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UEAPME General Assembly Tours, 30 October 2008 Liliane Volozinskis, UEAPME Director Employment, Social Affairs and Training Policy Employment, Social affairs,

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Presentation on theme: "UEAPME General Assembly Tours, 30 October 2008 Liliane Volozinskis, UEAPME Director Employment, Social Affairs and Training Policy Employment, Social affairs,"— Presentation transcript:

1 UEAPME General Assembly Tours, 30 October 2008 Liliane Volozinskis, UEAPME Director Employment, Social Affairs and Training Policy Employment, Social affairs, Training Priorities for Crafts and SMEs

2 Creation of more and better jobs What is at stake for SMEs: Flexicurity Modernising labour markets Flexible labour markets Promoting adaptability and employability Modernising the European Social Model (s) Sustainable social protection systems (Make work pay, combat undeclared work, ensure equal opportunities, support social inclusion and social cohesion) Anticipating change and restructuring Investment in competences (Lifelong learning strategies) Promoting mobility  Challenge: SMEs not able to provide security on their own. Need for public support Liliane Volozinskis, UEAPME Director Employment, Social Affairs, Training

3 New challenge arising from financial crisis : fear for massive increase of unemployment  Double reply: Social dialogue and Commission EU Social Dialogue:. EU Social partners recent achievements: joint analysis on key labour market challenges, current negotiations on inclusive labour markets and parental leave, work on restructuring. Preparation of a new Social Dialogue Work Programme  EU Commission:. European Employment Strategy (EES). Revised social agenda (RSA). Flexicurity principles. Financial support from ESF and EGAF  Convergence of combined efforts necessary  Main responsibilities lie at national level

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