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Software Testing CS 470. Testing Goal is to find faults What kind of faults? –Algorithmic –Computation and Precision –Documentation –Overload –Capacity.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Testing CS 470. Testing Goal is to find faults What kind of faults? –Algorithmic –Computation and Precision –Documentation –Overload –Capacity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Testing CS 470

2 Testing Goal is to find faults What kind of faults? –Algorithmic –Computation and Precision –Documentation –Overload –Capacity –Timing –Performance –Recovery –System –Standards

3 Algorithmic Fault Code’s logic does not produce the proper output for a given input –Some examples Branch under wrong conditions Fail to set loop invariant Fail to initialize variables Comparing inappropriate data types –Syntax faults may help find algorithmic faults E.g. missing { } around a loop, require even for loops with one statement

4 Computation and Precision Faults Formula is implemented incorrectly Computation not performed to the required accuracy –E.g. precision errors we saw with the Patriot Missile System

5 Documentation Faults Documentation typically derived from the program design Implementation may be performed differently than specified in the documentation Improper documentation of an API can lead to further faults as other developers use the documentation to write code

6 Stress or Overload Faults Data structures filled past their capacity –Buffer overflow –Dimension of tables larger than code can handle –Length of queue too great

7 Capacity Faults Performance becomes unacceptable as activity reaches system limit –E.g., system capable of handling 1,000,000 records becomes slower and slower as more records are added –May be examined in relation to disk access, number of processes, etc.

8 Timing or Coordination Faults Race conditions Specific inter-process communication May be particularly difficult to detect –Hard to replicate a fault –Many states usually possible among each process; even higher number of states when considered in conjunction

9 Throughput or Performance Faults System does not perform at the speed prescribed by the requirements

10 Recovery Faults System does not recover from a failure as specified

11 Hardware and System Faults Problem with underlying hardware or operating system –Disk failure –Out of memory –Process table full Software doesn’t adequately handle the system fault

12 Standards and Procedures Faults Organizational standards and procedures not followed, e.g. –E.g., always add header to each method with comments –Always use the letter i preceding an integer variable, s preceding a String, etc. May not affect the running of programs, but may foster an environment where faults are created

13 Some other Faults used at IBM Interface –Fault in interacting with another component or driver Checking –Fault in logic that fails to validate data properly before it is used Build/Package/Merge –Fault that occurs because of problems in repositories and version control

14 Back to Testing… Goal is to find the faults Different types of testing –Unit testing –Integration testing –Functional testing –Performance testing –Acceptance testing –Installation testing

15 Unit Testing The first opportunity to test whether a particular module or component is complete Often performed by the developer Can choose test cases in many ways. Some sample to get broad test coverage: –Statement testing : Every statement is executed at least once –Branch testing : Every decision point is seen at least once. –Path testing : Variation of above, each path through the code tested at least once (visualize code as a flow chart) –Definition-use path testing : Every path from every definition of every variable to every use of that definition is exercised

16 Integration Testing Integration –Piecing together individual components to make a working system –Individual components should already have passed their unit tests Integration Testing –Tests to ensure the system functions when components pieced together

17 Integration Testing Bottom-up –Low-level first, with test harness Top-Down –Stubs Big-Bang –Put them together and see if it works Sandwich –System viewed as three layers –Top-down in top layer, bottom-up in lower, converge in the middle

18 Comparison of Integration Strategies Bottom-UpTop-DownBig-BangSandwich IntegrationEarly LateEarly Time to basic working program LateEarlyLateEarly Component drivers needed YesNoYes Stubs neededNoYesNoYes Work parallelism at beginning MediumLowHighMedium Ability to test particular paths EasyHardEasyMedium

19 Acceptance Testing Enable customers and users to determine if the system really meets their needs and expectations –Benchmarks Test cases under typical conditions to examine performance –Pilot test Users exercise system on an experimental basis Alpha : Performed in-house Beta : Performed on customers –Parallel testing If replacing in old system, use both in parallel to allow users to gradually become accustomed to the new system –Longevity test Can the software function if running for X hours?

20 Results of Acceptance Tests Ideally: acceptance testing uncovers discrepancies in requirements Reality: by working with the system users discover aspects of the problem which they were not aware –New requirements –New development and features –Other direction: Some requirements may not be needed

21 Installation Testing Installing the system at the user site System-specific configuration Co-existence test with other software –E.g. does it work with Office software? –Does anything break if the software is removed?

