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Fossil Fuels and Nuclear and Alternative Energy Monroe 5-8-08.

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Presentation on theme: "Fossil Fuels and Nuclear and Alternative Energy Monroe 5-8-08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fossil Fuels and Nuclear and Alternative Energy Monroe 5-8-08

2 Fossil Fuels All fossil fuels are made of hydrogen and carbon, so they are called hydrocarbons.

3 Fossil Fuels All fossil fuels are made of hydrogen and carbon, so they are called hydrocarbons. Coal~ 1.Started out in swamps 2.Things died, carbonized (partially decomposed), and turned into different types of coal, in this order. a.Peat ~ brownish black b.Lignite ~ abundant and VERY polluting c.Bituminous ~ “soft coal”, sedimentary rock d.Anthracite ~ hard coal, metamorphic rock

4 Petroleum and Natural Gas Start out in the OCEAN. 1.Ocean organisms die, and fall to the bottom 2.Ocean MUST be oxygen depleted 3.Covered up by sediments, and other “things” 4.Form in rocks that have spaces in them, a lot like concrete. Usually a material like limestone. 5.Must be covered by a “cap rock”, and be trapped in some way.

5 Fossil Fuel Supplies 1.Coal is the most abundant in the world. 2.United States, Russia and China have about 2/3 of coal in the World. 3.About 75% of the oil in the United States has already been found.

6 Fossil Fuels Costs 1.Acid rains 2.Pollution 3.Global Warming

7 1.List the three types of Coal 2.Describe the kind of rock structures in which petroleum reservoirs are formed. 3.Are fossil fuels renewable or nonrenewable resources? 4.Name two environmental problems associated with the mining and use of coal. 5.Why would manufacturing less plastic help conserve petroleum.

8 1.List the three types of Coal ~ Lignite, Bituminous, Anthracite 2.Describe the kind of rock structures in which petroleum reservoirs are formed. ~ Limestone. 3.Are fossil fuels renewable or nonrenewable resources? ~ They are nonrenewable. 4.Name two environmental problems associated with the mining and use of coal. ~ Pollution and loss of soil. 5.Why would manufacturing less plastic help conserve petroleum. ~ Because plastic has petroleum, it is made from crude oil.

9 Nuclear Energy, and Alternative Energy Sources 1.Nuclear energy comes in two forms a.Fusion i.Happens only on the Sun ii.Two atoms are combined iii.REALLY hard to do on Earth a.Fission iCan happen on Earth ii.One atom is split iii. Happens a lot on Earth iv.Lots of nuclear waste, book says being kept in salt mines, really is kept in concrete vaults.





14 Solar Energy 1.Comes from the Sun 2.Inexhaustible 3.Passive solar collector is like a window, and has no moving parts 4.Active solar collector uses wires, pipes and the such.

15 Geothermal Energy 1.Energy from the Earth 2.Water is pumped down, steam is brought up. 3.LSW uses geothermal energy 4.80% of Iceland uses geothermal energy

16 Wind and water 1.Hydroelectric is energy from running water 2.Tidal power is a form of hydroelectric, but uses, tides. 3.Wind power is just a big fan.

17 How does a solar collector work? How do most people in Iceland heat their homes? Is tidal power renewable or nonrenewable?

18 How does a solar collector work? How do most people in Iceland heat their homes? Is tidal power renewable or nonrenewable?

19 1.Metals are know to have what kind of surface? 2.Aluminum is taken out of bauxite. What do you call something like bauxite? 3.Hot minerals that spread through cracks in rock form band called what? 4.Energy resources that have formed from the remains of living things are called what? 5.At the top of an oil reservoir is a layer of what? 6.The most abundant fossil fuel is what? 7.The biggest problem caused by strip mining is what? 8.What is the splitting of an atom called? 9.Hydrogen atoms may provide fuel for what kinds of energy? 10.What might a solar collector require? 11.Energy experts have harnessed geothermal energy by building what? 12. In a hydroelectric plant, running water produces energy by spinning a what? (All electric plants spin one).

20 1.Metals are know to have what kind of surface? 2.Aluminum is taken out of bauxite. What do you call something like bauxite? 3.Hot minerals that spread through cracks in rock form band called what? 4.Energy resources that have formed from the remains of living things are called what? 5.At the top of an oil reservoir is a layer of what? 6.The most abundant fossil fuel is what? 7.The biggest problem caused by strip mining is what? 8.What is the splitting of an atom called? 9.Hydrogen atoms may provide fuel for what kinds of energy? 10.What might a solar collector require? 11.Energy experts have harnessed geothermal energy by building what? 12. In a hydroelectric plant, running water produces energy by spinning a what? (All electric plants spin one).

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