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Technology to support psychosocial self-management Kurt L. Johnson, Ph.D. Henry Kautz, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology to support psychosocial self-management Kurt L. Johnson, Ph.D. Henry Kautz, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology to support psychosocial self-management Kurt L. Johnson, Ph.D. Henry Kautz, Ph.D.

2 Technology to address Limitations in executive function Behavioral dyscontrol Limitations in social interaction

3 Potential advantages of ATC Less intrusive than teachers or coaches Context aware Demand aware Record data and deliver interventions using same system User control of interventions Potentially more acceptable to recipient

4 Executive Function Prospective memory assistance –Shared calendars –Integrated task lists –Remote prompting Time management –Alerts/alarms

5 Technology Wearable multi-sensor board (UW/Intel) –Acceleration (movement) –Sound –Wireless data transfer

6 6 Acceleration Data

7 7 Interpreted Data Recognized Class Time in seconds

8 Speech Detection From the audio signal, we want to extract features that can be used to determine –When the someone is talking –Whether it is the user or someone else –Turn-taking –Rate of conversation For privacy, the features should not allow the audio to be reconstructed

9 Speech Production vocal tract filter The source-filter Model Privacy-preserving speech detection works by detecting the fundamental formants

10 Segmenting Speech Regions

11 Technology RFID Bracelet (Intel Research) –Detect touching tagged objects –Hand acceleration –Wireless data transfer

12 Technology Video –Subject watching computer monitor: Eye tracking Expression (challenging) –Open area, controlled lighting: Location Proximity to others Body pose Head pose (challenging)

13 Behavioral Dyscontrol Notice personal factors preceding behavioral dyscontrol? –Autonomic –Physical behavior (rocking, shifting position) Notice social environmental factors –Proximity of voices –Ambient noise –Activity of others Context sensitive AI intervention via cell phone/PDA

14 Promotion or modifying social interaction Notice proximity of people Social networking – understanding availability of known communication partners Monitoring initiation and maintenance of communication Too short? Too long? Context sensitive AI intervention via cell phone/PDA

15 Related Research Assisted technology for persons with cognitive disabilities is a small but growing field The most advanced work to date on assistive technology for autism is by Rosalind Picard (MIT) –ESP: Emotional Social Intelligence Prosthesis –MindReader –Affect recognition tester –SelfCam

16 MindReader, Tester, SelfCam

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