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Table of Contents Day 1 Page 1 Don’t Judge

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1 Table of Contents Day 1 Page 1 Don’t Judge
Page 2 Chapter Vocabulary

2 What does this statement mean to you?
Think about the statement, “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasins.” What does this statement mean to you? The story you are about to read lets you walk in the moccasins of Salamanca Tree Hiddle. Think of what it might be like to walk in the moccasins of another person.

3 Example: If I were walking in my grandmother’s slippers, I would feel happy to be baking my special apple pie for my grandchildren.

4 Write this on page 1 If I were walking in ______________’s moccasins, I would feel ______________ _________________________________ _________________________________.

5 Page 2 Vocabulary Chapters 1 - 11

6 - verb – page 1 - to perch or settle, especially for the night
1. roost - verb – page 1 - to perch or settle, especially for the night

7 adj. - page 29/26 NB - evil, wicked
2. diabolic adj. - page 29/26 NB - evil, wicked

8 verb - page 29/26NB - to make known, especially something secret
3. divulge verb - page 29/26NB - to make known, especially something secret

9 adverb - page 32 - properly
4. primly adverb - page 32 - properly

10 - interjection - page 37/34NB - word used to express joy
5. Huzza (say hu zaaaa’) - interjection - page 37/34NB - word used to express joy

11 adj. page 54/50NB - easily fooled
6. gullible adj. page 54/50NB - easily fooled

12 noun page 54/50NB - fragments from an exploding shell or bomb
7. shrapnel noun page 54/50NB - fragments from an exploding shell or bomb

13 verb -page 65/60NB - to draw back from something painful or unpleasant
8. flinch verb -page 65/60NB - to draw back from something painful or unpleasant

14 Table of Contents Day 2 Page 3: Vocabulary Usage
Select one vocabulary word from page 2 and use it correctly in a sentence Page 4: Unique Phrases What do you think the word “chickabiddy” means? What do you believe the phrase “catch a fish in the air” implies?

15 Fun Phrases

16 What is in a name? Page 3 “My real name is Salamanca Tree Hiddle. Salamanca, was the name of the Indian tribe to which my great-great grandmother belonged. My parents were mistaken. The name of the tribe was Seneca.” My middle name, Tree, comes from your basic tree, a thing of such beauty to my mother that she made it part of my name. She wanted to be more specific and use Sugar Maple Tree because Sugar Maple is part of her own name, but Salamanca Sugar Maple Tree Hiddle sounded a bit much.

17 Turn to the Character page for Mrs. Winterbottom
Read the description from pg 31 or 28 about Mrs. Winterbottom, turn to the character page, and use the quote to illustrate a picture of Mrs. Winterbottom. “For some reason, that surprised me, those little names She used. She was dressed in a plain brown skirt and white blouse. On her feet were sensible, wide, flat shoes. She did not wear make-up. Even though she had a pleasant round face and long yellow curls, the main impression I got was that she was used to being plain and ordinary, that she was not supposed to do anything too shocking.”

18 Table of Contents Day 3 Page 5 Reason for the Trip
What two reasons do Gramps and Sal’s father give Sal for going on the trip? Page 6 Vocabulary Review

19 Road Trip

20 Vocabulary Review: Chapters 1-11
Page 6 Directions: Number your page to 8 and do not skip lines. Next, pick the word from the word box that best matches its definition and write it on your paper. At the bottom of your page select 3 words from your list and use them correctly in a sentence.

21 Word Box: divulge huzza diabolic flinch
_____________ is to make known something secret. 2. To draw back, as from something painful or unpleasant is to ______________ 3. ___________ is used to express joy. 4. _________ means something evil or wicked. divulge flinch huzza diabolic

22 Word Box: gullible primly roost shrapnel
5. ___________ is easily fooled. 6. Fragments from an exploding shell or bomb are called ______________ 7. _____________ is excessively precisely or properly 8. _________ is to perch or settle, especially for the night gullible shrapnel primly roost

23 Table of Contents Day 4 Page 7 Messages
Write the 2 messages and explain what you think each of them means. Page 8 Vocabulary for Chapters 12-22

24 Write each message and then explain what it means Page 7
Don't judge a person until you've walked two moons in his moccasins. Message 2 Everyone has his own agenda.

