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Lewis and Clark Project History Team: #4-1 Cecilia Mak, Joyce Yu, Crystal Lam, and Helen Li Period 4, U.S. History MR. TRAN.

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Presentation on theme: "Lewis and Clark Project History Team: #4-1 Cecilia Mak, Joyce Yu, Crystal Lam, and Helen Li Period 4, U.S. History MR. TRAN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lewis and Clark Project History Team: #4-1 Cecilia Mak, Joyce Yu, Crystal Lam, and Helen Li Period 4, U.S. History MR. TRAN

2 History Team: #4-1/YMS2 Introduction We are on a journey that would change history as we know it. The goals we have for our expedition are to explore the Louisiana Territory, record all our new discoveries, and make allies with the inhabitants of the strange new land. We also would like to inform you of our journey there so everyone could experience what we have been through by reading our journals. Even though we know will be rough on this journey with many losses, we plan to achieve our goals no matter what it takes. Using these journals, we hope to paint the picture of our journey so that you can capture the events in your mind.

3 History Team: #4-1/YMS3 Topics of Discussion:  I. Introduction  II. Timeline of Expedition  III. Course of Discovery  IV. Animated Collage  V. Journal Entries  VI. Conclusion

4 History Team: #4-1/YMS4 Timeline of the Expedition 18 JAN 1803 14 MAY 1804 03 AUG 1804 20 AUG 1804 30 AUG 1804 Asked to go on expedition by President Jefferson Set off from Camp Doubis Make peace with the Oto and Missouri Indians Sergeant Charles Floyd dies from a burst appendix Acknowledge a newborn Indian baby as an Indian by wrapping it in an American flag

5 History Team: #4-1/YMS5 Timeline of the Expedition 07 SEP 1804 17 DEC 1804 JAN 1805 11 FEB 1805 Arrive at the Great Plains; spent whole day capturing a rat-like creature (later called the Prairie Dog) Mandan Indians become an ally; Fort Mandan is built Mandan Indians perform the “buffalo calling” ceremony Indian translator gives birth to a baby boy after drinking crushed rings of rattlesnake’s rattle

6 History Team: #4-1/YMS6 Timeline of the Expedition 07 APR 1805 29 APR 1805 02 JUN 1805 27 JUL 1805 Sent home a dozen men with the journals, findings, and the live animals on a keelboat Arrive in Montana; kill large grizzly bear Face a fork in the river and we decide to go south Reach the three Forks of Missouri which we named the Jefferson, the Gallatin, and the Madison; we go down the Jefferson fork

7 History Team: #4-1/YMS7 Timeline of the Expedition 17 AUG 1805 31 AUG 1805 11 SEP 1805 07 OCT 1805 Meet Cameahwait and find out he is the brother of our Indian translator Trade with Shoshone Indian is successful Ascend into the Bitterroot Mountains and become lost Are out of the mountains; built five canoes and set sail on Clearwater River

8 History Team: #4-1/YMS8 Timeline of the Expedition 07 NOV 1805 24 NOV 1805 23 MAR 1806 27 JUL 1806 23 SEP 1806 Disappointment in not finding the Pacific Ocean Decision on where to stay for the winter Fort Clatsop set up Nearly escaped with our lives away from the Blackfeet Indians We are finally home

9 Course of Discovery

10 History Team: #4-1/YMS10History Team: #4-1/YMS10 Animated Collage

11 History Team: #4-1/YMS11 14 MAY 1804 – Camp Duobis

12 20 AUG 1804 – Floyd’s Bluff History Team: #4-1/YMS12

13 07 SEPT 1804 – Great Plains History Team: #4-1/YMS13

14 17 DEC 1804 – Fort Mandan History Team: #4-1/YMS14

15 JAN 1805 – Buffalo Dance History Team: #4-1/YMS15

16 07 APR 1805 – Keelboat Home History Team: #4-1/YMS16

17 29 APR 1805 - Montana History Team: #4-1/YMS17

18 20 MAY 1804 – Sacagawea River History Team: #4-1/YMS18

19 11 SEP 1805 – Bitterroot Mountains History Team: #4-1/YMS19

20 07 OCT 1805 – Clearwater River History Team: #4-1/YMS20

21 23 MAR 1806 – Fort Clatsop History Team: #4-1/YMS21

22 23 SEPT 1806 – Sight of home History Team: #4-1/YMS22

23 History Team: #4-1/YMS23 Conclusion This journey has been an amazing one. I really have no words that are great enough to describe the beauty of all the sights we have seen. We have all been through a lot in these past years. I really believe that this has been a rewarding experience for all of us. I also believe that this expedition has greatly helped the United States. Through many hardships, overall it eventually rewarded each of us with newfound skills and a better life.

24 History Team: #4-1/YMS24 References  Neiman, D. (1997). Retrieved January 20, 2010, from

25 History Team: #4-1/YMS25 Credits MembersDuties Alpha – Cecilia MakResearching, Planning, Editing, Journals, Collage, Timeline, Presenter Bravo – Joyce YuResearching, Pictures for Collage, Collage, Journals, Sound, Presenter Charlie – Crystal LamResearching, Pictures for Collage, Introduction, Conclusion, Presenter Delta – Helen LiResearching, Pictures for Collage, Topics of Discussion, References, End Slide, Presenter

26 History Team: #4-1/YMS26 The End Thank you for watching our presentation. We hoped you enjoyed it.

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