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Welcome to Room 19 Welcome to Room 19.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Room 19 Welcome to Room 19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Room 19 Welcome to Room 19

Reading Story from Anthology, Leveled Guided Reading Vocabulary and New Spelling Words – List A or B Spelling Packet – 4 days to complete Reread story and practice skills daily Test for spelling words within story timeline Reading/Vocabulary tested same day, review and extension activities Students will have a chapter book within their Lexile range for independent reading throughout the year Letter grade is given for reading Daily Five Activities STUDENT/PARENT OWNERSHIP Reading homework daily using school wide Reading Logs for tracking. This is a building wide initiative, all grades using the same reading log format. 10 minutes daily.

3 Writing is structured and modeled
Language Arts Writing is structured and modeled Everything completed in the classroom    Math Automatic recognition of basic facts Student work page and math tools used in the classroom Homework sheet daily Ability levels Letter grade given STUDENT/PARENT OWNERSHIP Review addition and subtraction facts daily Completion of homework sheet

4 Science/Social Studies Start with Social Studies Unit 1
Rotate the two subjects (Weather unit next) Study guides given prior to testing Grading Scale District wide grading scale 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D 59% and below is a failing grade

5 Class Schedule Start Time End Time Subject Total Time 8:40 AM 8:50 AM
1 8:40 AM 8:50 AM Homeroom-Start of Day 0:10 2 10:05 AM Eng./Lang. Arts 1:15 3 10:40 AM Special 0:35 4 11:05AM 0:25 5 11:05 AM 11:35AM Lunch 0:30 6 11:40 AM 12:50PM Math 1:10 7 12:50 PM 1:10 PM Recess 0:20 8 1:15 PM 1:50 PM CARE 9 2:30 PM 0:40 10 3:05 PM Science/Social St.

6 Attendance Policy Please send excuses the following day Please use educational trip forms in the office Arrival and Dismissal If you are bringing your child to school, please be aware that the start time is 8:40, drop off is no earlier than 8:15 Please send a note that you are picking your child up for dismissal, s will not be accepted by the office. Compass Learning Your child can log in at home using the Seneca Valley homepage and same user name and password.

7 Class Rules Verbal warning given first Students pull tickets, every ticket is 5 minute loss of recess Major concerns will be addressed immediately with a phone call Bullying program will continue to be tracked this year No food , water bottles are permitted

8 Book Orders Book orders are with Scholastic every month Please send only a check payable to Scholastic Inc.  I will have online ordering available Contacts Haine Elementary 724 – 776 – 1581 My – Written notes in planner book

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