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WIKT 2006 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE Peter Butka, Ján Hreňo TU Košice.

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Presentation on theme: "WIKT 2006 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE Peter Butka, Ján Hreňo TU Košice."— Presentation transcript:

1 WIKT 2006 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE Peter Butka, Ján Hreňo TU Košice

2 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 2 Outline  Introduction, Objectives and Research context  SAKE architecture overview  Groupware system  Conclusions

3 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 3 Research Context  SAKE IST Project “Semantic-enabled Agile Knowledge-based e-Government”  Started in March 2006  3 years, STREP  11 partners (all pilots from New Members States)  The approach is primarily focused on the New Member States  Frequent changes are expected  European integration has paved the way for new legislation and regulations

4 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 4 Consortium  Coordinator  PLANET S.A., Greece  Technological partners  FZI, Research Center for Information Technologies at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany  ICCS, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens NTUA, Greece  COI, Cities on Internet, Poland  TUK, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia  BCE, Budapest Corvinus University, Hungary  SYNERGON, Synergon Information Systems plc, Hungary  UPRC, University of Piraeus Research Center, Greece  Pilots  UMC, Urząd Miasta Czestochowy, Poland  MIT, Ministry of Informatics and Communication, Hungary  LATA, Mestska cast Kosice – Sidlisko Tahanovce, Slovakia

5 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 5 Introduction  Streamlining of the PA processes has to be based on the rationalization of the back office  Knowledge in public administrations is subject to continual change, due to  changes on the environment  deployment of e-gov systems  unpredictable requests  Knowledge can be localised or even personal and difficult to share  it is not necessarily available anywhere, anytime for anybody  a lot of “wheel reinventing” is taking place

6 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 6 Main Goals  Allows New Member States Public Authorities (PAs) to  Accommodate continual change in knowledge  Smoothly adapt their back offices in accordance with the European (and national) legislation  Improve the quality of their decision making process  How this can be reached?  Introducing semantic technologies in the back office  Representing explicitly the tacit knowledge  Created, developed and distributed in processes of human interaction  Make localized and personal knowledge accessible anywhere, anytime to anybody  Allowing consistent change propagation

7 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 7 Current situation As-Is Desirable situation To-Be

8 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 8 As-Is vs. To-Be situation  Demands for knowledge-based e-gov are high due to the (As- Is):  Increased granularity and manifold semantic differences in informational resources  Complexity of the decision making processes  Need for conversion of tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge  Need for a systematic change management  SAKE provides a framework for an agile knowledge-based e- government, based on (To-Be):  An integrated knowledge space, instead of a set of isolated and heterogeneous knowledge resources  A collaborative working environment, instead of a single person decision making process  A change management system, instead of ad-hoc management of changes  A platform for proactive delivery of knowledge, instead of an one-way knowledge access

9 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 9 SAKE Architecture – Change Management System  Semantic-based Change Management – ensures the quality of the knowledge update (reediting) process by:  developing a change management process that will enable the consistent propagation of changes to each knowledge stakeholder in order to ensure the quality of the decision making process  formal and explicit modelling of the changes in public regulations and their relations to the depending artefacts in the form of the Change Ontology, which will serve as the backbone of the change management approach  developing methods and tools for verification of an existing knowledge repository in order to make it easier to understand and cheaper to manage without any loss of information content  developing methods and tools for simulation in order to illustrate, in an animate manner, the impact of simulated changes or decisions related to the administrative processes

10 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 10 SAKE Architecture – Content Management System  Semantic-based content management system – enables efficient provision of knowledge in the context of a PA process by:  semi-automatic population of the Domain Ontology by using Text Mining methods (Ontology Learning)  developing methods and tools for ontology-based tagging of: (i) the content of a knowledge item, (ii) usage of an item and (iii) the relations between particular items  developing methods and tools for realizing context-aware searching for virtual content  developing methods and tools for editorial process, to satisfy the knowledge items evaluation requirements

11 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 11 SAKE Architecture – Groupware System  Semantic-based Groupware system – supports more efficient knowledge sharing by developing  methods and tools for ontology-based tagging the interaction between public administrators  methods and tools for enabling building community of practice from interaction log and their specific vocabularies by social tagging  methods and tools for collaborative knowledge creation  methods and tools for pushing of knowledge and for searching for experts  Main Development & Testing  TUK  LATA - pilot

12 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 12 SAKE Architecture

13 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 13 Collaboration-oriented General Scenarios  Finding an expert  Searching for proper PAs with expert information about actual case  Defining an expert  Creating/Updating of profiles – some person can be marked as very useful to solve this problem  Storing an interesting communication  Communication between PAs about actual case is automatically (annotated and) stored -> logging -> then some knowledge can be identified and propagated by Change Management System  Building/Analysing Communities of Practice (CoP)  Semantic-based coordination of work and communication in CoP

14 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 14 Basic modules  Group and workspace management  Creates new groups according to given tasks or processes  Changes groups during their lifetime according to the changes in the PA profiles or Task definition  Extract knowledge from failure of communication  Communication tools  Set of tools enabling users to communicate in needed form  Communication analysis tool  Extract knowledge from successful communication  Public administrator profile management  PA profiles in form of concepts from PA ontology  Helps to find proper PA for proper task

15 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 15 Groupware  Communication features  Asynchronous  Synchronous  Collaboration features  Shared Workspaces – file, application and desktop sharing, collaborative editing  Coordination and time management – calendar, meeting and event scheduling  Event notification functionality  Logging of all activities and auditing functionality  Searching for other members (e.g. expert)

16 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 16 Conclusions  There are knowledge – intensive PA processes where changes occur frequently  CMS and GWS can be two of the main sources of explicit and tacit knowledge  Individual systems can take advantage of KM technologies  GWS  Design of architecture according to SAKE/pilots needs  Re-use and customization of open-source groupware project  Implementation of basic functionality first, next additional semantic features will be implemented  Actual state?

17 Semantic-based Groupware System for SAKE WIKT 2006 17

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