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Horatio School District Federal Programs 2014-15 Annual Report to the Public Monday, October 13, 2014.

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1 Horatio School District Federal Programs 2014-15 Annual Report to the Public Monday, October 13, 2014

2 Title 1 Program 2014-15 Allotment: $229,808.53 Title 1is a federally-funded program designed to provide additional assistance for those students who are having difficulty keeping up with their peers due to, among other things, a low-income household. Horatio High School and Elementary School both operate under Schoolwide status, meaning that Title 1 funds may be used to benefit all students on those campuses. Salaries and benefits paid with Title 1 fund consume most of the funds. The remaining funds will be used for purchased services, materials and supplies primarily for supplementing literacy and math instruction.

3 Indistar School Improvement Pilot Program Indistar® is a web-based system implemented to guide our district and/or school improvement teams to inform, coach, sustain, track, and report improvement activities. Reports can be reviewed through a guest login on the school website to stay abreast of the evolving plan and offer feedback.

4 Title 1 Staff Shelly Crenshaw, Instructional Facilitator Misty Gentry, (.50 FTE) Federal Programs Tonya McKinley, Paraprofessional Barbara Pulliam, Paraprofessional Rosie Dowdle, Paraprofessional Leslie Ray, Paraprofessional

5 Parental Involvement Parent Center Math/Literacy Nights Parent Surveys ◦ or click the link below. Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated.

6 Title 11-A Program 2014-15 Allotment: $35,994.55 This federal grant is designed to improve teacher quality through a variety of efforts, among them the reduction of the student-teacher ratio. Title 11-A funding will be used this year to pay the salary and benefits of one Kindergarten teacher to reduce the class sizes in that grade. Without CSR= 19/class With CSR=14/class avg.

7 Title VI State 2014-15 Allotment: $16,064.24 Title VI State funds are designated for rural districts and are typically used in our district to assist in our efforts to meet the goals stated in our technology plan. This year our Title VI funds will allow us to purchase security equipment for Horatio Elementary and add additional cameras on the High School campus.

8 National School Lunch Act 2014-15 Allotment: $536,403.00 NSLA funds are used to provide supplementary materials and services for our students, among them materials/supplies, tutoring programs, and professional development. This funding is based upon free and reduced lunch counts in the district. A major benefit available through NSLA funding is the opportunity to provide human resources through the following positions:

9 NSLA Salaries/Benefits Tammy McAlister, High School Instructional Facilitator Kendra VanWinkle, Preschool Teacher Curtis Black, (.50 FTE) English as a Second Language Coordinator Vicki DeVore, (.15 FTE) ALE Teacher Karen Cunningham, Nurse

10 NSLA Funding Career Coach Chromebooks/Macbooks Digital Learning Project Measured Progress Testlets Technology Aide Classroom Libraries Manipulatives Teacher Stipends Professional Development

11 Professional Development 2014-15 Allotment: $22,511.00 Professional development funds are used to pay for travel expenses, registration fees, and consultants we hire to help us train teachers. Professional development days are aligned with our school improvement goals.

12 Title 111 2014-15 Allotment: $11,482.00 Title III was designed to benefit Limited English Proficient students. Funding is based on the results of the Home Language Survey. Funds will be used for translation services in order to improve communication between parents of ELL students and the school and for language enhancement services.

13 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act 2002 Children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including those who are sharing housing due to loss of housing or economic hardship, living in motels or camping grounds due to lack of adequate accommodations, living in emergency shelters, or awaiting foster care placement are defined as homeless.

14 District and Liaison Responsibilities School District Homeless Policy Maintain and report enrollment data Parent Information Packet Collaboration within the district and community Provide services as needed ◦ TransportationSchool Fee Waiver ◦ School SuppliesReferral Services

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