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Solutions of Electrolytes
Electric Current Energy is released when electrons are transferred
This can be heat energy, or electric energy Zn + CuSO4 example – heat energy When separated by a barrier – electrical energy is produced
Electric Energy By using a porous barrier to separate the reactants, electrons being exchanged between ions are forced to travel through a connecting wire, producing electricity This type of set-up is called an electrochemical cell
Voltaic Cells A voltaic cell is an electrochemical cell in which a spontaneous redox reacton produces a flow of electrons through an external circuit A circuit is a closed loop path for current to flow In the wire the negative electrons flow from anode to cathode
Parts of the Voltaic Cell
The voltaic cell is actually composed of two halves, each called a half-cell Anode – the source of the electrons, it is the electrode at which oxidation occurs as electrons are lost by a substance Cathode – accepts the electrons, it is the electrode at which reduction occurs as electrons are gained by a substance
Inner workings of the voltaic cell
Any element that loses electrons has undergone oxidation. This takes place at the anode Any element that gains electrons has undergone reduction, this takes place at the cathode Oxidation and reduction must occur together Any reaction in which electrons are gained or lost in equal numbers is a redox reaction Zn + Cu2+ Zn2+ + Cu
Redox in the voltaic cell
In the cell, redox reactions result in a continuous flow of electrons from anode to cathode Assignment 1-5 page 580
Lab 1 Purpose: To create a chemical cell (voltaic cell)
To understand how a chemical cell works
Materials: (2) 250 mL beakers A paper towel (1) copper electrode (1) zinc electrode Voltmeter (reading between 0 v and 1.5 v) 1M CuSO4 1M NaCl 1M ZnSO4
Procedure: Attach the Zinc electrode to the negative (common) side of the voltmeter and the Copper electrode to the positive side of the voltmeter. Pour the 1M CuSO4 solution into one 250 mL beaker. Pour the 1M ZnSO4 solution into one 250 mL beaker. Place the Zinc electrode in the ZnSO4 solution. Place the Copper electrode in the CuSO4 solution. Soak the paper towel in the NaCl solution and place one end each beaker. Record the voltage that is created by the chemical cell.
Current The activity series allows you to predict which ions are best at donating and accepting ions Half-Reaction – the reaction occurring at each electrode The amount of electric energy that can be generated by each half-reaction is determined by its reduction potential
Current Standard Reduction Potential- The E0 of a half-cell connected to the standard hydrogen electrode when ion concentrations in the half-cells are 1 M, gases are at a pressure of 1 atm, and the temperature is 25 degrees C E0 represents the voltages generated by half-reactions
SHE The standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) has the half-reaction
The concentration of hydrogen ion is 1 M, the temp is 25 degrees C, and the pressure of the hydrogen gas is 1 atm Is considered the anode in each cell If E0 is (+) it indicates that hydrogen is more willing to give up electrons than the metal If E0 is (-) it indicates that the metal is more willing to give up electrons than hydrogen
The activity series Ordering the potentials of the metals results in a table of reduction potentials Pg 585 of your text
Calculating E0 E0 cell = E0 cathode - E0 anode
Example: calculate E0 for the zinc/copper cell Zn2+ + 2e- Zn E0 = V Cu2+ + 2e- Cu E0 = V Reduction of Zn has a lower E0 so Zn is the anode E0 for the cell is the difference between the two, V
Assignment 6-10 pg 586 Due tomorrow
Oxidation States An Oxidation State (or oxidation number) is a numerical representation of an atoms share of the bonding electrons In ionic compounds it is equal to the ionic charge In covalent compounds it is the average charge assigned to an atom according to electronegativities
Rules for assigning ox states
A free element is 0 For an ion it is the ionic charge The more electronegative element in a binary compound is assigned the number equal to the charge it would have if it were an ion H is +1, unless it is combined with a metal, in which case it is –1 F is always –1, because it is the most electronegative element
Rules cont. 6. O is –2, unless combined with F (+2), or in a peroxide (-1) 7. Al has +1,2,or 3 in compounds, group 1 and group 2 respectively 8. The sum of all ox #’s in a compound is 0 9. The sum of all ox #’s in a polyatomic ion must = the charge of the ion
Redox and ox #’s Changes in oxidation #’s indicate a redox reaction
Any time a pure element appears as a reactant or product, you have a redox reaction Oxidation numbers are used to balance redox reactions
Balancing Redox equations
OIL RIG Oxidation Is Loss of electron Reduction Is Gain of electron The half-reaction method See page 593 in text Assignment Problems page 594
How Batteries Work Batteries use redox reactions to convert chemical energy into electrical A battery is a single voltaic cell or group of voltaic cells that are connected together
When designing a battery:
Redox rxn must be spontaneous Half-reactions must produce the desired voltage If you want a rechargeable battery, the redox reaction must be easy to reverse Environmental concerns must be addressed
Zinc-Carbon batteries
Most common battery Also known as the dry cell battery Uses reaction involving zinc and manganese dioxide Zinc container is the anode Carbon rod is the cathode
Alkaline batteries Alkaline batteries are zinc-carbon batteries that use KOH instead of NH4Cl Has no carbon post Perform better than normal zinc-carbon batteries
Mercury Batteries Similar to the alkaline battery
HgO is reduced at the cathode The production of liquid mercury is a major disadvantage for mercury batteries Used mercury batteries must be recycled so that the elemental mercury can be recovered
Rechargeable Batteries
The process in which electric energy is used to drive a redox reaction is electrolysis The container in which electric energy drives a nonspontaneous redox reaction is an electrolytic cell
Car Batteries Car batteries are lead-acid batteries Contains six cells
Produces 12V Lead serves as the anode The electrolytic solution is sulfuric acid (H2SO4) The voltage produced from the cars alternator reverses the half reactions and regenerates Pb, recharging the battery
Ni-Cad batteries Are also rechargable Cadmium is the anode
NiO(OH) is reduced at the cathode Must be recycled because of the toxicity of cadmium
Assignment 16-21 page 599
Electroplating Electroplating is the deposition of a metallic coating onto an object by putting a negative charge onto the object and immersing it into a solution which contains a salt of the metal to be deposited. The metallic ions of the salt carry a positive charge and are attracted to the part. When they reach it, the negatively charged part provides the electrons to reduce the positively charged ions to metallic form.
Electroplating example
Electroplating activity
Objective:Electroplate silver on to copper
Research Paper Write a research paper on the development and use of rechargable batteries in LEV’s. Format: Must be typed, single spaced Body must be 2-3 pages Style: MLA Worth a possible 25 points Due Friday, Dec. 7
Electrochemical cells at nonstandard conditions
The Nernst Equation E = E0 – V ln Q at 25˚ C n Q = reaction quotient n = number of moles of electrons transferred
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