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UNIT 4 SEMINAR Welcome. Discussion Board Hints It’s time to start citing your information. If you are not doing it already!  If you are using a written.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 4 SEMINAR Welcome. Discussion Board Hints It’s time to start citing your information. If you are not doing it already!  If you are using a written."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 4 SEMINAR Welcome

2 Discussion Board Hints It’s time to start citing your information. If you are not doing it already!  If you are using a written source for the info in your posts, please give it credit at the end of your post.  Remember to post at least 3 times!  Follow APA format

3 Chapter 6 & 7 Review Unit 4 Review

4 Chapter 6: The Urinary System Cyst/o, vesic/o = bladder or sac Glomerul/o = glomerulus Meat/o = meatus (opening) Nephr/o, ren/o = kidney Hydr/o = water Lith/o = stone, calculus Noct/I = night Pyel/o = renal pelvis Combining Forms

5 Chapter 6: The Urinary System Ureter/o = ureter Urethr/o = urethra Albumin/o = albumin Azot/o = urea, nitrogen Blast/o = developing cell, germ cell Olig/o = scamty, few Son/o = sound Tom/o = cut, section Urin/o, ur/o = urine, urinary tract Glycl/o, glycos/o = sugar Combining Forms

6 Chapter 6: The Urinary System Suffixes -iasis, -esis = condition -gram = record, radiographic image -lysis = loosening, dissolution, separating -megaly = enlargement -uria = urine, urination -ptosis = drooping, prolapse -rrhaphy = suturing, repairing -tripsy = surgical crushing -trophy = nourishment, development

7 Chapter 6: The Urinary System Analyzing Medical Terms Cyst/itis Cyst/o/cele Cyst/o/lith Glomerul/o/nephr/it is Hydr/o/mephr/o/sis Nephr/o/blast/oma Nephr/o/megaly Urem/ia Ureter/o/cele Ureter/o/stenosis Poly/cyst/ic

8 Chapter 7: Male Reproductive System Balan/o = glans penis Epididym/o = epididymis Orchid/o, orchi/o, Test/o = testis, testicle Prostat/o = prostate gland Andr/o = male Suffixes -ism = state of  Combining Forms Vas/o = vessel, duct Vesicul/o = seminal vesicle Sperm/o, spermat/o = spermatozoa

9 Chapter 7: Male Reproductive System Analyzing Medical Terms An/orch/ism Crypt/orchid/ism Prostat/itis Prostat/o/lith Balan/o/plasty Epididym/ectomy Orchid/o/pexy Vas/ectomy Andr/o/pathy

10 Abbreviations BUNblood urea nitrogen Cathcatheter ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy HDhemodialysis IVPintravenous pyelogram IVUintravenous urogram SGspecific gravity UA Urinalysis UTIurinary tract infection VCUG voiding cystourethrogram Chapter 6

11 Abbreviations AIDSacquired immunodeficiency syndrome BPHbenign prostatic hyperplasia DREdigital rectal examination EDerectile dysfunction HIVhuman immunodeficiency virus HPVhuman papillomavirus PSA prostate-specific antigen RPradical prostatectomy STD sexually transmitted disease TUIPtransurethral incision of the prostate TUMTtransurethral microwave thermotherapy TURPtransurethral resection of the prostate Chapter 7

12 True or False? 1. Spermatozoa are produced by the testes.

13 Answer: True The spermatozoa are produced by the testes.

14 True or False? 2. Anorchism means scanty sperm.

15 Answer: False Oligospermia means scanty sperm Anorchism means absence of testes

16 True or False? 3. Prostatitis is a stone in the prostate gland.

17 Answer: False Prostatolith is a stone in the prostate gland. Prostatitis means inflammation of the prostate gland.

18 True or False? 4. Inflammation of the bladder & prostate gland is termed prostatocystitis.

19 Answer: True Inflammation of the bladder and prostate gland is termed prostatocystitis.

20 True or False? 5. TURP is used to treat an enlarged prostate.

21 Answer: True TURP (Trans Urethral Resection of the Prostate gland) is used to treat enlarged prostate glands.

22 Unit 5 Project This project allows you to show your mastery of medical terminology and abbreviations. Directions: There are four sections in to the Unit 5 Project. Each section is worth 25 points. You may use your text, medical dictionaries or web resources to assist you in your med term search. Section One - Supply the correct prefix. Section Two -Supply several word roots, and then to “translate” from the patient to the health care professional. Sections Three - Supply the correct suffix or word root. Section Four - Proofread a short medical report and then identify and correct misspellings or misuse of medical terminology.

