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Published byJulius Marshall Modified over 8 years ago
Reference Service Department The Central Library at Global Campus Kyung Hee University
The World Bank Global Monitoring Report 2009 : A Development Emergency Published in April 2009 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7859-5 Arrived in May 10, 2009 World Bank 와 IMF 집필진에 의해 공동 출간된 Global Monitoring Report 2009 는 전세계적 경제 위기에 대한 진전된 새로운 국면에서의 전망을 제공하고 개발도상국들과, 그들의 성장, 빈곤 감소, 그리고 다 른 새천년 개발 목표들에 대해 평가한다. 그리고 개발 목표를 지지하 기 위하여 민간 부문이 더욱 결집되어 지원 할 수 있는 방안들에 초점 을 맞춘다. Abolishing School Fees in Africa 는 이미 수업료를 폐지한 에티 오피아, 가나, 케냐, 말라위, 모잠비크 5 개 국가에 의한 교훈들과, 도전과제들, 그리고 진행 사항에 대한 포괄적인 개관으로 시작 한다. 이 책은 국가 정책 고안자들과 그들의 개발 협력자들 에게 유용한 정보를 제공할 것이다. The introduction of newly-arrived materials 작가는 어떻게 다른 위생 서비스의 변화들이 국가적 수준에서 영향을 미치는가와 왜 보건 의료 서비스의 국제적 목표를 설정하는 것이 성공 적이지 못했는가에 대해 조명하고 특정 나라의 경험에 근거한 대안적 접근을 제공한다. 시에라리온의 장애를 가진 사람들은 그들이 이용할 수 있는 경제적 기 회나 사회적 서비스에 대한 접근에 있어 불이익을 당한다. 그들은 사회 의 비주류로 여겨지고 그들의 권리는 자주 무시당한다. 따라서 시에라 리온의 정부는 사회적 경제적 상황을 개선시키기 위한 대책을 마련하 고 있다. 이 책의 목표는 이러한 문제의 본성과 심각성을 헤아려보고 장애자를 위한 현재의 공공정책을 분석해본다. 또한 정책고안자들과 개발협력자들에게 정책 대안을 제안한다. Abolishing School Fees in Africa : Lessons Learned in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Mozambique Published in May 2009 ISBN-13:978-0-8213-7540-2 Arrived in June 10, 2009 Escaping Stigma and Neglect : People with Disabilities in Sierra Leone Published in May 2009 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7918-9 Arrived in June 10, 2009 Improving Health Service Delivery in Developing Countries : From Evidence to Action Published in May 2009 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7888-5 Arrived in June 10, 2009
The introduction of newly-arrived materials HIV/AIDS in South Asia 는 이 지역의 중대 개발 현안으로 HIV 와 AIDS 에 대한 근본적 관점을 제공한다. HIV/AIDS 가 경제 성자에 미치 는 영향이 미미하다 할지라도 남아시아의 HIV/AIDS 와 연관된 여러 위 험이 존재한다. 작가가 보여주듯이 남아시아 국가들은 비교적 낮은 국 가적 HIV/AIDS 유행성을 보이지만 위험에 취약한 집단들 사이에서 점 점 확산되고 있다. 이 책은 경제정책, 공중 위생, 전염병과 같은 주제 에 관심이 있는 독자들에게 가치 있는 책이 될 것이다. FAO 와 the European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development 와의 협력 하에 준비된 World Bank 의 최근 리포트에 근거한 The Changing Face of Rural Space 는 이 지역 국가들에서 농업적 경쟁력을 제약하는 것이 무엇인지를 식별 하고 농업 부문에서의 공동 지출을 조사한다. 또한 농업 정책 고안자 들이 직면한 핵심 도전과제들이 무엇인지 진단한다. 이 책은 수출 다양화에 관한 새로운 생각들과 증거들을 탐구하고 다 양성을 촉진시키기 위한 정책들을 기술한다. Handbook on Poverty and Inequality 은 빈곤분석과 불평등에 대한 훈련과정을 지원하기 위한 목적으로 출간되었다. 이 핸드북은 수 많 은 예제와 활동적인 학습을 위한 다항 선택식의 질문들, 그리고 광범 위하고 실용적인 연습문제들을 포함하는 설명적인 텍스트로 시작한 다. The Changing Face of Rural Space : Agriculture and Rural Development in the Western Balkans Published in May 2009 ISBN-13:978-0-8213-7931-8 Arrived in June 10, 2009 Handbook on Poverty and Inequality Published in March 2009 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7613-3 Arrived in June 10, 2009 Breaking Into New Markets : Emerging Lessons for Export Diversification Published in March 2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7637-9 Arrived in May 8, 2009 HIV and AIDS in South Asia: An Economic Development Risk Published in February 2009 ISBN-13: 978-0-8213-7800-7 Arrived in May 8, 2009
PublisherMonographSerial World Bank An assessment of the investment climate in Kenya World BankOrganization and performance of cotton sectors in Africa World BankHIV and AIDS in South Asia World BankMoving out of poverty : Success from the bottom up World BankClearing the global health fog World BankBreaking into new markets World BankNew industries from new places World BankDistortions to agricultural incentives in Africa United Nations monthly bibliography 2009 no.1/2 ILOJudgments of the Administrative tribunal of the international labour organization United Nations Law of the See No.67 DESAAchieving sustainable development in an age of climate change United Nations Report of the special committee on the charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the role of the organization United Nations Executive board of the world food programme : Report on the first and second regular sessions and annual session of 2008
PublisherMonographSerial United NationsSecurity council official records DESA National accounts statistics : Analysis of main aggregates, 2007 DESA Monthly Bulletin of Statistics No.1052 WTOUNWTO World Tourism Barometer WTOSustainable tourism management at world heritage sites WTOTourism and community development : Asian Practices WTOThe Russian outbound travel market United Nations Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping operations and its working group United NationsCommission for social development : Report on the forty-seventh session United NationsStatistical commission : Report on the fortieth session United NationsFinancial report and audited financial statements United NationsStrategic framework for the period 2010-2011 United Nations Disarmament yearbook Vol.33 United Nations National accounts statistics : Main aggregates and detailed tables, 2007
