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Published byAlexander Hodge Modified over 9 years ago
Learning and Teaching Technology Integration Dr. Brush Research Group
2007 IST Conference Learning and Teaching Technology Integration Dr. Brush Research Group Presenters: Jung Won Hur Theano Yerasimou Ying Wang Claudius Rodgers Andrew Barrett Additional Group Members: Nilufer Korkmaz Sunkyung Lee Watson Chun-Yi Lin AB: Need to add something about the research group and who is presenting
Purpose Explore if technology is being effectively integrated into K-12 classrooms Introduce our technology integration model, SiTI (Situated Technology Integration) Present our evaluation study that examines the effectiveness of the SiTI model
Agenda The Problem (Andrew) SiTI model: Part of solution (Jung Won)
Application of SiTI at IU (Ying) Plan to evaluate the SiTI model (Claudius) Questions
Agenda The Problem (Andrew) SiTI model: Part of solution (Jung Won)
Application of SiTI at IU (Ying) Plan to evaluate the SiTI model (Claudius) Questions
The Problem Effective technology integration into classrooms is being promoted as important Increase student learning More capable workforce and citizens Access to technology in the classroom is up Most technology integration into classrooms is at a low level What can be done to improve the effectiveness of technology integration in the classroom? Evidence:Many researchers have posited that technology use with relevant teaching methods improves student learning (Hastings & Tracey, 2005; Kozma, 1991, 2003; Winn, 2002). Researchers report that technology can not only provide authentic, engaging, and collaborative learning environments but also can enable students to learn at any time with peers outside of classrooms (Jonassen, Peck, & Wilson, 1999; Kozma, 2003; Morey, Bezuk, & Chiero, 1997)[S1] . Policymakers also appreciate the use of technology in education (Roblyer, 2000). They insist that improving students’ technological abilities is crucial in helping them become more capable citizens in the comparative global society. [S1]There is also a group of people who think that technology has nothing to do with learning. See for an overview. Not sure this needs to be mentioned here but it needs to be acknowledged somewhere. Evidence: National Center for Education Statistics report (2005), almost 100 percent of K-12 public schools in the United States have access to the Internet, and there is no substantial difference in school Internet connections regardless of poverty level or school type, such as elementary and secondary. Evidence: that the majority of teachers use technology for low level instructional tasks, including word processing, , and Internet searching. Few teachers can use technology for higher level instruction, such as digital movies and spreadsheets (Ertmer, 2005; Vrasidas & Glass, 2005).
Most Common Approaches
Improving the technology skills of teachers Pre-service teacher training Continuing education for teachers Buy more and fancier technology SmartBoards, laptops, iPods, VOIP, websites, voice recognition, tricorders, wiki sites, collaboration tools, etc….
Problem Statement VS. VS.
Increased accessibility of technology in K-12 classrooms Limited effective use of technology for higher level instruction 1. VS. Pre-service teachers need to be trained to have the required knowledge and skills for effective technology integration. VS. However, there are not many exemplary theoretical models that have been successfully implemented in teacher education programs; most schools follow the traditional technology training model, technology skill training. Pre-service teachers need to be trained for effective technology integration Not many exemplary theoretical models that have been successfully implemented in teacher education programs 2. VS.
Problems with this approach
Technology skills ≠ Effective Technology Integration Poor integration may impede learning The pace of technological change Cost of technology Time to learn Who are the experts in the technology Theoretical explanations
Theoretical Explanations
Lack of a link between theory and practice Knowledge separation from situations: Situated learning theory Pre-service teachers’ existing beliefs AB: I don’t like the title “Why Not?”. Would something like “Why is the important?” work? Are we proposing that this study will provide a link between theory and practice, provide evidence of the separation from situations. Not sure what we are trying to say about existing beliefs. I think we need to highlight the research questions that we are asking and why answering these questions are important. Meeting: Change theoretical framework to conceptual framework
1. Lack of a Link Problems: Theory to Practice Suggestions:
Pre-service teachers do not have opportunities to construct their own knowledge Suggestions: Examples, concrete experience On-going and in-depth reflection AB: Do we have good evidence that they do not have opportunities to construct their own knowledge? Ying: Based on literature, I think the problem is not the lack of link between theory and practice, but the lack of theory for guiding practice in preparing pre-service teachers on technology integration.