23 Project 5 is due next week! How to Label Your Work:  Please label your projects: username-project-unit#.doc.  Questions ?  Great job!

24 Section 1: Supply the prefix 1. Within, (--cellular, --cranial); ____________________ 2. Painful, abnormal, difficult, labored (--trophy, --pnea) ;_____________ 3. Three, (--glyceride); ________________ 4. After, (-traumatic stress, --nasal drip); ________________ 5. Below, incomplete, deficient, (--tonic, --tension); _______________ 6. Beside, beyond, around, abnormal, (--thyroid, --lysis); ____________ 7. Absence of, without; ______________________________ 8. Through, across, beyond, ( -dermal, -plant); ____________________ 9. Many, much, ( -neuritis, - dipsia); __________________________ 10. Normal, good, (-pnea); ____________________________________ Section 1: Supply the Prefix Definition Example Prefix 1.within (---cellular, -- cranial) 1.painful, abnormal, difficult, labored ( -tropy, --pnea) 1.three (-glyceride) 1.after ( -traumatic stress, - nasal drip) 1.below, incomplete, deficient (- tonic, --tension) 1.beside, beyond, around, abnormal (-thyroid, --lysis) 1.absence of, without 1.through, across, beyond ( -dermal, -plant) 1.many, much ( -neuritis, -dipsia) 1.normal, good (-pnea)

25 Section 2: Supply the Word Root DefinitionWord Root 1.Word root for bone 1.Word root for liver 1.Word root for lymph node 1.Word root for nerve 1.Word root for fungus 1.Word root for wrinkles 1.Word root for skin 1.Word root for larynx 1.Word root for kidney 1.Word root for vessel or duct

26 Section 3: Supply the Suffix Definition Example Suffix 1.surgical removal (hysto-, lamin-) of (physio-, termin-) 1.disease (somato-,idio-) 1.inflammation (sinus-, lymph-) 1.surgical puncture to remove fluid (amnio-) 1.softening (onycho-) 1.creating an artificial, or new opening (trach-, colo-) 1.visual examination (electrocardi-) 1.hernia or protrusion (hydro-, diaphragmato-) 1.constriction or narrowing arterial-, tracheo-)

27 Inpatient Progress Report Attending Physician: Morales, Javier Patient: Sally Romper DOT: 03/01/19XX CHIEF COMPLAINT: Sally Romper is a 53-year-old woman who was admitted to the hospital for recurrent chest pain. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This patient has a long history of stable angina pectoralis. She had a positive treadmill stress test in 2006. A Thallium exam in 2006 showed reversible ischemae. In May 2007 she underwent cataract surgery, and during her postoperative care she developed severe chest pain. An EMG at the time showed ischemic ST changes in the anterior leads. Subsequent canary angiography revealed a 90% focal stenoma left anterior descending coronary atria. The patient then underwent angioplasty of this lesion. The 90% stenosis was dialted to a 20% stenosis. The patient had an uncomplicated course. Over the last 10 dailys the patient has had at least five episodes of chest pain, all relieved by rest or a single nitroglycerin table. She had an episode yesterday while gardening, which lasted almost 5 minutes before subsiding after a second nitroglycerin tablet. She went to her cardiology office yesterday. An electrocardiograph (EEG) was performed, which showed marked anterior T-wave inversion in the anterior leads and she was immediately sent to this hospital for further evaluation. Atherogenic risk factor for her age includes hypercholesterolemia and hypertension; she also smokes one pack of cigarettes per day. She is not a diabetic. Her family history reveals a brother who has had a coronary artery hypass graft. Small arterial calcification is present. PHYSICAL EXAM: On exam today, blood pressure is 138/86. She has tachycardia with a pulse of 120. She is no acute distress. Her plugs are clear and she has regular rhythm without a murmur. There is no edema or distention of neck veins. CURRENT MEDICATIONS: Lovastatin 20 mg with evening meal Enalapril 20 my bid Nifedpine 10 mg tid Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingual prn. PLAN: Cardiac catheterization with possible coronary stent if necessary. Serial ECGs Creatine Phosphokinase and troponin will be obtained to rule out myocardial infarction.

28 Section 4: Proofreading  The radiology report you will find below contains ten medical terminology errors.  List the errors and list the correct term to be used. Medical Terminology ErrorCorrect Term 1.DOTDOB

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