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A Match Made in Heaven Phyllis ‘Teddi’ Safman, Ph.D. Assistant Commissioner for Academic Affairs Utah System of Higher Education

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Presentation on theme: "A Match Made in Heaven Phyllis ‘Teddi’ Safman, Ph.D. Assistant Commissioner for Academic Affairs Utah System of Higher Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Match Made in Heaven Phyllis ‘Teddi’ Safman, Ph.D. Assistant Commissioner for Academic Affairs Utah System of Higher Education

2  Faculty Discipline Majors’ Meetings Meet Annually Review Syllabi and Texts Identify Competencies for Successful Transfer Determine Content/Pedagogy/Assessment Faculty Own Curriculum

3  Oversees issues of transfer, articulation, assessment  “What Is an Educated Person?” Conference  GE meets business and industry  Research findings on student success  Bologna Process and Tuning

4  Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World  Intellectual and Practical Skills  Personal and Social Responsibility  Integrative Learning

5  Educational Resume (Diploma Supplement)  Includes assessable evidence of Learning Outcomes

6  Internationally-recognized historian and physicist  Faculty meeting for 11 years  Use ELOs and drill down  Established competencies and assessments  Penetrating review of competencies at all levels  Prior work done by Bologna

7  Template: seven categories of learning outcomes  Rubrics to evaluate each category  Tied into national organization:  American Historians Association

8  Developing learning outcomes in national context:  American Association of Physics Teachers  American Physical Society  American Institute of Physics  Database of employers

9  Depth of learning outcomes for students  Public understanding of learning outcomes (employers, legislators, policy makers)  Improved methods of demonstrating learning outcomes

10  Surveys derailed momentum  Need to expedite IRB approval  Timing  Start in fall of academic year  Constant communication with faculty and students  Avoid information overload with faculty during first Lumina meeting  Build conceptually over time

11  Clarify project and its value to:  Regents, Commissioner, Policy Makers  Shout benefits to business and industry  Tie learning outcomes to LEAP initiative


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