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AOS 2 Mental Health. Get your brain thinking.... What does mental health mean? How can ‘normality be defined’ Is feeling stressed ‘normal’? What is the.

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Presentation on theme: "AOS 2 Mental Health. Get your brain thinking.... What does mental health mean? How can ‘normality be defined’ Is feeling stressed ‘normal’? What is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 AOS 2 Mental Health

2 Get your brain thinking.... What does mental health mean? How can ‘normality be defined’ Is feeling stressed ‘normal’? What is the relationship between mental health and illness? How can mental health be enhanced?

3 Learning Intentions We are learning to:Success Criteria: You should: Define key terms to gain an understanding of the concepts around Mental Health Develop an understanding and identify examples of the approaches to normality have a glossary of key terms be able to identify the approach to normality within the examples

4 Defining Normality

5 Definitions Use your DP notes to define what... Normality is Abnormality is Mental health is A mental health problem is Mental illness is

6 ApproachExplanation of normalityExample Socio-cultural Functional Historical Situational Medical Statistical

7 Using the handout provided, identify the approach being used to define normality. Activity: Check for understanding

8 Learning Intentions We are learning to:Success Criteria: You should: Classify mental disorders Understand the difference between categorical and dimensional approaches Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each approach Create a VENN diagram outlining the differences between categorical and dimensional approaches Use the DSM-IV to diagnose a fictitious scenario Summarise the strengths and weaknesses of each approach

9 Systems of Classification

10 Systems of Classifications Categorical vs Dimensional CategoricalDimensional

11 Categorical: DSM vs ICD Read your dot point notes about each of these In your notes under “Categorical approaches” heading Write the name of each classification system What are the uses? Who and where it is published? How many disorders does it cover? List and explain the sets of axis each use

12 Using pages 564-5 of your textbook, complete a “fictional” diagnosis of a person, using the DSM-IV-TR axes, such as the following: Julia, age 38 Axis I: major depressive disorder Axis II: dependent personality disorder Axis III: Type 1 diabetes Axis IV: psychosocial stressors include husband being made redundant, teenage son facing Children’s court for vandalism Axis V: Current global assessment of functioning (GAF) is 55. Check for understanding

13 Systems of Classifications Categorical vs Dimensional Think about the Strengths and Limitations of each system Work in teams Use the cards you have been given to draw up a table and place them in the correct place CategoricalDimensional Strengths Limitations

14 Learning Activity 4a SAQs You should now complete Questions 1 and 2 of your Learning Activity

15 Learning Intentions We are learning to:Success Criteria: You should: Understand the biopsychosocial framework of health Be able to explain and provide examples of each aspect Biological Psychological Social

16 The biopsychosocial framework reflects a holistic view of health; that is, the individual should be considered as a whole person functioning in their environment. It views each of the three domains as equally important for both physical and mental health. Bio-psycho-social Framework

17 Biological Physical conditions Bodily functions Nervous system Brain structures Neurochemistry Genetics Socio-cultural Relationships Peer and family supports Socioeconmic factors Societal norms Expectations Psychological Cognitive abilities Learned behaviour Perception Memory Emotions Stress

18 Create your own Poster Using the A3 paper, create your own summary of the Framework. You will need to add association pictures, that is you need to find an image that makes you think of Biological aspects Psychological aspects Social aspects

19 Learning Activity 4a SAQs You should now complete Questions 1- 4 of your Learning Activity




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