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 Is it better to stand on principal and fight enemies alone or create truces with foes to fight larger threats?

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Presentation on theme: " Is it better to stand on principal and fight enemies alone or create truces with foes to fight larger threats?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Is it better to stand on principal and fight enemies alone or create truces with foes to fight larger threats?

2  Direct Democracy People participate directly in gov’t decision making through mass meetings.  Ostracism Politician banned from the city for 10 years if considered harmful to the city by 6,000 citizens.

3  Defeated Persians in 479 and fought each other in 431 BCE.  Sparta lays siege to Athens and a plague killed 1/3 of Athens.  Fought over 25 years with Athens surrendering after a naval defeat.  All sides weakened!

4  12 chief gods & goddesses lived on Mt. Olympus.  Zeus, Athena, Apollo, Ares, Aphrodite, Poseidon.  Worshiped gods through rituals at Delphi.  Oracles (Croesus) Learn will of the gods.  Outdoor theaters were tragedies were acted out. Sophocles wrote “Oedipus Rex”  Herodotus History of the Persian Wars  Thucydides Greatest historian of the ancient world.

5 Aristotle (3) Plato (2) Socrates (1) Goal: to challenge the Sophists Belief: “Man can attain absolute truth” (Positive view of mankind) Greek philosopher (thinker) Interested in physical and metaphysical Preceded by “schools of thought” Authors Believed knowledge derived from senses is incomplete Estab. school Aristotle & Plato have these in common All 3 have these in common Committed suicide (399 B.C.) Plato’s teacher Socratic method Wrote The Republic) d. Age 81 Estab. school, the Academy Estab. sch., the Lyceum Scientific rather than spiritual Comparing Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle

6  Greeks defeated by Macedonian Phillip II.  Phillip’s son was Alexander.  Alexander creates the world’s largest empire to this point. world’s largest empire  Lasting legacy: Architecture, Literature, Science, Philosophy

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