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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 The Scientific Method Vocabulary Characteristics of a Scientist 5 Major.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 The Scientific Method Vocabulary Characteristics of a Scientist 5 Major Environmental Challenges

2 Scientist use experiments to test their __________.

3 Hypothesis

4 The scientific method usually begins with _______.

5 Making an observation

6 Once a scientist draws conclusions from an experiment he or she should ________.

7 Communicate what they learned

8 Once a theory has been supported by years of evidence it may become accepted as a ________

9 Principle

10 List & describe all the steps of the scientific method (in order).

11 Observation – gathering information using senses or measurements Question- something you want to learn more about Hypothesis – a possible answer to the scientific question Experiment – a procedure used to test hypothesis Analyze data – look at data and figure out what it means Conclusion – sum up the results of experiment Communicate- publish or present

12 to break apart

13 dissolve

14 The study of living things and how they interact with their surroundings

15 Environmental Science


17 Living things need to consume ________, chemicals needed for growth and development

18 nutrients

19 The image shown below illustrates the __________ of life on Earth

20 biodiversity

21 The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an example of a _____ environmental issue.

22 regional

23 A scientist should be _______, which means to look only at the facts.

24 objective

25 A scientist must be __________ which means he or she questions what he or she reads or hears.

26 skeptical

27 For years many research scientist denied the evidence that linked smoking to cancer. This is an example of _____ in science.

28 bias

29 Without _______ a scientist would not be interested in learning more or asking questions about something.

30 curiosity

31 Even if a scientist is being paid by a pharmaceutical company to find a cure, he or she should report data honestly. If a scientist does not have a good set of _______, they might be likely to lie about their results.

32 Ethics

33 ______is a major issue because people are using up resources faster than they can naturally be replaced.

34 Overconsumption

35 The over use of resources contributes to the build up of ________ in the environment. Example: Plastic garbage patch floating in the Pacific Ocean

36 Pollution

37 ______distribution of resources is a major environmental issue, as there are areas in the world where some people are starving while in other areas of the world people have so much they are throwing it away.

38 Unequal

39 ________ is a major environmental challenge that addresses issues dealing with with overall climate change

40 Global warming

41 ________ growth is a major environmental issue because this contributes to a build up of pollution, overconsumption of natural resources, and raises questions about whether or not we will have enough water and food to support all of the people.

42 Population



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