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Introduction to AquaBrowser Library Staff Training.

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1 Introduction to AquaBrowser Library Staff Training

2 What is AquaBrowser Library ? AquaBrowser Library® is a simple search box tool for accessing library materials. By assembling word associations relevant to the term(s) a user has entered, AquaBrowser Library offers suggestions in a similar way to many reference providers. The visual word cloud exists to give the user choices that they did not initially consider or associate with the original topic of their search. 2

3 How Does AquaBrowser Work? AquaBrowser integrates with a library’s online catalog and acts as a search tool and interface to them. It connects to the library’s own catalog. Users can enter search term(s) as easily as they do in an Internet search engine to access materials. 3

4 How Does AquaBrowser Work? AquaBrowser widens the scope of a typical catalog search by incorporating three distinct principles: Search Discover Refine 4

5 Search The Search function, located in the center pane of the screen, displays a relevance-ranked result list that works similarly to any search engine. Once you select a title from the list, the center pane then gives the user all the details from the catalog about that item. 5

6 Search Searching is easy and straightforward with AquaBrowser Library. The user enters a search term into the query box and presses “Enter” or selects the “Search” button. 6

7 Search Search results will appear in a list ranked by relevance to the term(s) entered. The search results are actual item records from the library’s catalog, complete with the annotation and an image of the item, where applicable. 7

8 Search In this search, the term “baseball” has been entered. AquaBrowser Library displays the number of items found and provides a listing of the library’s titles in the center pane. The ranking is automatically set by relevance; however, the drop down menu, entitled “sorted by” gives the user the options of re-sorting the results by year, title, and author. 8

9 Search The AquaBrowser Library holds an index of the full catalog. By selecting one of the titles in the result list, the user opens the item record from the library’s catalog. The record page will offer the same functional information that the user is used to seeing, including the item status (checked in, checked out, on hold) the item location (library/collection, call number), etc. 9

10 Search In the example above, the user entered “baseball” but did not specify what it was he was looking for. AquaBrowser Library offers an array of word associations in the left panel to aid the user along if he did not enter the best possible search criteria, or simply did not find what he was looking for in the first page of search results. 10

11 Search The original search term remains part of the search until the user manually enters a new search term (or multiple terms, or phrase) into the query box, or clicks on a link (such as an author name) that starts a fresh search. By default, search results are organized by relevance. 11

12 Search The user can navigate the results pages one at a time by simply selecting either ‘Previous’ or ‘Next’ at the bottom of the Search pane. The user can navigate to the first or last result page by selecting either ‘First’ or ‘Last’, or jump to a specific page by selecting one of the displayed page numbers. 12

13 Search No results found Your query did not produce any results. You could try one of the following options: Click on a suggestion in the word cloud to the left. Restate your query by using more, other or broader terms. Didn't find what you need? Click here to place an ILL Request.Click here to place an ILL Request. 13

14 Search AquaBrowser Library will also display “Did you mean…?” as another hint when the user enters a term that AquaBrowser library does not have results for. This hint will only appear when a user is faced with few or no immediate search results, and where the system can find similar searches that do have matches. 14

15 Search By selecting the ‘Help’ link located to the right of the search button, the user will be shown basic instructions on using AquaBrowser Library, including simple examples and an explanation of the page components. 15

16 Search In addition to the simple or basic search, AquaBrowser has an Advanced Search. Click on Advanced to open the Advanced search form. 16

17 Search Fill in the fields you wish to search, noting that the default is to search all fields 17

18 Search Results are displayed with your Advanced search form to the left 18

19 Discover Many common search terms have different meanings in different contexts. Does a user who searches for “mercury” want to find items about the planet, the Roman god, the chemical element, or the car model? AquaBrowser Library uses the Discover word cloud to help them browse among related terms for the different meanings of the search item they entered. 19

20 Discover Interpreting the Legend in the word cloud Each of the different colors of the words in the word cloud has a meaning. Associations: Terms related to the searched term. Spelling variations: Spelling variations are offered based on the original form of entered search term. AquaBrowser Library will suggest the correct spelling when it is found in the library’s collection. Translations: Languages available are dependent on the library’s preferences which are normally dependent on the community the library serves. English and Spanish currently included. Discovery Trail: Words showing the path the user has taken to arrive at the current results. They will remain in the word cloud until a new search is entered. 20

21 Discover Users may choose to minimize the Word cloud by clicking on the white triangle. If they wish to maximize the cloud, they can click the triangle again. 21

22 Select Location The Select Location dropdown is located on the right side of the screen. This allows the user to select All locations within SDLN or a single location within SDLN to search. 22

