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A road map to identifying five types of conflict: 37 Data Conflicts Interest Conflicts Structural Conflicts Value Conflicts Relationship Conflicts.

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Presentation on theme: "A road map to identifying five types of conflict: 37 Data Conflicts Interest Conflicts Structural Conflicts Value Conflicts Relationship Conflicts."— Presentation transcript:

1 A road map to identifying five types of conflict: 37 Data Conflicts Interest Conflicts Structural Conflicts Value Conflicts Relationship Conflicts

2 Data conflicts caused by: zLack of information. zMisinformation. zDiffering views on what’s relevant. zDifferent interpretations of data. zDifferent assessment procedures. 38

3 Ways to address data conflicts: zReach agreement on what data are important. zAgree on process to collect data. zDevelop common criteria to assess data. zUse third-party experts to get outside opinion or break deadlock. 39

4 Relationship conflicts caused by: zStrong emotions. zMisperceptions/stereotypes. zPoor communication. zMiscommunication. zRepetitive negative behavior. 40

5 Ways to address relationship conflicts: zControl negative expressions through procedures and ground rules. zPromote process that legitimizes feelings. zClarify perceptions - build positive perceptions. zImprove quality and quantity of communication. zBlock negative repetitive behavior by changing structure. zEncourage positive problem-solving attitudes. 41

6 Value conflicts caused by: zDifferent criteria for evaluating ideas or behavior. zExclusive intrinsically valuable goals. zDifferent ways of life, ideology and religion. 42

7 Ways to address value conflicts: zAvoid defining problem in terms of values. zAllow parties to agree and disagree. zCreate sphere of influence in which one set of values dominates. zSearch for superordinate goal that all parties agree to. 43

8 Structural conflicts caused by: zDestructive patterns of behavior or interaction. zUnequal control, ownership, distribution of resources. zUnequal power and authority. zGeographical, physical or environmental factors that hinder cooperation. zTime constraints. 44

9 Ways to address structural conflicts: zClearly define and change roles. zReplace destructive behavior patterns. zReallocate ownership or control of resources. zEstablish fair and mutually acceptable decision-making process. zChange negotiations from positional to interest-based bargaining. zModify means of parties (less coercion, more persuasion). zChange physical and environmental relations. 45

10 Interest conflicts caused by: zPerceived or actual competitive positions/interests. zContent. zProcedures. zPsychological interest. 46

11 Ways to address interest conflicts: zFocus on interests, not positions. zLook for objective criteria. zLook for solutions that meet needs of all parties. zSearch for ways to expand options/resources. zDevelop trade-offs to satisfy interests of different strengths. 47

12 Causes of conflict: Data Conflicts Interest Conflicts Structural Conflicts Value Conflicts Relationship Conflicts 48

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