2. Separation from Situations
Situated learning theory: learning and knowledge is situated in which the knowledge arises and utilizes. Problem: Pre-service teachers are frequently asked to learn abstract concepts separated from activities in real situations Suggestions: Opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real classrooms
3. Existing beliefs Problems: Suggestions:
Pre-service teachers’ prior beliefs keep them from receiving new information Lack of experience consider it as additional work Suggestions: Observation of effective classrooms Discussion AB: Is this a problem particular to pre-service teachers or any learner? Ying: What are their prior beliefs? Learning technology integration is not necessary? Discussion and reflection instead of just discussion?
Agenda The Problem (Andrew) SiTI model: Part of solution (Jung Won)
Application of SiTI at IU (Ying) Plan to evaluate the SiTI model (Claudius) Questions
Context of Study School of Education at IU Previous technology program
W200 (3 credits) New technology program W201 (1 credit) W301 (1 credit) W401 (1 credit) Owner: Jung Won Hur AB: Is W200 really the “Old Technology program”? Is it going away at some point? Meeting: Only early childhood students will go through W200. It will likely stay around but it has some problems. 14
SiTI model SiTI (Situated Technology Integration) model
Purposes of the model: To assist pre-service teachers in learning technology integration Help teacher educators develop technology integration programs for pre-service teachers AB: End goal is “More effective technology integration into future classrooms to facilitate improved student learning” or something else? 15
SiTI model (Cont.) Underlying theory of the model:
Situated learning theory Application of knowledge Cognitive apprenticeship AB: End goal is “More effective technology integration into future classrooms to facilitate improved student learning” or something else? 16
Enhance Student Learning
Assisting pre-service teacher with technology integration Goals improve technical skills and knowledge design technology-rich lesson plans integrate technology lessons into actual classrooms develop positive attitudes and beliefs Collaboration with method educators & teachers in field placements Technical skills and knowledge How to teach subject with technology Integration of technology into authentic environments Content Preparation Exploration Application Processes AB: Can we talk about where this model came from? Is it based on another model or specific literature? Meeting: This model is aimed at those trying to develop teacher education technology integration programs 17
Technical skills and knowledge Pedagogical content knowledge
AB: I think we need to break this up over a few slides. The font may be too small to read. 18
Technical skills and knowledge Pedagogical content knowledge
- Basic tools (e.g. operating systems, word processing, spread sheets, presentation tools etc) How to teach: - technical skills - various subjects with technology (including evaluation of technological tools and resources) - Multimedia authoring tools (e.g. animation, graphic, sound, video, and web design etc) - Web tools (e.g. search engine, etc) - digital hardware (e.g. Smartboards, scanners, digital cameras, etc) - emerging technologies (e.g. wikis, podcasts, handheld etc) - subject specific tools (e.g. simulations, games, websites within subject areas- math, science, etc) AB: I think we need to break this up over a few slides. The font may be too small to read. 19
Cognitive Apprenticeship (Brown et al, 1989)
Coaching Fading Modeling
fading reflection Technical modeling Preparation Exploration
Observation Practice Implementation Technical modeling Instructional Modeling Preparation Exploration Application reflection Observation Practice Implementation Coaching reflection Observation Practice Implementation modeling Coaching fading
Enhance Student Learning
Goals improve technical skills and knowledge design technology-rich lesson plans integrate technology lessons into actual classrooms develop positive attitudes and beliefs Collaboration with method educators & teachers in field placements Preparation Exploration Application Processes Technical skills and knowledge How to teach subject with technology Integration of technology into authentic environments Content Assisting pre-service teacher with technology integration Enhance Student Learning W401 W301 W201
Agenda The Problem (Andrew) SiTI model: Part of solution (Jung Won)
Application of SiTI at IU (Ying) Plan to evaluate the SiTI model (Claudius) Questions
Application of SiTI W201- Preparation (face-to-face)
W301- Exploration (face-to-face) W401- Application (blended learning) 2/28 meeting notes: Can we tie this more closely to the SiTI model? Can we show the graph with the courses on the graph? 24
W201 To develop basic computer skills
To be aware of various programs that can be used in K-12 settings To increase comfort level with technology Activities: demonstration problem solving Skill assessment AB: Increase comfort level with technology another goal? 2/28 meeting notes: Reduce number of words on slides 25
W301 To understand effective instructional strategies with regard to technology integration in K-12 classrooms To understand technology environments in actual schools To continually develop technological skills and knowledge Activities: Modeling activities Technology inventory Technology-rich lesson plan Weekly reflections Online portfolio Chunyi- I would prefer ‘modeling activities‘ for the ‘model lesson’ Can we also add weekly reflections? I think it’s important to have them reflect on their experiences when exploring new technologies and trying to integrate into their lesson plans. Thanks! Ying: I agree with Chunyi on “modeling activities” instead of “model lesson”. Is another goal of W301 to continuously help pre-service teachers to develop technological skills and knowledge? 2/28 meeting notes: Reduce number of words on slides 26
