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Corporate Profile 2015 Each member has been recognized for their own unique and specific business ethic and practising skills, together with strong strategic.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Profile 2015 Each member has been recognized for their own unique and specific business ethic and practising skills, together with strong strategic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Profile 2015 Each member has been recognized for their own unique and specific business ethic and practising skills, together with strong strategic abilities.

2 M R. M ARK J ULIE - C HAIRPERSON OF THE B OARD Mark is a Quantity Surveyor, started his career in the Private Sector Ventures * Managing Director of Khayalethu Project (Empowerment development company, Power Group) * Headed his Project Management Company, in 2009 Mark has 4 children, and as the Chairperson of the Board, takes an active and vocal stance in promoting the organization.

3 M R. A NDREW D AVIDS - B OARD MEMBER Andrew, has extensive Degrees and Working Experiences in many Sectors such as ICT, BPO, Business Consulting and Real Estate Knowledge & Skills Broad Business Background in: * Strategy Formulation * Public Sector Engagement * Corporate Governance Andrew has 2 children, and since the inception of the organization, assisted in establishing Usapho ‘s Vision and Mission.

4 M S. A MANDA M OUTON - B OARD MEMBER AND T REASURER Amanda has a BCom Accounting Degree, and is completing her Charted Accountant Qualification Ventures * Joined the Corporate World of Finance * Headed her Accounting Firm, Servicing Small to Medium Enterprises (SMME) Amanda is married with 2 young boys, dedicated and well organized with a flair for figures and hence, attending to our business finances. Amanda ‘s vision is to build resilient families, within strong communities.

5 M S. Y VONNE D E L A C HAUMETTE - B OARD MEMBER Yvonne is a Registered Nurse who started a 24hr Nursing Service (CC) of a Retirement Village Knowledge & Skills * Experienced in Management Administration and Human Resources * Strong Leadership Qualities * Community Care Yvonne is married with 2 adult children. Her desire is to see Usapho as a sustainable organization, running successful development programs.

6 M S. E LIZE H ENDRICKS - E X - IFFICIO B OARD MEMBER Elize is a Social Worker who started as a Student Social Worker at The Correctional Services Knowledge & Skills * Extensively experienced in working in Child Care Facilities, such as Boys Town and Tenterden Place of Safety * Strong Management and Leadership Skills * Facilitating workshops at the Parent Centre Elize has 2 daughters and is the Founder Member of Usapho Foundation. Her passionate is to work with families.

7 M S. A BIGAIL L UDICK - A DMINISTRATIVE OFFICER & R EGISTERED COUNSELLOR Abigail is a Registered Counsellor and Administrative Officer to the organization Knowledge & Skills *Administration, Management and Organisational Development Experience and skills *Knowledge of and working in the NGO sector Abigail’s passion is working with and empowering all individuals, and is looking for ward to growing with the organisation.

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