25 Vocabulary Words Chapters

26 - having an unknown author or origin
10. anonymous - adj. - page 84 - having an unknown author or origin ?

27 - bad tempered, quarrelsome
11. cantankerous - adj. - page 98 - bad tempered, quarrelsome

28 - to give comfort in a time of distress
12. console Verb - page 134 - to give comfort in a time of distress

29 - to wave about wildly, especially one’s arms and legs
13. flail - verb - page 95 - to wave about wildly, especially one’s arms and legs

30 14. malevolent - adj. - page 81 doing evil to others

31 15. manna - noun – page 81 - a miraculous gift

32 - renewed confidence or belief
16. reassurance - noun - page 128 - renewed confidence or belief

33 17. skeptical - adj. - page 86 - doubtful or disbelieving

34 18. slather - verb - page 82 - to spread thickly

35 Wednesday 10, 2014 Page 9 Vocabulary Usage
Select 5 words from chapter vocabulary and use them correctly in a sentence. Page 10 Mr. Birkway Look back at page 80/74NB and illustrate the character Mr. Birkway.

36 Thursday 11, 2014 Page 11Literary Device
What is the author trying to accomplish by using this quote? “For a while, we didn’t hear anymore about the journals. We had absolutely no idea all the trouble they were going to cause. Page 12 Ben’s journal Using the description from pg 82/76NB draw the cover of Ben’s journal

37 Friday 12, 2014 Page 13 Character Web of Sal
Create a list of Sal’s character traits then select at least 5 and use the book to find textual evidence or a direct quote to prove your point. Page 14 Is Gramps Protective? After reading chapter 15, select two quotes from the book that explains why Gamp’s feels the need to protect Gram and Sal from the boy by the river.

38 Page 13 Character Web Scared Sal Pg. 12 “I am afraid
of lots of things.”

39 Monday 15, 2014 Page 15 What Matters?
“In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter?” What matters to you in your life? Number your paper to 9. (review vocabulary) Page 16 “A Great Man” Sal’s father is referred to as being a great man in chapter 18. Make a list of his good qualities and select one direct quote that proves his greatness.

40 1. ____ to wave about wildly, especially one’s arms and legs
A. anonymous D. slather G. malevolent B. cantankerous E. flail H. skeptical C. console F. manna I. reassurance E 1. ____ to wave about wildly, especially one’s arms and legs C 2. ____ to give comfort in a time of distress I 3. ____ renewed confidence or belief B 4. ____ bad tempered and quarrelsome

41 5. ____ having an unknown author or origin
A. anonymous D. slather G. malevolent B. cantankerous E. flail H. skeptical C. console F. manna I. reassurance 5. ____ having an unknown author or origin A D 6. ____ to spread thickly 7. ____ doing or desiring to do evil to others G 8. ____ a miraculous gift F H 9. ____doubtful or disbelieving

42 Tuesday 16, 2014 Page 17 “The Little Horse is Newly”
Read and discuss the poem. Page 18 Chapter 23 – 33 Vocabulary

43 the little horse is newlY Born) he knows nothing, and feels everything; all around whom is perfectly a strange ness (Of sun light and of fragrance and of Singing) is ev erywhere (a welcom ing dream: is amazing) a worlD. and in this world lies: smoothbeautifuL ly folded; a (brea thing a gro Wing) silence, who; is: somE oNe.

Vocabulary Words Chapters

45 - to surround; to harass with questions
19. besiege - verb - page 170 - to surround; to harass with questions

46 - to sway from side to side while moving, as if out of control
20. careen - verb - page 150 - to sway from side to side while moving, as if out of control

47 21. chaotic - adj. - page 158 - totally confused or disorderly
Can you guess why this painting is named “Chaotic Medley”?

