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6/26/13 Light, Colour and Fluorescent Scorpions Santa Maria College and Eltham High Daniella Del Busso, Sarah Tomac, Ivana Canaman, Coleen Balanga and.

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Presentation on theme: "6/26/13 Light, Colour and Fluorescent Scorpions Santa Maria College and Eltham High Daniella Del Busso, Sarah Tomac, Ivana Canaman, Coleen Balanga and."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/26/13 Light, Colour and Fluorescent Scorpions Santa Maria College and Eltham High Daniella Del Busso, Sarah Tomac, Ivana Canaman, Coleen Balanga and Katie Holmes

2 ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM Organises waves according to wavelength and frequency we can only see a small portion of the spectrum (400-700nm)

3 Prisms White light made up of all colours of the rainbow Refraction depends on frequency Slows down light Each colour bends differently Blue = slowed down more = bends more Red = slowed down less = bends less

4 How do we perceive light?

5 Colour addition and fake colours

6 Colour blindness test

7 Synchrotron A vast, circular network of interconnecting tunnels and high tech apparatus. Use electricity to produce intense beams of light a million times brighter than the sun Light is produced when high- energy electrons are forced to travel in a circular orbit inside the synchrotron tunnels by ‘synchronised’ application of strong magnetic fields.

8 HOW IS SYNCHROTRON LIGHT CREATED? 1)electron gun 2)Linac 3)Booster ring 4)Storage ring 5)Beamline 6)End station

9 Fluorescence

10 What is fluorescence

11 Scorpions Pharmacology has been researching scorpion toxin And they are interested in why scorpion exoskeletons fluoresce Scorpions belong to the Arachnid family and some spiders also fluoresce. Scorpions absorb the UV light and readmit what looks to be a glowing green/cyan light. Fluoresceing could have been an evolutionary advantage

12 This graph shows that fluorescence is not an evolutionary environmental adaptation.

13 Humans fluoresce due to the chitin found in their fingernails and hair. Chitin is also what makes the exoskeleton of scorpions.

14 Advantages of scorpion fluorescence The scorpion body is very sensitive to light and it acts as one big eye. There was a test conducted where they blindfolded scorpion and shined light onto them. It was observed that the scorpions ran to hid in a small shadow.

15 6/26/13 The project goal The big question Why and how do scorpions fluoresce Our input to this research: Using the Physical Chemistry laser labs to measure the wavelengths of the fluorescing scorpions

16 Equipment Spectrometer and Fluorometer A fluorometer is a optical device to measure the fluorescent quality of the biological or mineral samples. This determines how strong the fluorescent is the samples by measuring the intensity and the wavelength of colour fluorescence A fluorometer is a optical device to measure the fluorescent quality of the biological or mineral samples. This determines how strong the fluorescent is the samples by measuring the intensity and the wavelength of colour fluorescence A Spectrometer is a device that measures the spectrum of light Spectrometer Fluorometer


18 10 μm Fluorescence microscope Our results

19 6/26/13 How Has Our View of Science or Scientists Changed? Before: Scientists always wore labcoats Chemists only mixed chemicals Scientists didn’t use computers as much That there were only five types of science That the types of science didn’t crossover

20 6/26/13 How Has Our View of Science or Scientists Changed? After: Sciences are interdisciplinary (they work together to solve problems) Scientists travel a lot! There is more to science than just being in a lab (research, computer programing, reading) Science as a subject does not reflect science as a job


22 6/26/13 Acknowledgements The ARC Centre of Excellence for Coherent X- Ray Science: Name the CXS Scientists/Mentors- without whom it cannot be done The Growing Tall Poppies Program Developer: Dr Eroia Barone-Nugent Santa Maria College NAB Schools First & Catholic Education Office Trevor Smith, Dr Clare Henderson, Sam Farley, Kyra Schwarz and Adabelle Ong

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