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Irfu saclay Achievements & Perspectives of MIMOSA Sensors (MAPS) for Vertexing Applications Christine Hu-Guo (IPHC) on behalf of IPHC (Strasbourg) & IRFU.

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Presentation on theme: "Irfu saclay Achievements & Perspectives of MIMOSA Sensors (MAPS) for Vertexing Applications Christine Hu-Guo (IPHC) on behalf of IPHC (Strasbourg) & IRFU."— Presentation transcript:

1 irfu saclay Achievements & Perspectives of MIMOSA Sensors (MAPS) for Vertexing Applications Christine Hu-Guo (IPHC) on behalf of IPHC (Strasbourg) & IRFU (Saclay) collaboration Outline  Achieved MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors) performances  R&D for improving MAPS performances  Increase readout speed  Fast readout architecture  Applications and perspectives  Improve radiation tolerance  Projection beyond present (2D sensors) & perspectives  Conclusion

2 IRFU - IPHC 2 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Development of MAPS for Charged Particle Tracking In 1999, the IPHC CMOS sensor group proposed the first CMOS pixel sensor (MAPS) for future vertex detectors (ILC)  Numerous other applications of MAPS have emerged since then  ~10-15 HEP groups in the USA & Europe are presently active in MAPS R&D Original aspect: integrate sensitive volume (EPI layer) and front-end readout electronics on the same substrate  Charge created in EPI, excess carries propagate thermally, collected by N WELL /P EPI, with help of reflection on boundaries with P-well and substrate (high doping) Q = 80 e - h / µm  signal < 1000 e -  Compact, flexible  EPI layer ~10–15 µm thick thinning to ~30–40 µm permitted  Standard CMOS fabrication technology Cheap, fast multi-project run turn-around  Room temperature operation  Attractive balance between granularity, material budget, radiation tolerance, read out speed and power dissipation  BUT Very thin sensitive volume  impacts signal magnitude (mV!) Sensitive volume almost un-depleted  impacts radiation tolerance & speed Commercial fabrication (parameters)  impacts sensing performances & radiation tolerance N WELL used for charge collection  restricts use of PMOS transistors R.T.

3 IRFU - IPHC 3 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Achieved Performances with Analogue Readout MAPS provide excellent tracking performances  Detection efficiency ~100% ENC ~10-15 e - S/N > 20-30 (MPV) at room temperature  Single point resolution ~ µm, a function of pixel pitch ~ 1 µm (10 µm pitch), ~ 3 µm (40 µm pitch) MAPS: Final chips:  MIMOTEL (2006): ~66 mm², 65k pixels, 30 µm pitch EUDET Beam Telescope (BT) demonstrator  MIMOSA18 (2006): ~37 mm², 262k pixels, 10 µm pitch High resolution EUDET BT demonstrator  MIMOSTAR (2006): ~2 cm², 204k pixels, 30 µm pitch Test sensor for STAR Vx detector upgrade  LUSIPHER (2007): ~40 mm², 320k pixels, 10 µm pitch Electron-Bombarded CMOS for photon and radiation imaging detectors MIMOSTAR Chip dimension: ~2 cm² MIMOTEL M18 LUSIPHER

4 IRFU - IPHC 4 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Radiation tolerance (preliminary) Ionising radiation tolerance:  O(1 M Rad) (MIMOSA15, test cond. 5 GeV e -, T = -20°C, t int ~180 µs)  t int << 1 ms, crucial at room temperature Non ionising radiation tolerance: depends on pixel pitch:  20 µm pitch: 2x10 12 n eq /cm 2, (Mimosa15, tested on DESY e - beams, T = - 20°C, t int ~700 μs)  5.8·10 12 n eq /cm² values derived with standard and with soft cuts  10 µm pitch: 10 13 n eq /cm 2, (MIMOSA18, tested at CERN-SPS, T = - 20°C, t int ~ 3 ms)  parasitic 1–2 kGy gas  N ↑  Further studies needed : Tolerance vs diode size, Readout speed, Digital output,..., Annealing ?? Integ. DoseNoiseS/N (MPV)Detection Efficiency 0 9.0 ± 1.127.8 ± 0.5100 % 1 Mrad 10.7 ± 0.919.5 ± 0.299.96 % ± 0.04 % Fluence (10 12 n eq /cm²) 00.472.15.8 (5/2)5.8 (4/2) S/N (MPV) 27.8 ± 0.521.8 ± 0.514.7 ± 0.38.7 ± 2.7.5 ± 2. Det. Efficiency (%) 100.99.9 ± 0.199.3 ± 0.277. ± 2.84. ± 2. Fluence (10 12 n eq /cm²)0610 Q cluster (e - ) 1026680560 S/N (MPV) 28.5 ± 0.220.4 ± 0.214.7 ± 0.2 Det. Efficiency (%) 99.93 ± 0.0399.85 ± 0.0599.5 ± 0.1