PublisherMonographSerial UNCTADThe global economic crisis : systematic failures and multilateral remedies UNCTADInvestment policy review : Dominican republic UNCTADInvestment policy review : Nigeria ILO Application of international labour standards 2009 (I) United Nations Treaty Series v.2348 World BankAnalyzing banking risk World BankGender aspects of the trade and poverty nexus World BankTrade preference erosion measurement and policy response World Bank Statisfaction with life and service delivery in Eastern europe and the former soviet union World Bank Strengthening China's and India's trade and investment ties to the Middle East and North Africa World BankInternational financial reporting standards : A practical guide World Bank Africa Development Indicators 2008/09 World BankWorld Development Indicators 2009 World Bank Building bridges : China's growing role as infrastructure financier for Sub-Saharan Africa
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PublisherMonographSerial United Nations Resolutions and decisions adopted by the general assembly during its sixty-third session / Volume I Resolutions 16 september - 24 december 2008 ILODraft Programme and budget for 2010-11 and other financial questions United NationsGuidelines on indigenous peoples' issues ILOThe director-general's programme and budget proposals for 2010-11 ILOThe cost of coercion ILOGender equality at the heart of decent work IMFDirection of trade statistics Unied Nations Bibliographie mensuelle monthly bibliography /2009 no.3 UNECESelf-made cities UNCTAD Smega-accounting and financial reporting guidelines for small and medium-sized enterprises Level 3 Guidance ILOTackling the global jobs crisis World BankThe little data book World BankThe little data book on information and communication technology World BankPromoting enterprise-led innovation in China
PublisherMonographSerial World BankWomen in Vanuatu World BankMoving out of poverty : The promise of empowerment and democracy in India World BankWorking in health : financing and managing the public sector health workforce World BankArgentine youth World BankGlobal monitoring report 2009 : A development emergency World BankThe little data book on gender World BankThe little data book on external debt World BankThe little data book on private sector development World BankImproving health service delivery in developing countries World BankThe changing face of rural space World BankPreventing money laundering and terrorist financing World BankThe world bank group guarantee instruments 1990-2007 World BankEgypt : Positive results from knowledge sharing and modest lending IMF International Financial Statistics : May 2009
PublisherMonographSerial United Nations Statement of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the secretariat during the month of January 2009 United Nations Statement of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the secretariat during the month of February 2009 United Nations Commission on population and development : Report on the forty-second session(11 April 2008 and 30 March-3 April 2009) United Nations Report of the Ad Hoc committee on the administration of justice at the United Natioins(Second session 20-24 April 2009) United Nations Commission on the status of women : report on the fifty-third session(2-13 March 2009) ILO The situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories DESA International Recommendations for distributive trade statistics 2008 United NationsLaw of the sea No.68 DESAWorld Statistics pocketbook 2008 DESA International trade statistics yearbook 2006 DESA Energy balances and electricity profiles 2006 ECERecommendations on regulatory cooperation and standardization policies World BankThe little green data book World BankSustaining reforms for inclusive growth in cameroon
PublisherMonographSerial World BankEscaping stigma and neglect World BankThe canada-caribbean remittance corridor World BankAbolishing school fees in Africa World BankClimate change and the world bank group World BankExtending reach and increasing impact United Nations Committee on economic, social and cultural rights : report on the fortieth and forty-first sessions UNIDIR Multilateralization of the nuclear fuel cycle : assessing the existing proposals ILOInternational and comparative labour law United NationsGuidelines on indigenous peoples' issues FFTC Major agricultural statistics in the Asian and Pacific region IMFInternational financial statistics : June 2009 FFTCThe feminization of agriculture in Asia / Extension bulletin 594 FFTC The needs and demands of women farmers in agricultural production and rural livelihood, and their expected roles in rural development / Extension bulletin 596 FFTC Prediction of heavy metal uptake by different rice species in paddy soils near contaminated sites of Taiwan / Extension bulletin 598
PublisherMonographSerial FFTC Bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticieds research and development at UPLB extension bulletin 602 FFTC New aspects of collaborative research on soil pollution, food safety and soil remedation techniques in Asia / Technical bulletin 175 FFTC Heavy metal pollution, risk assessment and remediation in paddy soil environment : research experiences and perspectives in Korea / Technical bulletin 176 FFTC Heavy metal pollution of soil and a new approach to remediation : Research experiences in Japan / Technical bulletin 177 FFTC Development of gap and traceability system for greening the food chain in Taiwan Extension bulletin 592 FFTC Approcahes to the problem on pesticide residues in crops and soils in Japan Extension bulletin 591
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