22 Test Cases Want a broad set of test cases to cover the range of possible values and code paths Closed Box –Apply all possible inputs, compare with expected output according to requirements –Includes “out of range” inputs Open Box –View code’s internal structure –Generate tests based on this structure, e.g. give values on both sides of an if-then else test

23 Who Should Test? In your case, you (the developer) will test –But the developer is often “too close” to the code to be objective and recognize some subtle faults –Difficult for developer to separate implementation structure and required function Independent tester or test team is preferable –Familiar with how to “break” software –Familiar with testing methods and tools Users should be involved throughout the process –Might catch missing requirements at early stages

24 Automated Testing Tools Programs that will help test your code Static Analysis, e.g. lint –Code Analysis Check syntax, of a construct is fault-prone, etc. –Structure Checker Tool to depict logic flow, check for structural flaws –Data analyzer Review data structures, illegal data usage, improper linkage –Sequence checker Highlight events in the wrong sequence Dynamic Analysis, e.g. VTune –Monitor and collect statistics as program is running –How many times a statement was executed, branches covered, memory use, etc. –Useful for performance analysis to find the hotspots of the code

25 How Much Testing? How do we know when to stop? –When all tests pass? –When ‘enough’ tests pass meeting some threshold Myers (1979) –As the number of detected faults increases, the probability of the existence of more undetected faults increases –Suggests that if the number of detected faults is decreasing, we may not have too many left and can stop soon Fault Seeding –Deliberately add faults to the process –Use their detection as a measure of the remaining faults

26 Fault Discovery Techniques Jones, 1991 Discovery Technique RequirementsDesignCodingDocumentatio n Prototyping4035 15 Requirements Review 401505 Design Review1555015 Code Inspection 20406525 Unit Testing15200

27 Code Inspections Inspections can be applied to many different things by many different groups Inspections are a “Best Known Method” (BKM) for increasing quality –Developed by Michael Fagan at IBM, paper published 1976 –Estimates: Inspections of design and code usually remove 50-90% of defects before testing –Very economical compared to testing Formal inspections are more productive than informal reviews

28 Industry Experience Widely used at many companies –HP, Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, Bell Labs, etc. all have an established track record with inspections –Aetna: Found 82% of errors in a program by inspections, was able to decrease development resources by 25% –AT&T : Reported 90% decrease in defects after introducing inspections Finding defects early can save money and time –TRW : Changes in requirements stage cost 50-200 times less than changes during coding or maintenance –JPL : Estimates saved $25,000 per inspection by finding/fixing defects early on

29 Cost of Fixing a Defect Req Design Coding Test Accept Prod

30 Formal Inspections By formalizing the process, inspections become systematic and repeatable –Each person in the inspection process must understand their role –Use of checklists focus concentration on detection of defects that have been problematic Metrics –Feedback and data collection metrics are quantifiable –Feed into future inspections to improve them Designers and developers learn to improve their work through inspection participation

31 More reasons to use inspections Inspections are measurable Ability to track progress Reduces rework and debug time Cannot guarantee that a deadline will be met but can give early warning of impending problems Information sharing with other developers, testers

32 Definition What is an inspection? –A formal review of a work product by peers. A standard process is followed with the purpose of detecting defects early in the development lifecycle. Examples of work products –Code, Specs, Web Pages –Presentations, Guides, Requirements, –Specifications, Documentation

33 When are inspections used? Possible anytime code or documents are complete –Requirements: Inspect specs, plans, schedules –Design: Inspect architecture, design doc –Implementation: Inspect technical code –Test: Inspect test procedure, test report

34 Defects A defect is a deviation from specific or expected behavior Something wrong Missing information Common error Standards violation Ambiguity Inconsistency Perception error Design error Inspections are used to find defects

35 A defect is a defect A defect is based on the opinion of the person doing the review –This means that any defect that is found IS a defect –Not open to debate –Not all defects are necessarily bugs –Many defects may not be “fixed” in the end No voting or consensus process on what is a defect How to fix a defect should be debated later, not when the defects are logged

36 Other Review Methods ReviewWalkthroughInspection What Present idea or proposal Technical presentation of work Formal review by peers Audience Mgmt/TechTech Objective Provide Info, Evaluate specs or plan – Give Status Explain work, may find design or logic defect - Give context Find defects early - Find defects

37 Other Defect Detection Methods BuddyTestingInspection What Developers work in pairs Formal testingFormal review by peers Audience Tech Objective Develop, explain work, find defects Find defects by symptom, usability, performance Find defects where they occur

38 Why a formal review? Provides a well-defined process –Repeatability, measurement –Avoids some scenarios with less formal processes “My work is perfect” –Point is not to criticize the author “I don’t have time” –Formal process proceeds only when all are prepared, have inspected code in advance –We won’t do inspections this semester but you may encounter them in the future if you work on a large software project