23 Refine The Refine pane is located on the right side of the screen. Refine allows the user to review the contents of the current result list by breaking it down into categories. The user can zoom in on the details by selecting any Refine option. 23

24 Refine A user who enters a very broad search, such as the word “note”, will have a very large result set to work through. The refine panel allows them to find the exact information they are looking for. Selecting one of the options immediately narrows the results list, showing only those items that are valid within the scope of the refinement. For every new search, the Refine menu is automatically refreshed to reflect the options available within the library’s holdings. The Refine panel always reflects what is found in the current, refined result list. The user is never confronted with a dead end or given dimension options for items that do not exist in the collection. The total number of items is shown next to each category option. If a previously displayed option results in zero hits, that category will no longer appear. 24

25 Refine Users may select format options from the icons displayed above the results list: 25

26 Refine Full-page Refine Where there are too many Refine values under a particular dimension, AquaBrowser Library displays the most relevant ones, and includes a link to take the user to a full-page refine panel. 26

27 Refine Breadcrumb trails Each time that the Refine panel is used to narrow the search results, the selected dimension is added to a breadcrumb trail at the top of the result set. This allows the user to see how they have narrowed the search. Since each previous link in the breadcrumb trail is clickable, a user can also undo Refine steps to narrow the result set in a different way. 27

28 Request Items - Holds When a user finds an item they wish to request in their home library, they select the item from the results list by clicking on the title: Once the individual title is displayed, users may request items by clicking on the “Request” link. This link will take the user to the SDLN login screen. 28

29 Request Items - Holds Users must login to the SDLN OPAC, using their library card number and password, and selecting their home library from the dropdown list, to request items 29

30 Request Items - Holds Users will see the form for requesting the item, once they select a need by date and click Submit, a hold request will be placed. 30

31 Request Items – Interlibrary Loan When a user finds an item they wish to request from a library that is NOT their home library, they may place an Interlibrary Loan request. The user will perform a search and select the item from the results list by clicking on the title: Once the individual title is displayed, users may request items by clicking on the “Interlibrary Loan Request” link. This link will take the user to the SDLN login screen. 31

32 Request Items – Interlibrary Loan Users must login to the SDLN OPAC, using their library card number and password, and selecting their home library from the dropdown list, to request items 32

33 Request Items – Interlibrary Loan Users will see the form for requesting the item, once they select a need by date and click Go, an interlibrary loan request will be placed. 33

34 My Discoveries User contributed content My Discoveries is the user tagging functionality in AquaBrowser. It gives library users an opportunity to contribute their own knowledge and opinions on library materials and services. Users are able to log into MyDiscoveries and add tags to items in the library. These tags will create additional information about the collection, which will be searchable in the same way that existing refine dimensions are. 34

35 My Discoveries Worldwide Connectivity My Discoveries connects all AquaBrowser systems world-wide, creating an open global library community. When set up inside an AquaBrowser Library implementation, it will instantly connect it to an open central repository of community contributed content. This content encompasses tags, reviews, and ratings. Users can also create lists within My Discoveries. All of this community contributed content is then automatically reused by all libraries in the global community. It is then used to improve search and discovery for AquaBrowser. 35

36 My Discoveries How to use My Discoveries The first time you use My Discoveries, you will need to create an account. Click on “My Discoveries” A login screen will appear. Click Register. 36

37 My Discoveries You may create an account using any username you wish, it does not have to be your library card number. 37

38 My Discoveries Once you create an account, you may log in to save items to lists, tag items, write reviews or rate items 38

39 My Discoveries Save or tag – click Save or tag 39 You now have options to Add to list, tag, rate or write a review

40 My Discoveries Profile - Users may update their password and email address After logging in, click your username 40

41 My Discoveries Profile - Users may update their password and email address by clicking Profile 41

42 Links to Other Services Search Databases In the AquaBrowser header, you will find links to other services. Click Search Databases to open the SDLN Databases page. From here, you may search any statewide electronic resource (licensed by SDLN or the South Dakota State Library) and you may search via MetaLib, the SDLN federated search to search multiple databases at one time. 42

43 Links to Other Services Search Databases Select a single Database by clicking on the icon, or type a search in the MetaLib search box. You will be taken to Metalib. 43

44 Links to Other Services Search MetaLib – type a search in the MetaLib search box, click Go MetaLib will open, you must login to complete your search 44

45 Links to Other Services Login using your library card number and password, select your home library from the dropdown and click Login. Your search will run in MetaLib. 45

46 Links to Other Services Traditional Catalog In the AquaBrowser header, you will find links to other services. Click Traditional Catalog to open the ALEPH OPAC. 46

47 Links to Other Services Traditional Catalog Users may log in or search as a guest in the ALEPH OPAC. 47

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