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Research infrastructure and knowledge management Eric Maryniak.

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Presentation on theme: "Research infrastructure and knowledge management Eric Maryniak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research infrastructure and knowledge management Eric Maryniak

2 Software in the PIONIER group Software infrastructure –the “software tools” and network Software engineering –application of the tools to achieve goals –minimize costs: time effort money

3 Main goals Knowledge exchange Knowledge management

4 Knowledge? Software Publications Databases Online interactive memory tests

5 Knowledge exchange With whom?

6 Knowledge exchange with: Scientific researchers world-wide General public Reseachers of the PIONIER group

7 Knowledge exchange What?

8 Types of Knowledge exchange: Software Publications Databases Online interactive memory tests

9 Walnut/Nutshell –neural network simulator –free for download from the web site (Internet) –supports addition of new paradigms –user-friendly shell with graphical user interface –runs on Microsoft Windows –Walnut core library is platform independent Software



12 Object oriented languages –reuse –stability –Python, C++ Usability tests –user friendliness –effectiveness Software (cont’d)

13 Two web sites: –neuroMod - research community –Human memory - general audience Publications



16 Geppetto –neural network programs –modeller tools –online modifiable records by privileged users Online Tests –Memory tests –Testpanels –Scientific data for analysis Databases



19 Knowledge exchange How?

20 Linux Apache and Zope MySQL CVS Samba Bugzilla Python and C++ Knowledge exchange: tools


22 Open Source software “Free” software: what is free? Verifiability and changeability Quality, stability and security Support Vendor independence Widespread longterm use

23 Open Source software (cont’d) Runs on regular, off-the-shelf, hardware Supported and endorsed by governments Used by universities and not for profit organizations And more and more by government and commercial companies

24 Usability (Nielsen) Web site –Platform and user independence –Easy navigation Software –Easy and intuitive to use –Effective –Session analysis –Easy feedback

25 Object orientation (“OO”) Efficient re-use of software components Reduction of bugs and testing Design by Contract (“DBC”)

26 Documentation Facilitate use User level documentation: manuals Auto-generated documentation

27 Software testing Extensive testing before release Use of sophisticated tools Automatic testing with scripts

28 User feedback Facilitate user feedback Web site: documentation, faq’s Feedback forms and bug tracking Mailing lists



31 Summary Knowledge exchange and management Support collaborative work (“groupware”) Appy solid software engineering principles Open Source software used where possible

32 Visit us! Sheets available on the PIONIER web site (under Publications - Talks)

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