39 Walkthrough vs. Inspection WalkthroughInspection FocusImprove productFind defects ActivitiesFind defects Examine alternatives Forum for learning Discussion Find defects Only defect explanation allowed Learning through defects and inspection ProcessInformalFormal QualityVariable; personalities can modify outcome Repeatable with fixed process TimePreparation ad-hoc, less formal Preparation required, efficient use of time

40 What should be inspected? For existing code or documentation, select –The most critical piece to the program’s operation –Most used section –Most costly if defects were to exist –Most error-prone –Least well-known –Most frequently changed For new code or documentation –20% <= inspect <= 100%

41 Inspection Process

42 Typical Inspection Process Planning 45 mins Prep 15-120 mins Log Defects 60-120 mins Rework Follow-Up

43 Roles Moderator Scribe Work Owner Inspectors

44 Owner Planning Owner decides what code/documents to review –Should include requirements –Common-errors list One will also be provided by the moderator Owner can include more specific common errors –Paper copy of code listing for everyone See previous slides for what code to inspect If possible, add line numbers so code is easier to reference Up to owner’s discretion as to what/how much, but generally one does not continue more than two hours at a time

45 Preparation Ideally, each inspector has materials to inspect in advance –Identify defects on their own to ensure independent thought –Note defects and questions –Complete a defect log High/Medium/Low –Without this preparation, group review might find only 10% of defects that could otherwise be found (Fagan) Rules of thumb –2 hours for 10 full pages of text

46 Preparation – Our Exercise Too many projects/would take too much time to perform detailed inspection for all our projects Compromise – Hopefully enough to give you a flavor of inspections, still be useful –Everyone should prepare by becoming familiar with common defects –Owner will provide brief walkthrough –Inspectors will log defects in real-time as walkthrough is made

47 Common Defects See web page links –C++ –Java Similar issues apply to other languages

48 Walkthrough Prior to walkthrough –Owner distributes selected code, requirements docs –Inspectors have prepared Purpose –Provide context, explanation for selected code to inspectors –Relate code back to requirements Process –Owner provides walkthrough for one “chunk” of code that logically belongs together (e.g., a method) –Inspectors search for defects –Repeat for next chunk

49 Walkthrough Example Requirement: Support authentication based upon user@host using regular expressions 1 /********************************************************* 2 * Returns a 1 if the user is on the ops list, and 3 * returns a 0 if the user is not on the ops list. 4 *********************************************************/ 5 int Authorized(char *user) 6 { 7 FILE *f; 8 9 f=fopen(OPSPATH,"r"); /* open authorized file */ 10 while (fgets(tempstr,80,f)!=NULL) 11 { 12 tempstr[strlen(tempstr)-1]='\0'; /* annoying \r at end */ 13 if (!fnmatch(tempstr,user,FNM_CASEFOLD)) { fclose(f); return(1); } 14 } 15 fclose(f); 16 return(0); 17 } Open file Containing operators Returns true if wildcards match

50 Defect Logging Performed by the scribe; leaves work owner free to concentrate on other tasks Moderator leads meeting and facilitates process –Keeps discussions to a minimum –Defect understanding only –No criticisms –No “rat holes” –Limited discussion –Moderator has the right to stop discussion at any time –May use round-robin for each inspector Focus is on finding defects –A defect is a defect

51 Defect Log Severity: H M L Q LocationDescription 1 L7Did not initialize variable f 2 L7Poor choice of variable name, f 3 M9Check for fopen errors 4 5 6

52 Defect Logging High, Medium, Low, or Question Brief description should be ~7 words or less, or until the owner understands If possible, resolve questions: defect or not Also log defects found in –Parent document, e.g. requirements –Common errors list –Work product guidelines Will be up to the work owner whether or not to fix a defect

53 Causal Analysis Meeting We won’t hold these, but in general they are a good idea Purpose – Brainstorming session on the root cause of specific defects –This meeting supports the continuous improvement –Initiate thinking and action about most common or severe defects –Can help prevent future defects from occurring Specific action items may be achieve this goal

54 Rework Purpose: Address defects found during the logging process Rules –Performed by product owner –All defects must be addressed Does not mean they are fixed, but that sufficient analysis/action has taken place –All defects found in any other documents should be recorded –Owner should keep work log

55 Follow-Up Purpose: Verify resolution of defects –Work product redistributed for review –Inspection team can re-inspect or assign a few inspectors to review –Unfixed defects are reported to the team and discussed to resolution

56 Inspection Summary Systematic process due to standardized checklists and roles Requires preparation on behalf of all participants, moderator, scribe Provides a way to formally measure software quality and over time can provide data on hidden defects Allows participants to learn from each other and improve the inspection process for the future Powerful technique almost no matter how it begins

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