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EUS Community Learning Centre KEYPAL EUS Community Learning Centre Report.

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1 EUS Community Learning Centre KEYPAL EUS Community Learning Centre Report

2 EUS Community Learning Centre KEYPAL EUS Community Learning Centre has piloted the e-portfolio on behalf of KEYPAL. EUS sourced different e-portfolios. This was a challenging task. in June 2005 “SKILLUP” was demonstrated. At that stage the opportunity to pilot the portfolio was limited.

3 EUS Community Learning Centre EUS Report Majority of portfolios looked at where academic based. It was felt that this was to off putting for our clients. Our clients have already had a bad academic experience in the past and are just coming back into a learning environment.

4 EUS Community Learning Centre The “SKILLUP” portfolio achieves the same outcome as all the other portfolios, but in a way that it is not threatening to the user as it uses a language that is easily understood. The SKILLUP web site is

5 EUS Community Learning Centre Personal Information

6 EUS Community Learning Centre Diagnostics

7 EUS Community Learning Centre Portfolio

8 EUS Community Learning Centre Life Skills+

9 EUS Community Learning Centre Forums

10 EUS Community Learning Centre The piloter’s using the portfolio have found the experience beneficial. There where problems initially in the use of the portfolio, these where technical. The technical support provided by “AXIA” has been very good.

11 EUS Community Learning Centre Students Views Lynn I feel SKILLUP is a very useful internet site. It covers a wide range of topics which are very helpful, it is very easy to understand and you can fill it in and it gives you your feedback at the end, this is very useful because it tells you what kind of person you are and what skills you have to offer.

12 EUS Community Learning Centre Some of the pages in this site are interactive these were fun to do they basically tell you what you are good at and how you can improve. There is also a few assessments I found very interesting these are good and you can do them more than once so there is always room for improvement.

13 EUS Community Learning Centre The site itself covers DIAGNOSTICS, PORTFOLIO, SKILLS+, FORUM and REPORTS these all have there own sections which you work through. Once everything is filled in this will all go into your portfolio and by the end you should know how to do everything in order to get your perfect job. I found SKILLUPnow a good tool to use it encourages you to think about the skills you already have, or skills you don’t know you had and how you can put them into practice

14 EUS Community Learning Centre Nancy This is a programme covering different aspects that could be considered when an unemployed person is planning to enter the work force. Different categories include:  Diagnostic skills such as a)Life b)Portfolio c)work

15 EUS Community Learning Centre –Life skills I think that skills such as how one manages their time and make decisions, are very important. The person entering the job market needs to be made aware of their strengths and weaknesses. A weakness could be in getting to the appointment on time. A strength may be that one is able to make decisions. This programme makes one aware of the need to get along with all types of people and to be assertive in a positive way considering other points of view.

16 EUS Community Learning Centre –Work skills This programme makes one aware of literacy and numeracy skills. It tests one to see what skills need to be upgraded showing traits like learning to being very practical, artistic and encourages further education. This programme could indicate what type of job was suitable for the applicant. The purpose of this module is to motivate one and help self development

17 EUS Community Learning Centre –Portfolio Concentrates on personal and employment aspects. Personal achievements such as being in a group indicate that one is able to adjust to other peoples ideas. Make one aware that they need to change their attitudes. Employment achievements are considered and may need to be updated. Includes work and volunteer history, as well the number of certificate and non certificate courses taken. makes one aware of the importance of personal development and action plans which encourage development and help to increase self-esteem.

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