5 IRFU - IPHC 5 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 System integration Industrial thinning (via STAR collaboration at LBNL)  ~50 µm, expected to ~30-40 µm Ex. MIMOSA18 (5.5×5.5 mm² thinned to 50 μm) Development of ladder equipped with MIMOSA chips (coll. with LBNL)  STAR ladder (~< 0.3 % X 0 )  ILC (<0.2 % X 0 ) Edgeless dicing / stitching  alleviate material budget of flex cable

6 IRFU - IPHC 6 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 MAPS performance Improvement SUZE-01 MIMOSA22 Pixel array 136 x 576 pitch 18.4 µm 128 discriminators 5-bit ADC Pixel Array Analogue processing / pixel A/D: 1 ADC ending each column Zero suppression Bias DC-DCData transmission R&D organisation : 4 (5) simultaneous prototyping lines  4–5 bits ADCs (~10 3 ADC per sensor) Potentially replacing column-level discriminators 5 bits:  sp ~ 1.7–1.6 µm 4 bits:  sp < 2 µm for 20 µm pitch Next step: integrate column-level ADC with pixel array  Zero suppression circuit: Reduce the raw data flow of MAPS Data compression factor ranging from 10 to 1000, depending on the hit density per frame SUZE-01 (2007)  Architecture of pixel array organised in // columns read out: Pre-amp and CDS in each pixel A/D: 1 discriminator / column (offset compensation) Power vs Speed  Power  Readout in a rolling shutter mode  Speed  Pixels belonging to the same row are read out simultaneously MIMOSA8 (2004), MIMOSA16 (2006), MIMOSA22 (2007/08)  Serial link transmission with clock recovery Prototype (2008-2009)  Voltage regulator & DC-DC converter

7 IRFU - IPHC 7 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 MIMOSA22 + SUZE-01 Test Results MIMOSA22: (15 µm EPI) 136 x 576 pixels + 128 column-level discriminators SUZE-01:  Lab. test :  Design performances reproduced up to 1.15 × design read-out frequency (115 MHz at room Temp ): No pattern encoding error, can handle > 100 hits/frame at rate ~200 ns per pixel row  Still to do : improve radiation tolerance (SEU, SEL) of digital circuits (including memories) 0.64 mV 0.22 mV  Laboratory test: Temporal Noise: 0.64 mV  12 e - FPN: 0.22 mV  4 e -  Beam test at CERN SPS (120 GeV pions) Threshold ~ 4 mV  6 x σ noise  Detection Efficiency > 99.5%  Single point resolution < 4 µm  Fake rate < 10 -4

8 IRFU - IPHC 8 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 MIMOSA26: 1st MAPS with Integrated Ø Pixel array: 576 x 1152, pitch: 18.4 µm Active area: ~10.6 x 21.2 mm 2 In each pixel:  Amplification  CDS (Correlated Double Sampling) 1152 column-level discriminators  offset compensated high gain preamplifier followed by latch Zero suppression logic Memory management Memory IP blocks Readout controller JTAG controller Current Ref. Bias DACs Row sequencer Width: ~350 µm I/O Pads Power supply Pads Circuit control Pads LVDS Tx & Rx CMOS 0.35 µm OPTO technology, Chip size : 13.7 x 21.5 mm 2 Testability: several test points implemented all along readout path  Pixels out (analogue)  Discriminators  Zero suppression  Signal transmission Reference Voltages Buffering for 1152 discriminators PLL, 8b/10b optional  Integration time: ~ 100 µs  R.O. speed: 10 k frames/s  Hit density: ~ 10 6 particles/cm²/s

9 IRFU - IPHC 9 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Test MIMOSA26 (Lab. + beam test) Measured temporal noise = 0.6-0.7 mV and FPN = 0.3-0.4 mV for pixel array with its associated discriminators.  These values are equivalent to those obtained with Mimosa22.  It shows a good uniformity of the whole 576 x 1152 pixels with the 1152 discriminators ~ 30 MIMOSA26 chips are tested (only 1 "dead") The characterization of Mimosa26 is complemented by the beam tests (Sept. 2009)  6 MIMOSA26 chips are running simultaneously at nominal speed  Tracking successful  data analysis is underway, preliminary results show similar performances as MIMOSA22

