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 The Corporation › Walden Innovative Resources › Focus on quality with reasonable price; not low cost and poor quality  The Customer › Bar/Restaurant.

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Presentation on theme: " The Corporation › Walden Innovative Resources › Focus on quality with reasonable price; not low cost and poor quality  The Customer › Bar/Restaurant."— Presentation transcript:


2  The Corporation › Walden Innovative Resources › Focus on quality with reasonable price; not low cost and poor quality  The Customer › Bar/Restaurant Owners › Identify where bar owners meet other bar owners to efficiently show product to customers › Identify where bar owners would typically buy bar supplies to focus advertising efforts  The Competitor › Other commercial breathalyzer companies, if any › Study competition to show how IntoxBox is better

3  Product › IntoxBox  Price › Communicate reasonable price with higher quality  Promotion: › Identify best strategies to get bar/restaurant owners to be aware of IntoxBox’s benefits  Place › Identify where bar/restaurant owners frequently visit to expose IntoxBox › Identify websites and news sources used by owners

4  Many ways to market the IntoxBox: › Social Networks  FaceBook & Twitter › Commercials/Advertisements  Radio/TV/Magazine/Website ads › Bar Owners’ Associations  Presentations at Meetings/Conventions › Other Marketing Methods  Flyers/Viral video on YouTube

5  Social networks can increase your business › Facebook & Twitter:  Millions of users  Free for businesses and individuals  Easily accessible  Promotes word-of-mouth marketing  IntoxBox owners’ friends connected to the product

6  Typical social network content › Benefits of Intoxbox › Examples of successful IntoxBox customers › Explain how IntoxBox will help keep customers safe › How to contact Walden Innovative Resources (Website, phone numbers, mailing address, email, etc.) › Pictures of IntoxBox

7  Radio › Create restaurant customer awareness › Improves name recognition of IntoxBox › Low Cost  Television › Many viewers exposed to IntoxBox › Improves name recognition › Focus on shows related to bar and restaurant owners and customers

8  Magazines › Bar/Restaurant trade journals › Periodic news updates targeting bar and restaurant owners  Websites › Banner ads on bar supply sites › Ads on sites targeted towards typical bar customers

9  Presentations at Association Meetings › Only Bar Owners Present › Spreads awareness of IntoxBox benefits › Creates high demand for IntoxBox  Conventions › Efficient way to meet interested bar owners › Allows hands-on display of IntoxBox › Promotes awareness of IntoxBox › Chance to present IntoxBox benefits

10  Flyers › Handed out or posted in bars › Distributed in areas with many bar customers › Low cost to produce › Easy to distribute  Viral Video on YouTube › Important to today’s bar customers › Potential for revenue from YouTube › Promotes word-of-mouth advertising

11  More exposure to bar/restaurant owners  Improves name recgonition of IntoxBox  Getting bar customers to understand benefits of IntoxBox to increase demand for the Intoxbox

12  Website:

13  Logo  Website  Slogan  Flyer  Brochure  Write-up on Social Responsibility Concerning Drinking and Driving

14 Website: Slogan: Skip the test, risk arrest!



17  Drunk driving is an unfortunate reality that exists in our world today and causes many issues and tragedies for people in many places. Drivers have the responsibility to make sure that they are sober and capable of driving to their destination so that they don’t endanger the lives of others as well as themselves. Drinking can seem harmless, but isn’t when you are going to operate a large vehicle that could take the lives of innocent people when used improperly. For example, drunk drivers kill someone approximately every 48 minutes and an average drunk driver will drive drunk eighty-seven times before being pulled over even once! Additionally, drunk driving effects even more people than it seems because it costs each adult in this country around $500 a year. Furthermore, as many as one in three people will be involved in an alcohol related crash in their lifetime. Many drunk drivers don’t realize their problem and seventy-five percent whose licenses are suspended continue to drive, and therefore endanger the lives of themselves and people around them. However, there is a solution. The IntoxBox Interactive Breathalyzer allows alcoholic beverage consumers to have a way to check their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) before they operate their vehicle. The limit for BAC is 0.08 percent in All 50 states and the District of Columbia for alcoholic beverage consumers to be able to legally drive. If used correctly, this product could prevent drunk drivers from making the bad decision of driving after drinking too much and could potentially save lives. Additionally, it benefits bar owners in many ways by having this machine in their establishment. In conclusion, drunk driving is a major problem that people should be aware of so they can realize the issue and hopefully try to stop and avoid it.

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