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Developing Neuroscience Nursing - European co-operation in Neuroblend project Salla Seppänen Head of the Department of Health Care Elisabet Montonen Senior.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Neuroscience Nursing - European co-operation in Neuroblend project Salla Seppänen Head of the Department of Health Care Elisabet Montonen Senior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Neuroscience Nursing - European co-operation in Neuroblend project Salla Seppänen Head of the Department of Health Care Elisabet Montonen Senior Lecturer Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences Finland

2 Acknowledgements The NeuroBlend project was made possible by a grant of the Leonardo da Vinci fund of the European Committee, and donations by the partnership of hospitals, universities & polytechnics. Internet: e-mail: JÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY

3 The partners Holy Heart Hospital Roeselare-Menen JÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY

4 The partners JÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY Holy Heart Hospital Roeselare-Menen

5 Silent partners: feedback European Associations EANN EFN (nurses EU) FINE (nurse educators) National Associations BE: BVNV/ABIN DK: DANN UK: BANN FI: FANN SE: SANN NL: NVNV IS: IANN IT: ANIN SW: SGNP AT: ÖANCK NVNV

6 EUROPEAN COMPETENCE BASED BLENDED LEARNING FRAMEWORK FOR LIFELONG VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSES - nEUroblend Project time: 1.10.2005 – 30.9.2007 Full Paertners (NL): UMC St Radboud in Nijmegen (BE): Heilige Hartziekenhuis Roeselare-Menen (FI): Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences (FI) :Helsinki University Hospital (IS): Landspitali University Hospital (MT):St. Luke’s Hospital (SE) :Lund University Hospital (SE):University of Jönköping (UK): Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford Silent partners Standing Committee of Nurses of the European Union EANN = European Association of Neuroscience Nurses National Neuroscience Associations: DK, FI, IT, IS,NL, SE, SU, UK.

7 Domains of Neuroscience Nursing

8 Professional roles Care provider Case manager Planner/ practice developer Coach/ teacher/ supervisor

9 Competent Proficient Expert Professional levels (Benner )

10 EUROPEAN QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK, RECOMMENDED DEFINITION (5.9.2006) KNOWLEDGE means the outcome of assimilation of information through learning. Knowledge is the body of facts, principles, theories and practises that is related to a field of study or work. In the EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual. SKILLS means the ability to apply knowledge and use know- how to complete tasks and solve problems. In the EQF, skills are described as cognitive (use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical ( involving manula dexterity and the use of, methods, materials, tools and instruments). COMPETENCE means the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and/or methodological abilities, in work or study situations and in professional and/or personal development. In the EQF, competence is described in terms of responsibility and autonomy.

11 Core competences To provide professional neuroscience nurísng care, based on independent responsibility. To co-ordinate an integral and cohorent package of neuroscience nursing care with one goal; continuity of care in the compelete care chain. To design and develop a policy concerning nursing, care programs and /or guidelines and protocols for neuro-patients, aimed at care innovations and improvement of quality of care and to play a renewing role in neuro-science nursing To set good example ( role model) for (new) neuroscience nurses and to teach and coach team members in functioning as care provider/ case manager and develop individuals as well as the whole organisation toward evidence based practice. To advice on or to design and develop a policy concerning organisation of care, ward management and institution policy and to become the neuro-patients advocate in organisation and management.

12 Neuroscience Nursing Core competenceLevelsRole 1. To provide professional neuroscience nursing care, based on independent responsibility Competent Proficient Expert Care provider 2.To co-ordinate an integral and cohorent package of neuroscience nursing care with one goal; continuity of care in the compelete care chain. Competent Proficient Expert Case manager 3. To set good example ( role model) for (new) neuroscience nurses and to teach and coach team members in functioning as care provider/ case manager and develop individuals as well as the whole organisation toward evidence based practice Proficient Expert Coach/ Teacher/ Developer 4.To design and develop a policy concerning nursing, care programs and /or guidelines and protocols for neuro-patients, aimed at care innovations and improvement of quality of care and to play a renewing role in neuro-science nursing. Proficient Expert Planner/ Practice Developer 5.To advice on or to design and develop a policy concerning organisation of care, ward management and institution policy and to become the neuro-patients advocate in organisation and management. Proficient Expert Planner/ Practice Developer

13 The expertise in neuroscience nursing is learnt by professional situations integrates education and practice is strengthening your motivation and career promotes critical thinking and problem solving skills can be achieved by flexible learning paths and also by using virtual, e-learning facilities

14 European competence profile for neuroscience nurses NEUROSCIENCE NURSING - acute, rehabilitative ja palliative Competence based learning Virtual learning environment Blended learning paths Competent Proficient Expert

15 The challenges for neuroscience nursing in the future are : Ensuring appropriate access to neurological care for all patients. Advance the art and science of neurology and nursing and thereby promote the best possible care for patients with neurological disorders. Supporting and advocating for an environment, which ensures ethical, high quality neurological care. Providing excellence in professional education by offering a variety of programs in both the clinical and nursing aspects of neurology and the basic neurosciences to other nurses and allied health professionals. Supporting clinical and basic research in the neuroscience nursing and related fields. Developing evidence based care for neuro-patients. Develop the model and tools how the competences of neuro science nursing are recognised, assessed and confessed.

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