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NATMS Overview Kevin Shelton Treatment Information Manager 2 June 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "NATMS Overview Kevin Shelton Treatment Information Manager 2 June 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATMS Overview Kevin Shelton Treatment Information Manager 2 June 2009

2 Introduction What is NATMS? Structure and data flow Analysis of data Data quality – what’s good and what’s bad Waiting times Summary

3 What is NATMS? National Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) DH commissioned system NTA managed  Central Team –Analysis Team –Systems Development  University of Manchester 9 regions

4 NATMS Structure Initial of Client’s First Name Initial of Client’s Surname Date of birth of client Sex of client Ethnicity Nationality Referral Date Agency Code Client ID Episode ID Consent for NDTMS Previously treated Post Code Accommodation need Parental status DAT of residence PCT of residence Primary Problem Substance No 1 Age first use problem substance Route of Administration of Primary Substance Problem Substance 2 Problem Substance 3 Referral Source Triage Date Care Pan Started Date Injecting Status Children Pregnant Drinking Days Units of alcohol Dual Diagnosis Hep C – (latest test date) Hep C interventions status Hep B vaccinations count Hep B intervention status Drug treatment health care assessment date Discharge Date Discharge Reason Treatment modality Date referred to modality Modality ID Date of First appointment offered for modality Modality Start Date Modality End Date Modality Exit Status TOP Date TOP ID Treatment Stage Alcohol Use Opiate Use Crack Use Cocaine Use Amphetamine Use Cannabis Use Other Drug Use IV Drug Use Sharing Shop Theft Drug Selling Other Theft Assault/Violence Psychological Health Status Paid Work Education Acute housing problem Housing risk Physical health status Quality of life

5 NATMS Structure

6 Provider Regional NATMS NTA National NATMS Performance Assurance Data file National Collation NDEC ONS Data file

7 NATMS Overview - Analysis Adam Major Alcohol Information Analyst 2 June 2009

8 NATMS Structure Provider Regional NATMS NTA National NATMS Performance Assurance Data file National Collation NDEC ONS Data file

9 Analysis Data collection started from 01/04/2008 Basic data available at (public domain) Quarterly reporting now under way Top Level Numbers 08/09:  1464 Agencies via 152 PCTs  104,104 people in specialist alcohol treatment services  70,142 of those are new presentations  91% of waits for 1 st intervention < 6 weeks, 80% < 3 weeks  Average wait for 1 st intervention is 2.1 weeks

10 Analysis – Data Quality Potential Issues High percentage of waits are zero (40% - all, 44% - < 6weeks) 4,506 individuals either missing or defunct PCT 30% of ALCDAYS and ALCUNITS fields have no value What’s working? Validation of PCT field currently being tested Workaround only leaves 458 missing PCTs Most critical fields are within compliance levels

11 Quarterly Reports 2 Reports currently published, PCT and Provider Both provide information for commissioners on the provision of specialist alcohol treatment service at a local level Created using SPSS and current live data Clients with Alcohol as Primary Drug only Available on with a password (Restricted) Agency report available to providers from DAMS Schedule for 09/10 now agreed

12 Reporting Schedule Dates for Quarterly PCT report 2009/10 Alcohol Quarter 1 PCT report Reported at PCT level Contains information on waiting times, planned completions, and client profile information. Commissioners and Regional leads Secure section of (user name and password needed) 15/08/2009 Alcohol Quarter 2 PCT report Reported at PCT level Contains information on waiting times, planned completions, and client profile information. Commissioners and Regional leads Secure section of (user name and password needed) 06/11/2009 Alcohol Quarter 3 PCT report Reported at PCT level Contains information on waiting times, planned completions, and client profile information. Commissioners and Regional leads Secure section of (user name and password needed) 29/01/2010 Alcohol Quarter 4 PCT report Reported at PCT level Contains information on waiting times, planned completions, and client profile information. Commissioners and Regional leads Secure section of (user name and password needed) 30/04/2010 Dates for Quarterly Provider report 2009/10 Alcohol Quarter 1 Provider report Reported at PCT level Contains information on waiting times, planned completions, and client profile information. Commissioners, Providers and Regional leads Secure section of & DAMS (user name and password needed) 22/08/2009 Alcohol Quarter 2 Provider report Reported at PCT level Contains information on waiting times, planned completions, and client profile information. Commissioners, Providers and Regional leads Secure section of & DAMS (user name and password needed) 13/11/2009 Alcohol Quarter 3 Provider report Reported at PCT level Contains information on waiting times, planned completions, and client profile information. Commissioners, Providers and Regional leads Secure section of & DAMS (user name and password needed) 05/02/2010 Alcohol Quarter 4 Provider report Reported at PCT level Contains information on waiting times, planned completions, and client profile information. Commissioners, Providers and Regional leads Secure section of & DAMS (user name and password needed) 07/05/2010

13 Coming up Annual Report TOP Detailed Waiting Times Workshops today  New Data Items  Improving Reports  Usefulness of Reports  Your views & comments Working group  Cross-section of representatives from: providers, PCTs, Regions, NDTMS, NTA

14 Summary Purpose of NATMS Analysis Regular reporting Working group Any questions?

15 Contact details Kevin Shelton Treatment Information Manager 020 7972 1953 Adam Major Alcohol Information Analyst 020 7972 1959

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