10 IRFU - IPHC 10 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 MIMOSA26 = Final Sensor for EUDET Beam Telescope EUDET supported by the European Union in the 6th Framework Programme  Provide to the scientific community an infrastructure aiming to support the detector R&D for the ILC  JRA1 (Joint Research Activity): High resolution pixel beam telescope (BT) Two arms each equipped with three layers of pixel sensors (MIMOSA) DUT is located between these arms and moveable via X-Y table  EUDET beam telescope specifications: High extrapolated resolution < 2 µm Large sensor area ~ 2 cm 2 High read-out speed ~ 10 k frame/s Hit density: up to 10 6 hits/s/cm 2 (DUT) Pixel Sensor x z y 21.5 mm 13.7 mm MIMOSA26 Being Mounted on EUDET beam telescope Preliminary test results from the EUDET collaboration : 3 MIMOSA26 chips mounted as DUT in BT demonstrator in July BT tracks reconstructed in the 3 planes  residues compatible with σ sp ~ 3.5-4 μm

11 IRFU - IPHC 11 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Extension of MIMOSA-26 to STAR Final HFT (Heavy Flavour Tracker) - PIXEL sensor :  MIMOSA-26 with active surface × ~1.7 1088 col. of 1024 pixels  1.1 million pixels  Pitch : 18.4 μm  (~20.0 x 18.8 mm²)  Integration time 200 μs  Design from now  fab. Feb. 2010  1st physics data expected in 2011/12 STAR Detector Upgrade Inner Layer: 10 ladders Outer Layer: 30 ladders 10 sensors / ladder ~20.4 mm ~22.4 mm Pixel Vx Detector Critical points:  Reduction of power consumption  Radiation tolerance improvement Also:  Integrated voltage reference  High speed transmission

12 IRFU - IPHC 12 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Extension of MIMOSA-26 to CBM/FAIR & ILC Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) of the CBM H.I. fixed target expt :  2 double-sided stations equipped with MIMOSA sensors  MIMOSA-26 with double-sided read-out  readout speed !  Active surface : 2 x 1152 columns of 256 pixels 21.2 x 9.4 mm 2  t int. ~ 40 μs < 25 μs in < 0.18 μm techno.  Prototyping until 2012  start of physics in 2013/14 (?) Vertex detector of the ILC:  t int. ~ 25 μs (innermost layer)  double-sided readout  t int. ~ 100 μs (outer layer)  Single-sided readout  2 μm (4-bit ADC, 20 µm) <  sp < 3 μm (discri. 14 µm pitch)  P diss < 0.1–1 W/cm² × 1/50 duty cycle Critical points:  Power pulsing  Design for the innermost layer: Small pixel pitch Faster readout speed 5 single layers 3 double layers ILD design: 2 options

13 IRFU - IPHC 13 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Radiation Tolerance Improvement Ionising radiation tolerance 1. Special layout  Diode level (already realized): Remove thick oxide surrounding N-well diode by replacing with thin-oxide  without design rule violation!!  Pixel circuit level: ELT for the transistors connected to the detection diode 2. Minimise integration time  Increase readout speed: Minimise leakage current

14 IRFU - IPHC 14 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Radiation Tolerance Improvement Non ionising radiation tolerance High resistivity sensitive volume  faster charge collection  Exploration of a VDSM technology with depleted (partially ~30 µm) substrate: Project "LePix" driven by CERN for SLHC trackers (attractive for CBM, ILC and CLIC Vx Det.)  Exploration of a technology with high resistivity thin epitaxial layer XFAB 0.6 µm techno: ~15 µm EPI (  ~ O(10 3 ) .cm), Vdd = 5 V (MIMOSA25)  Benefit from the need of industry for improvement of the photo-sensing elements embedded into CMOS chip For comparison: standard CMOS technology, low resistivity P-epi high resistivity P-epi: size of depletion zone size is comparable to the P-epi thickness! TCAD Simulation 15 µm high resistivity EPI compared to 15 µm standard EPI

15 IRFU - IPHC 15 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Landau MP (in electrons) versus cluster size 0 n eq /cm² 0.3 x 10 13 n eq /cm² 1.3 x 10 13 n eq /cm² 3 x 10 13 n eq /cm² MIMOSA25 in a high resistivity epitaxial layer 20 μm pitch, + 20°C, self-bias diode @ 4.5 V, 160 μs read-out time Fluence ~ (0.3 / 1.3 / 3·)10 13 n eq /cm 2 Tolerance improved by > 1 order of mag. Need to confirm  det (uniformity !) with beam tests 16x96 Pitch 20µm MIMOSA25 To compare: «standard» non-depleted EPI substrate: MIMOSA15 Pitch=20µm, before and after 5.8x10 12 n eq /cm 2 saturation -> >90 % of charge is collected is 3 pixels -> very low charge spread for depleted substrate

