the categories display. After selecting the events to be displayed on the EMC and positioning the categories, click Save. The EMC displays. Footer Here

28 Event Management Console (EMC)
Set events for each transaction type Check off box to show event Position the list of transaction types you want to see Footer Here

29 Support Contact for:
Login/access Training Technical issues Please add “Supplier Exchange” to the subject line Supplier Exchange Link: Footer Here

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