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Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 1 European Week of Regions and Cities Flexicurity by Promoting Employability.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 1 European Week of Regions and Cities Flexicurity by Promoting Employability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 1 European Week of Regions and Cities Flexicurity by Promoting Employability and Competitiveness Wilhelm Riepert

2 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 2 Flexicurity Lisbon- / European Employment Strategy: sustainable economic growth more and better jobs greater social cohesion Flexicurity

3 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 3 Flexicurity Guideline 21: Promote flexibility combined with employment security… (EES) through: … innovative and adaptable forms of work organisation quality and productivity at work including health and safety …

4 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 4 Flexicurity Guideline 23: Expand and improve investment in human capital (EES) through: … lifelong learning strategies incentives and cost-sharing mechanisms continuous and workplace training … especially for low-skilled and older worker …

5 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 5 European Social Fund Priority 1: Adaptability of workers and enterprises Supports: entrepreneurship life-long learning for the workforce innovative and more productive forms of work

6 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 6 Preventive labour market policy in NRW  to enhance competences and abilities, Employability creativity and health of employees in SMEs +  to strengthen competitiveness of SMEs Competitiveness =  to secure and generate good jobs Flexicurity

7 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 7 Principles Innovation Circumstances Productivity Competitiveness Flexibility Modern work organisation Flexible working times to be improved with the employees through Training and further education Behaviour Participation Employability Health and safety at work

8 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 8 Promoting Employability in NRW Means: „Potentialberatung“ (consulting to realize potential) „Bildungsscheck“ (cheque for training) area-wide network of advice centres

9 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 9 „Potential-Consulting“ - Subjects of Activity -  Labour organization  vocational competences  health and safety at work considering cross subjects equal opportunity demographic change participation of employees

10 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 10 „Potential-Consulting“ Target group: SMEs Free choice of consultant 1 – 15 days, 50% ESF, max. 500 € per day Participative swot-analysis Binding action plan Implementation

11 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 11 „Potential-Consulting“ Interim results (since 2001) : 12.400 SMEs 6.400 new jobs 10.000 new jobs planned intervention rate : ~ 47% (4.600 €)

12 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 12 „cheque for training“ Target group: Employees of SMEs (without training for 2 years) Start-ups (within the first 5 years) Persons re-entering professional world promotes: 50% of training costs, max. 500 Euro per „cheque“ Mandatory: educational consultation

13 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 13 „cheque for training“ Interim results (since 2006) : Ca. 200.000 used (58% SMEs, 42% Individuals) 75% of SMEs expanded activities and investment 45 % of recipients: no training for 5 years 60 % Women (average further training: 44 %) 25 % over 45 years (equivalent to further training) Ca. 200 educational advice centres in NRW

14 Workshop More and better jobs through flexibility and security 08C46-RIEPERT 14 Wilhelm Riepert Head of Unit: Labour and Modernization Ministry of Employment, Health and Social Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Fürstenwall 25 D – 40219 Düsseldorf Phone: +49 (0) 211 855 3466 Telefax: +49 (0) 211 87565 1023466 E-mail:

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