16 IRFU - IPHC 16 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Using 3DIT to improve MAPS performances 3DIT are expected to be particularly beneficial for MAPS :  Combine different fabrication processes  Resorb most limitations specific to 2D MAPS Split signal collection and processing functionalities, use best suited technology for each Tier :  Tier-1: charge collection system  Epitaxy (depleted or not), deep N-well ?  ultra thin layer  X 0   Tier-2: analogue signal processing  analogue, low I leak, process (number of metal layers)  Tier-3: mixed and digital signal processing  Tier-4: data formatting (electro-optical conversion ?)  Run in Chartered - Tezzaron technology  130 nm, 2-Tier run with "high"-res substrate (allows m.i.p. detection) Tier A to tier B bond  Cu-Cu bond  3 D consortium: coordinated by FermiLab FermiLab INFN IN2P3-IRFU Univ. of Bonn CMP digital process (number of metal layers) feature size  fast laser driver, etc. Analog Readout Circuit Diode Pixel Controller, A/D conversion Pixel Controller, CDS Digital Analog Sensor ~ 50 µm Analog Readout Circuit Diode ~ 20 µm Analog Readout Circuit Diode Analog Readout Circuit Diode TSV: Through Silicon Vias 2D - MAPS 3D - MAPS

17 IRFU - IPHC 17 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 IPHC & IRFU 3D MAPS Delayed R.O. Architecture for the ILC Vertex Detector  Try 3D architecture based on small pixel pitch, motivated by : Single point resolution < 3 μm with binary output Probability of > 1 hit per train << 10 %  12 μm pitch :  sp ~ 2.5 μm Probability of > 1 hit/train < 5 %  Split signal collection and processing functionalities : Tier-1: A: sensing diode & amplifier, B: shaper & discriminator Tier-2: time stamp (5 bits) + overflow bit & delayed readout  Architecture prepares for 3-Tier perspectives : 12 µm Tier-1: CMOS process adapted to charge collection Tier-2: CMOS process adapted to analogue & mixed signal processing Tier-3: digital process (<< 100 nm ????) ~1 ms ~200 ms AcquisitionReadout Detection diode or Q injection Amplifier Amp.+Shaper Discriminator Hit identification 12 µm 24 µm 5 bits (7?) Time Stamp 2nd hit flag ReadOut Tier 1Tier 2 A B + Detection diode & Amp ASD TS & R.O. 12 µm

18 IRFU - IPHC 18 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 IPHC 3D MAPS: Self Triggering Pixel Strip-like Tracker (STriPSeT) Combine Tezzaron/Chartered 2-tiers process with XFAB high resistivity EPI process  Tier-1: XFAB, 15 µm depleted epitaxy  ultra thin sensor!!! Fully depleted  Fast charge collection (~5ns)  should be radiation tolerant For small pitch, charge contained in less than two pixels Sufficient (rather good) S/N ratio defined by the first stage “charge amplification” ( >x10) by capacitive coupling to the second stage  Tier-2: Shaperless front-end: (Pavia + Bergamo) Single stage, high gain, folded cascode based charge amplifier, with a current source in the feedback loop  Shaping time of ~200 ns very convenient: good time resolution Low offset, continuous discriminator  Tier-3: Digital: Data driven (self-triggering), sparsified binary readout, X and Y projection of hit pixels pattern Matrix 256x256  2 µs readout time Tier-1Tier-2Tier-3 Cd~10fF G~1 Cc=100fF Cf~10fF  off <10 mV Digital RD Vth Ziptronix (Direct Bond Interconnect, DBI®*) Tezzaron (metal-metal (Cu) thermocompression)  DBI® – Direct Bond Interconnect, low temperature CMOS compatible direct oxide bonding with scalable interconnect for highest density 3D interconnections ( 10 8 /cm /cm² Possible)

19 IRFU - IPHC 19 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 IRFU & IPHC 3D MAPS: RSBPix FAST R.O. architecture aiming to minimise power consumption  Subdivide sensitive area in ”small” matrices running INDIVIDUALLY in rolling shutter mode  Adapt the number of raws to required frame r.o. time  few µs r.o. time may be reached (???)  Planned also to connect this 2 tier circuit to XFAB detector tier Tier-1 Tier - 2 Digital Memory and Digital Readout Discriminator DREADLATCH_D

20 IRFU - IPHC 20 14-18/09/2009 Vertex-2009 Conclusion 2D MAPS have reached necessary prototyping maturity for real scale applications :  Beam telescopes allowing for  sp ~ few μm & 10 6 particles/cm²/s  Vertex detectors requiring high resolution & very low material budget The emergence of fabrication processes with depleted epitaxy / substrate opens the door to :  Substantial improvements in read-out speed and non-ionising radiation tolerance  "Large pitch" applications  trackers (e.g. Super LHC ) Translation to 3D integration technology :  Resorb most limitations specific to 2D MAPS T type & density, peripheral insensitive zone, combination of different CMOS processes  Offer an improved read-out speed : O(μs) !  Many difficulties to overcome (ex. heat, power)  R&D in progress  2009/10 important step for validation of this promising technology

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