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The HARDWARE, SOFTWARE and WARMWARE of Herman van der Merwe eLearning.

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Presentation on theme: "The HARDWARE, SOFTWARE and WARMWARE of Herman van der Merwe eLearning."— Presentation transcript:

1 the HARDWARE, SOFTWARE and WARMWARE of Herman van der Merwe eLearning

2 Question T&L ω T Recall one of your own most valuable learning experiences. [It might have happened in a classroom -- or not. It might have involved the use of technology -- or not.] Recall one of your own most satisfying teaching experiences. [It might have happened in a classroom -- or not. It might have involved the use of technology -- or not.] 083 555 0052

3 Learning 101 T&L ω T 083 555 0052 CampfiresClassroomsConferencesLMS WaterholesCafeterias Tea breaks/ Networking Facebook/ Second life/ MxiT CavesLibrariesHotelmySPACE

4 The tools of our trade T&L ω T Web based courses (LMS + e-Portfolios) e-Assessment (& m-Assessment) Video & audio conferencing Video & audio recordings Interactive Multimedia CD-ROM Mobile, handheld & wireless technologies L T A’s

5 T&L ω T The tools of our trade: WHY? Although we are in the ICE era (Internet Changes Everything) we use technology to enhance, support and manage: CommunicationRevision ReflectionOrganisation ReferencingIntegration Creating reportsHaving fun … 083 555 0052

6 Managing T&L with Technology T&L ω T 083 555 0052

7 T&L ω T Critical success factors … Top – down – bottom – up approach No one or system is perfect... let us Work together to create tailor made solutions Create a safe envoronment and allow for failures Celebrate successes Understand and live the dream Make time for each other Joint growth approach 083 555 0052

8 The C O D E At first … The 3-letter code doesn't make sense, but after intervention it makes perfectly sense… THEHKSHFVNBIGKJSHFFATLKJEGDDOGDVATELHGFTHE LKDSJFGRED;LKSDJFBHOTLKFBDOG THE BIG FAT DOG ATE THE RED HOT DOGX If something goes wrong somewhere, nothing makes sense! THE BIG FAD OGA TET HER EDH OTD OG

9 FIN T&L ω T 083 555 0052 For those who like to ride fast, we have fast horses For those who like to ride slow, we have slow horses For those who are big, we have big horses For those who are small, we have small horses For those who have never ridden horses before, We have horses that have never been ridden before!

10 Contact details T&L ω T Herman van der Merwe 012 382 5044 083 555 0052 Skype: hjvanderMerwe


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