W401 To help pre-service teachers implement a technology-rich lesson in an actual classrooms Activities: Micro-teaching Lesson implementation Technology classroom observation 2/28 meeting notes: Reduce number of words on slides 27
Agenda The Problem (Andrew) SiTI model: Part of solution (Jung Won)
Application of SiTI at IU (Ying) Plan to evaluate the SiTI model (Claudius) Questions
Research Questions Evaluate the model Improve the model
To what extent do pre-service teachers achieve the goals of the courses What are the pre-service teachers needs in terms of learning effective teaching questions
Evaluation of SiTI Student teachers perception Research questions
Course Experiences in their classrooms Research questions Value of courses Skills for technology integration Chunyi- Two research questions from the proposal- 1. To what extent do pre-service teachers at IU achieve the goals of technology integration courses? 2. What are the pre-service teachers’ needs in terms of learning effective technology integration strategies? I am not so sure we’re going to find their ‘needs’ from the interview and survey. I feel like we might find their concerns and perceptions toward the technology courses. I think we need other sources to find out their needs (such as interviews with student teachers or in-service teachers or administrators). What do you think? (CR – I think this is a good question to ask and we should discuss it further) Evaluation of the SiTI Model In order to investigate the effectiveness of the SiTI model and to find areas for improvement, we designed an evaluation study. In this paper, we present a part of our evaluation study focusing on student teachers’ perceptions of our technology integration courses and experiences of integrating technology into their classrooms. Two research questions guide this study: In what ways do the learning activities within W201, W301 and W401 assist student teachers in integrating technology into their classrooms? What knowledge and skills with regard to technology integration do pre-service teachers need to develop? In order to answer the research questions, data are gathered through in-depth interviews with five student teachers and observations of their technology integration classes. Interviews take place in the classrooms of each participant and last appropriately one hour. Each interview focuses on 1) technology integration experience in the classroom, 2) perceptions about our technology integration courses and 3) difficulties in utilizing technology in their classrooms. All interviews are tape recorded. After transcriptions, we talk with each participant over the phone for a member-checking. We observe each interview participant’s technology integration class including two science classes and one social-studies class. We and ask them the goals and student activities of each class before the class starts. In each class, two researchers observe the class while taking notes. After the class, we briefly interview the teachers approximately 20 minutes. We ask them about the activities that went well and difficulties that the teacher faced during the class. Interview transcriptions and observations notes are coded by two researchers in our research team. The researchers first compare the codes of one interviewee’s transcription and discuss how they came up with the codes if they coded differently. After they come to an agreement, each researcher revises their codes following the agreement. The revised codes are reviewed by another researcher.
Evaluation of SiTI Method In-depth Interviews Observations
Audio recordings Transcripts Observations Transcript Member-checking Content Analysis Evaluation of the SiTI Model In order to investigate the effectiveness of the SiTI model and to find areas for improvement, we designed an evaluation study. In this paper, we present a part of our evaluation study focusing on student teachers’ perceptions of our technology integration courses and experiences of integrating technology into their classrooms. Two research questions guide this study: In what ways do the learning activities within W201, W301 and W401 assist student teachers in integrating technology into their classrooms? What knowledge and skills with regard to technology integration do pre-service teachers need to develop? In order to answer the research questions, data are gathered through in-depth interviews with five student teachers and observations of their technology integration classes. Interviews take place in the classrooms of each participant and last appropriately one hour. Each interview focuses on 1) technology integration experience in the classroom, 2) perceptions about our technology integration courses and 3) difficulties in utilizing technology in their classrooms. All interviews are tape recorded. After transcriptions, we talk with each participant over the phone for a member-checking. We observe each interview participant’s technology integration class including two science classes and one social-studies class. We and ask them the goals and student activities of each class before the class starts. In each class, two researchers observe the class while taking notes. After the class, we briefly interview the teachers approximately 20 minutes. We ask them about the activities that went well and difficulties that the teacher faced during the class. Interview transcriptions and observations notes are coded by two researchers in our research team. The researchers first compare the codes of one interviewee’s transcription and discuss how they came up with the codes if they coded differently. After they come to an agreement, each researcher revises their codes following the agreement. The revised codes are reviewed by another researcher.
Agenda The Problem (Andrew) SiTI model: Part of solution (Jung Won)
Application of SiTI at IU (Ying) Plan to evaluate the SiTI model (Claudius) Questions
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