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CHEM 2412L: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Dr. Caroline Sheppard.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEM 2412L: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Dr. Caroline Sheppard."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEM 2412L: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II Dr. Caroline Sheppard

2 Introduction to the course  Roll  Course webpage Course webpage  Short syllabus/syllabus on webpage  Schedule  Lab safety rules and forms Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

3 ChemDraw  You will need this program for your laboratory reports  To download the program, go to se.cfm?sid=2560 se.cfm?sid=2560  Use Internet Explorer or Firefox  Use your CSU email to log on and follow instructions to download the program  Older versions of ChemDraw are acceptable Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

4  Check into drawers and kits for Lab 2  One group (2 students) per drawer  Drawer and kit content lists available on the webpage and in the laboratory Lab drawers and kits Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

5  Laboratory notebooks  Procedure notes  All measurements  All observations  Anything else you will need to write your report  Use Report Sheets as guidelines for observations  Perforated copy gets turned in at the end of the experiment  At the end of second week for two-week labs Some reminders and helpful hints… Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

6  Significant figures in measurements  Buret volume to 0.00 mL  Melting point to 0.1ºC  Balance to 0.000 g  Melting points  Report as a range and include units  e.g, 101.4 – 102.8 ºC Some reminders and helpful hints… Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

7  Observations  Should be descriptive  Describe what you observed: color change, formation of precipitate, warming of solution, etc.  Include time it took for change to occur  Clear vs. colorless? Some reminders and helpful hints… Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

8  When typing pre-labs/reports  Use subscripts in molecular formulas  H 2 SO 4 not H2SO4  Use the degree sign before ºC  Do not capitalize the names of chemicals  Structures should be drawn in ChemDraw  Mechanism curved arrows can be drawn by hand  Calculations may be drawn by hand, but must show all work Some reminders and helpful hints… Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

9 Some reminders and helpful hints… Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

10  Laboratory Equipment  Ground glass joints in lab kits use vacuum grease  Types of tubing  Clear = water  Thin-walled black or red = gas  Thick-walled black or red = vacuum  Reflux, distillation, etc. Some reminders and helpful hints… Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

11  Techniques  Use of drying agent  Magnesium sulfate, sodium sulfate  Add in small portions and swirl until the drying agent no longer clumps (floats freely) or until the solution is clear  Use of IR  Instructions by the instrument  You may always ask for help!  Use of GCMS  Must be supervised by an instructor or TA Some reminders and helpful hints… Dr. Sheppard CHEM 2412L

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