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1 Final Project ELI 82 (3) Fall 2009 Kyae-Sung Park Dec. 7, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Final Project ELI 82 (3) Fall 2009 Kyae-Sung Park Dec. 7, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Final Project ELI 82 (3) Fall 2009 Kyae-Sung Park Dec. 7, 2009

2 2 Guidelines Some slides include only the text you should read. Please read them very thoroughly. Some slides include questions you have to answer. Please answer each of the questions. You should submit your final project by 12:00 pm on Dec. 7 through Laulima. You should present it in class (6-7 minutes each) on either Dec. 7 (Mon) or Dec 9 (Wed).

3 3 Objectives of the Final Project To review what you have learned over the course of the semester. To reflect on your improvement in reading skills. To identify your weaknesses and strengths in reading skills. To identify ways you may continue to improve your rea ding skills.

4 4 Course Goals on Syllabus Student Learning Outcomes –By the end of the course students will be able to: –state and describe a range of reading strategies for use with advanced academic English –select reading strategies appropriately in accordance with courses they are enrolled in as well as their own purposes for reading –evaluate authors’ messages, techniques, and arguments –evaluate print and web-based sources –use note-taking strategies with advanced academic English texts Additional Goals for the Course –Students will learn how they can continue to develop their academic reading skills even after completing this course. –Students will engage in vocabulary-development practices appropriate to their self-assessed needs and in regard to their academic field.

5 5 Setting My Own Goals I set my own goals in ELI 82 (3) at the beginning of the semester: 1.Build a large vocabulary and collocation; 2.Master a range of reading strategies and use them neatly; 3.Develop academic reading skills and increase reading rate.

6 6 How is This Project Organized? We are going to reflect on reading strategies we have learned in class from lower level reading strategies to higher level ones. Part 1 (Lower Level): Reading speed & comprehension accuracy  Vocabulary size  Vocabulary learning  Fundamental comprehension skills Part 2 (Higher Level): Evaluating author’s message  Evaluating author’s techniques  Evaluating arguments Part 3 (Overall Reflections): 1) on class activities and 2) on your achievements

7 7 Part 1 Lower Level Reading Strategies Reading speed & comprehension accuracy Vocabulary size Vocabulary learning Fundamental comprehension skills

8 8 Reading Rate & Accuracy Progress Chart 1 Progress Chart 2 UNIT 2P1P2P3P4P5P6 WPM 158 163184158184 Accuracy 6/8 8/8 7/8 8/8 UNIT 3P1P2P3P4P5P6 WPM 163158168173178190 Accuracy 7/8 8/8 7/8 8/8

9 9 Reading Rate & Accuracy 1.According to the progress chart in the previous slide, have you improved your reading rate and comprehension accuracy? Check only one. Yes [√ ] No [ ] 2.For those who checked “Yes,” to what extent did you improve them? Are you satisfied with your progress? If not, how would you improve them more? My reading rate and accuracy are gradually increasing. And I’m satisfied with this progress.

10 10 Vocabulary Size Do you remember your vocabulary size at the beginning? Do you think you have expanded your vocabulary size over this semester? If you think so, 1) in what field, 2) to what degree, and 3) how have you expanded them? At the beginning of this semester, my vocabulary size is about 5000 words according to the 1 st vocabulary test. I think my vocabulary size has been expanded over the semester, not only in my major field, but also in works and expressions for daily use. I guess I’ve learned nearly 500 new words over this semester. I accumulated vocabularies by reading, and kept writing vocabulary logs based on the instructor’s suggestions.

11 11 Reflection on Vocabulary Learning Listed are the assignments/activities to improve your vocabulary. Please rate each of them using the scale given below, and describe how each one has helped your learning. Vocabulary Log (To accumulate new words and memorize them) Vocabulary Test (To test whether master these new words or not) Vocabulary List in Reading Circle (To expend my vocabulary size) Vocabulary List in AIARP (To learn more vocabularies in my major field) Learning Word Parts (To guess the meaning of new words by understanding the roots/prefixes/suffixes ) Learning Collocations/Concordancer (To memorize idiomatic usage and put them into writing) Extremely Unhelpful Helpful 12345 4 4 4 4 5 5

12 12 Fundamental Comprehension Skills 1.We learned “developing comprehension & discussion questions (guide questions)” and have used it for our reading circles and AIARP, etc. How did you find it helpful to you? I think it helps me increase the understanding of articles and my personal awareness of reading process. The skill is very helpful.

13 13 Fundamental Comprehension Skills 2. We also learned “Locating main idea, topic sentences, and (primary and secondary) details.” How did you find it helpful to you? This skill helps me grasp the author’s ideas in a very short time and know what articles talk about.

14 14 Part 2 Higher Level Reading Strategies Evaluating author’s message Evaluating author’s techniques Evaluating arguments

15 15 Critical Reading Strategies We learned many critical reading strategies from Chapter 4 to 6. Here are the learning objectives in each chapter of Part 2 in the textbook. Chapter 4: 1) To make inferences; 2) To assess the author ’ s qualifications; 3) To distinguish between fact & opinion; 4) To identify the author ’ s purpose & tone; 5) To evaluate the data & evidence; 6) To annotate as you read; To synthesize your ideas Chapter 5: 1) To recognize bias; 2) To recognize manipulative language (connotative & figurative language); 3) To discover missing information; 4) To evaluate generalizations; 5) To identify assumptions Chapter 6: 1) To recognize the elements of an argument; 2) To evaluate arguments; 3) To recognize errors in logical reasoning

16 16 Critical Reading Strategies 1.What objectives do you think you achieved? All of them? Or part of them? I think achieved part of them, about 90%. 2.Which critical reading strategy(ies) did you find most useful or meaningful to you, and why? I think all the strategies are useful and meaningful. Because all these strategies give me tools to understand articles thoroughly during reading process. 3.How are the critical reading strategies helpful to you as a reader? They help me know what the author is talking about and judge the credibility and accuracy of articles.

17 17 Part 3 Overall reflections 1)On class activities and 2)On your achievements

18 18 Reflection on Activities/Tasks Listed are the activities/tasks included in our class throughout the semester. Please rate each of them using the scale given below, and describe how each one has helped your learning. Reading Faster (To increase my reading rate) In-textbook exercise (To consolidate the skills learned in class) Academic Interest Area Reading Project (AIARP) (To learn more about my interested major field) Analyzing Article (To help me understand the article thoroughly by using critical reading strategies) Reading Circle (To learn more interesting topics and broaden my horizon) Extremely Unhelpful Helpful 12345 3 3 4 4 4

19 19 Overall Reflection 1.How much do you think you achieved the goals you set at the beginning of the semester? 90%. 2.Overall, how much do you think you have improved your reading skills? Do you see yourself as an autonomous, active, and critical reader compared to yourself at the beginning of the semester? 85%.Yes, I think I’ve improved my reading skills due to good instructions. 3.What efforts are you going to make to further improve your reading skills ? I’ll keep reading and practising by using reading strategies.

20 20 Good Job! Thank you!

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