48 22. crucial - adj. - page 196 - of great importance

49 23. miscellaneous - adj. - page 157 - a variety of things
Miscellaneous items

50 - being positive or hopeful
24. optimistic - adj. - page 157 - being positive or hopeful

51 - very religious, often in appearance only
25. pious - adj. - page 201 - very religious, often in appearance only

52 - to change into vapor, to disappear
26. vaporize - verb - page 219 - to change into vapor, to disappear

53 Badlands

54 Monday 5, 2015 Page 19 The Badlands
After watching the video, write two facts about The Badlands on page19 of your journal. Page 20 Illustrate the Indian legend pg 144/135NB

55 Tuesday 6, 2015 Page 21Birds of Sadness
“You can’t keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair.” Page 22 Pandora’s Box What is the video inferring?

56 Pandora’s Box

57 Wednesday 7, 2015 Page 23 The Tide Rises
Explain what the poem means, and then illustrate it on page 23 of the journal. Page 24 Illustrate Mrs. Patridge’s room See pg 192/180NB for details.

58 The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1882)
The tide rises, the tide falls, The twilight darkens, the curlew calls; Along the sea-sands damp and brown The traveler hastens toward the town, And the tide rises, the tide falls. Darkness settles on roofs and walls, But the sea, the sea in the darkness calls; The little waves, with their soft, white hands, Efface the footprints in the sands, And the tide rises, the tide falls. The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls Stamp and neigh, as the hostler calls; The day returns, but nevermore Returns the traveler to the shore, And the tide rises, the tide falls.

59 Thursday 8, 2015 Page 25 Phoebe’s Moccasins
Explain how Sal is walking in Phoebe’s moccasins. Page 26 The Last Message Explain what this might mean to Sal or Phoebe. “We never know the worth of the water until the well is dry.”

60 Friday 9, 2105 Page 27 Review Vocabulary Page 28 Vocabulary

61 ________ totally confused or disorderly
besiege chaotic pious miscellaneous crucial optimistic vaporize careen ________ totally confused or disorderly 2. ________ of great importance. 3. ________ devoutly religious 4. ________ to sway from side to side while moving, as if out of control chaotic crucial pious careen

62 besiege chaotic pious miscellaneous crucial optimistic vaporize careen
__________ to surround; crowd around; harass with questions __________ to change or be changed into vapor; disappear 7. __________ having a positive frame of mind; hopeful vaporize optimistic

63 Is it a vase? Is it two faces?

64 Monday 12, 2015 Page 29 Vocabulary Ch 34 – 44 Page 30 Surprises
What are the two surprises revealed today?

65 Vocabulary 33-44

66 27. Ogle (pronounced with a long o)
- verb - page 226 - to look at with desire

67 28. mill verb page 235 to move around with no apparent purpose

68 29. roster - noun - Page 235 - a list of names

69 30. infinitely - adverb - Page 249 - endlessly

70 31. quizzical - adjective - page 253 - questioning; puzzled

71 32. Dissuade - verb - page 256 - to persuade someone NOT to do something

72 Tuesday 13, 2015 Page 31 Messages Revealed
Who has been delivering the messages and why? Answer and then write a message of your own that you would deliver to your own driveway anonymously. Page 32 Family Tree

73 Sal’s Family Tree Gramps Hiddle Gram Hiddle Grandfather Pickford
Grandmother Pickford John Hiddle (Dad) Chanhassen “Sugar” Hiddle (Mom) Salamanca Tree Hiddle “Sal”

74 The Winterbottom’s Family Tree
George (Dad) Norma (Mom) Prudence Phoebe

75 Mrs. Cadaver’s Family Tree
Mrs. Partridge Mrs. Cadaver

76 The Finney’s Family Tree
Mr. Finney Mrs. Finney Cousin Ben Maggie Mary Lou Dennis Tommy Dougie

77 Wednesday 14, 2015 Page 33 Plot analysis Page 34 Theme and Tone

78 Thursday 15, 2015

79 Friday 16, 2015 Final Test/Catch up

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