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S AMANTHA ’ S G IVING H EART Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what.

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Presentation on theme: "S AMANTHA ’ S G IVING H EART Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what."— Presentation transcript:

1 S AMANTHA ’ S G IVING H EART Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (KJV)

2 When Autumn comes to the forest, there is a great deal of activity taking place. With the coming of the fall, means that winter is not very far away. Animals and insects ready themselves by storing food for the winter.

3 Samantha was a little brown squirrel who had lived in the forest for several years. She had been born there and spent her younger years playing with her family and friends.

4 Fall was Samantha’s favorite time of the year. She loved how God painted the beautiful leaves on the trees in vibrant oranges, yellows, and reds. She liked to see the transformation of her home take place.

5 One of Samantha’s favorite activities to do on a fall day was to help other animals prepare for the winter’s cold. She would scurry from animal family to insect family, helping collect different types of food. She had done this many times and it gave her great joy.

6 On one particular sunny fall day, Samantha was helping her friends, the Mouse family. They had many young children, so they needed to make sure that enough food was stored.

7 As they worked, Samantha and the Mouse family were singing praises to the Lord for His goodness and provision. Samantha never made it through a day without being thankful. She knew that was the key to always having what she needed and wanted.

8 As it often happened, when other animals and insects heard Samantha’s beautiful voice singing praises to God, they would join in and sing along, or tap their feet in joy. The forest would be filled with music of praise to God.

9 Benny was a badger who lived in the same area of the forest. He liked the area because there was a beautiful lake nearby. He didn’t really like when the leaves started to fall, because he knew that it meant he would have to do extra work.

10 When Benny heard Samantha’s voice, singing praises to the Lord, it really irritated him. Why does she have to do that every day? he thought. It wasn’t that Samantha sang badly. She had a beautiful voice. Benny just didn’t like the extra work he had to do and couldn’t understand why someone else would be happy about it.

11 One day Samantha’s praises were a little too joyous for Benny and he decided he was going to speak to her about. As he came around the large bush he saw Samantha gathering nuts and placing them in the home of the Mouse family. “What is she doing?” cried Benny. He was very puzzled by this activity.

12 Benny watched for a moment to see what Samantha was really doing. She was actually helping the Mouse family collect acorns for the winter! Without thinking, Benny approached Samantha and said harshly, “What are you doing?” Samantha gave Benny a small smile and replied, “We are collecting food for the winter. Isn’t it the perfect day?”

13 Benny was shocked. He had never heard of animals helping each other store food. It wasn’t right! He felt he had to say something to Samantha. “In case you didn’t know, we don’t help each other in the forest. Everyone has to do their own gathering. It’s like a law or something!” Benny was almost yelling.

14 Samantha tilted her head as she looked at Benny. “Why that couldn’t be a law!” she said. “I know that the word of God says for us to give and it will be given back to us.” Benny looked at Samantha with a smirk on his face. “Do you really believe that stuff?” he asked smartly. “Oh yes, with all of my heart!” exclaimed Samantha.

15 Samantha was not moved by Benny’s gruff attitude. “I don’t know anything about your ‘law’ about not helping each other. But I do know about a very special commandment that tells us to love one another. And I show love to my friends and neighbors by helping them. Besides, God told me to help them!” Benny looked puzzled again at Samantha. He stared for a moment, then he got, what he thought, was a great thought.

16 “So you say that you help others because you love them, huh? Who is helping you gather food for the winter? I don’t see any food stored in your home at all! You are wasting all of your time and will starve!” said Benny proudly. Samantha looked right into Benny’s eyes and said, “Let me finish the scripture that I first told you about. The bible says to Give and it will be given back to you” “Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time,” Benny grumbled.

17 Samantha smiled patiently. “But the rest of the verse says that it will be given back to me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! That is called abundance!” Benny looked at her with an unbelieving scowl. He thought she was delirious from the sun! He turned away from her and lumbered back to his home by the lake, mumbling, “Poor thing, she will never make the winter. Oh well, more food for us.”

18 Samantha prayed silently for Benny’s heart to transform, thanking the Lord for His grace and mercy. She returned to collecting acorns for the Mouse family, singing her praises again. After just a short time the Mouse family’s house was full and ready for winter. Samantha began to dance and sing to the Lord, giving her thanks for His provision. The Mouse family joined in merrily squeaking their thanks as well.

19 From the other side of the bush, next to the lake, Benny heard the celebration. “What is the big deal? It’s just a hole full of acorns! Nothing to shout and sing about. Besides the silly squirrel won’t have anything to eat this winter.”

20 The next morning, the sun shone brightly through the colorful leaves, sending splotches of color all over the forest floor. Benny wasn’t particularly a “morning” person, so when he was awakened by very loud voices he was grumpy. He heard Samantha, the Mouse family, and many other forest creatures singing praises, and saying “Hallelujah!” “What now?” he thought unhappily.

21 As he cleared the bush he saw a large group of forest creatures surrounding Samantha and the place where her home was. He strained to see what they were all looking at. Just then several animals moved and Benny saw what they all were rejoicing about. The entrance of Samantha’s home was bulging with acorns! Benny was astonished! How could this be. He knew that Samantha did not have time to collect all those acorns!!

22 Benny was so astonished that he shouted, “how is this possible?” Samantha and the rest of the group turned to him when they heard him yell. Samantha scampered over to Benny joyfully. “This is what is called good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over!! God’s wonderful provision!!” “But how?” stuttered Benny. “It would have taken ALL of the forest animals to gather that many nuts in one night!” He was shocked.

23 “That’s true,” said Samantha. “Or, just one big God Who loves me! Because I was willing to help others as He directed, He honored me!” “Really?” said Benny. He felt something weird going on inside of him. “Guess what, Benny?” asked Samantha. “He loves you too! And He gave us the ultimate example of giving in John 3:16 by giving His son Jesus. And if we believe on Him we’ll never perish and have everlasting life!” Samantha saw the transformation beginning to take place. She knew that Benny would soon believe in God and His goodness just like her!!





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