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Module 7 Eating together Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food.

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1 Module 7 Eating together Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most food.

2 Reading Look at the photo of a western meal. What things do you see at a meal in China, and what things are different?

3 Read the passage and answer the questions 1. Who is the passage written for? A). A Western eating a Chinese meal. B). A Chinese person eating a western meal. C). A Chinese person eating a Chinese meal. D). A Westerner eating in a Chinese home.

4 2. What is the tone of the passage? a) Serious. b) Conversational. c) Formal. d) Strict.

5 3. Where might you see a passage like this? a) In a travel magazine. b) In a dictionary. c) In an instruction manual. d) In a news magazine.

6 In the WestIn China Meal times Things to say Complete the column in the West with notes. Later than China: Lunch: after midday, sometimes at 1 o’clock Supper: around 7 p.m. or even later The French: Bon appetite The Italians: Buon Appetito The English: no similar expressions Man manchi Birthday: around 7:00 a.m. Lunch: around 12:00 Supper: around 7:00 p.m.

7 How to eat food Being served Refusing food Number of dishes Knives and forks Fork in left hand and knife in right A spoon Fingers chopsticks Help yourself! Can I serve you? I’m sorry, I can’t eat this. No, thanks, it was delicious, but I’ve had enough. Fewer than China Suibian chi Hai yao ma? Wo chi bao le. More than the West

8 At the end of the meal You shouldn’t leave as soon as you finish eating. The same as the West.

9 The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right, and the food is held with the fork and cut with the knife. Answer the questions. 1. “And when you eat western food, do as the Westerners do.” So how should you eat?

10 Enjoyor help yourself.not say any thing If you have been given something you don’t like. 2. But there’s no similar expression in English.” So what do you say in English? 3. “I’m sorry, I can’t eat this.” When might you want to say this?

11 In China too much food is often served. important 4. “It isn’t thought to be so important to offer too much food.” What does this suggest about meals in China?

12 5. “Finally, it’s sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over.” How do we know that a meal is over in China? What might be different in a western meal. If everyone is full, or everyone stops eating, the meal is over. Sit talk

13 1. There’s a saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” 有一句谚语, “ 入乡随俗 ” 。 在该句中, do as the Romans do 的意思 是 “ 像罗马人那样去做 ” 。其中, as 表示 “ 正如,像 ……” 。例如: While in the chemistry lab, do as I say, please. 在化学实验室,请按照我说的去做。 Language points

14 As I mentioned in my last letter, I’ll be back in Tianjin in June. 正如我上封信提到的,我将在 6 月份回到 天津。 2. No one will be cross. 没有人会生气的。 这里 cross 是形容词,表示 “ 生气的 ” 。 例如: The old lady was really cross when the

15 boy’s ball broke her window. 那个小孩儿的球打破了老太太的窗户,她 很生气。 All right, you two, don’t get cross with each other. 好了,你们两个不要互相怨气了。 我们还学过 cross 用作动词,表示 “ 横穿,穿 过,交叉 ” 。例如: It took them two months to cross the desert.

16 他们用了两个月横穿沙漠。 She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed. 她盘着腿坐在地上。

17 3. Here are some things (that/which) you may wish to know about eating together in the West. 当定语从句所修饰的名词或代词(先行 词)指物并且该名词或代词在定语从句 中充当主语或宾语时,应该用 that/which 代替先行词引导定语从句,当 that/which 在定语从句中充当宾语时可以省略。

18 E.g. The letter (that/which) I received from him yesterday is very important. b. It isn’t thought to be so important to offer too much food. It 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定 式 to offer too much food. E.g. It is possible to learn typewriting very quickly.

19 完成句子 1. 我叔叔想周游世界。 My uncle wants to _____________________. 2. MP3 是人们用来播放音乐的。 MP3 is _______________ music _____________. 3. 你做错了,因为你没有按照老师说的去做。 You’ve done wrong. Just because you didn’t do _______________. 4. 孩子们,请随便吃些水果。 Please _______________ some fruit,my children. 5. 这些孩子希望为这位老人做些事情。 The children ______________ something for the old man. travel around the world used for playing by people as the teacher said help yourselves to hope to do

20 Homework 1. 抄写单词 2. 预习 UNIT 3 3 完成相关练习

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