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Assessing and Managing Learning Obdulia Corona EDU 607.

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2 Assessing and Managing Learning Obdulia Corona EDU 607

3 USING TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS TO PRIORITIZE ACTIVITIES Standard of Theory in Nursing  Will identify all responsibilities of an adult learner  Will interpret the benefits of of prioritizing activities  Will use technology to create a student template  Will produce a 4-day schedule of all tasks

4 LEARNING TARGETS &RUBRIC  Prioritizing requires to identify all the roles of the adult learner that deal with family, school, and work responsibilities.  Interpret the benefits of time management skills gets all those tasks that have to be done, plus the ones that need to be finished.  Technology develops computer skills in demand for nursing jobs.  Creating a 4-day schedule demonstrates understanding time management, and prioritizing skills.

5 STUDENT TEMPLATE  Goal: To complete the nursing program and pass the NCLEX exam with 80% proficiency.  Role: Implement time management skills throughout the nursing program to become a confident student learner by studying hard and asking questions to clarify any misunderstandings.  Audience: Self, family members, instructors, mentors, study partners, peers, and anyone else that serves the purpose of maintaining the student motivated and engaged throughout the nursing program.

6 STUDENT TEMPLATE  Procedure: Come to class prepared, by (Sunday) the chapter should be read, and lesson plan reviewed.  On( Monday) be ready to write your needs analysis of difficult content to be covered in the next lesson.  Be familiar with the lecture outline.  Be interactive in the 10 questions based on the lecture of the unit to be studied.  Ask questions to clarify misunderstandings as needed.

7 STUDENT TEMPLATE  On (Tuesday) be ready to share your progress of your schedule  Use background information.  Identify prioritized responsibilities.  On (Wednesday) develop your schedule template.  On (Thursday) do an oral presentation of the finished product.

8 SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT  Key 1 Prioritizing activities by color coding from highest priority to lowest is a clear and appropriate purpose for this chapter.  Key 2 valued achievement targets gained are classifying, analyzing,  evaluating, summarizing, comparing, & compartmentalizing.  Key 3 Creating a template online can be used for subsequent chapters.  Key 4 Communication skills are enhanced with oral presentations.  Key 5 Creating a product builds self-esteem and student confidence.

9 Hill, S. S. & Howlett, H. S. (2009). Success in practical/vocational nursing: From student to leader (6 th ed.). St. Louis, MI: Saunders/Elsevier Rita Pierson: Build relationships with your students (2013). Retrieved from [Video file] Weimer,M. (n.d.). Five characteristics of learner-centered teaching. Retrieved from teaching-strategies/five-characteristics-of- learner-centered-teaching/ teaching-strategies/five-characteristics-of- learner-centered-teaching/ Wiggins, Grant: Defining assessment (2002). Edutopia [Weblog] Retrieved from wiggins-assessment REFERENCE

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