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Bradford’s Dementia Friendly Communities Project ________________________________________________________________________________________

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Presentation on theme: "Bradford’s Dementia Friendly Communities Project ________________________________________________________________________________________"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bradford’s Dementia Friendly Communities Project ________________________________________________________________________________________ Helping Bradford District move towards being dementia friendly

2 What is dementia friendly People with dementia tell us they want to continue to live their lives how they want, where they want. Many of them lived full and active lives and want to continue to do so.

3 Why it is necessary It can be hard living with dementia, hard for the person, hard for the carer People can and do ‘live well with dementia’ We can all help Organisations have a important role in making sure that they are as accessible as possible for people living with dementia. It’s good for ‘business’, and there are legal obligations under the Equalities Act 2010 ________________________________________________________________________________________

4 A trip to a bank “I had a difficult incident at my bank which made me very angry because I was placed in a position where I was surprised about the way they treated me” “I’ve not been in that position before, I have been a very capable person; I was shocked to be talked down to” “As a customer I expected to be treated with respect, even if I don’t remember my pin number” “I was offended by the lack of respect.” ________________________________________________________________________________________

5 What are some of the barriers people face? ________________________________________________________________________________________ The Project Focus Group looked at things that made access to everyday businesses and activities difficult for them. These include: The physical environment People’s attitudes Problems with employers

6 What changes can help? ________________________________________________________________________________________ Difficulties in the physical environment We have developed a check list for organisations to help them review their premises. Simple signs – the exit and toilet are particularly important Make sure areas are well lit

7 A helpful friendly and understanding attitude ________________________________________________________________________________________ The most important thing cited by people with dementia and carers is the attitude of other people they encounter. This makes the most difference in enabling people to continue to participate in everyday activities.

8 Pilot Organisations ________________________________________________________________________________________ Organisations signed up with our scheme

9 Some extracts from their plans ________________________________________________________________________________________ Basic awareness training for staff Make time to discuss vulnerable clients in team meetings Offer a quiet space to people who are getting confused Walk with people to the building exit once after helping Improved signage in bank. Tested with mystery shopper

10 Some extracts from their plans ________________________________________________________________________________________ Training for their volunteer and spiritual leaders, General awareness raising members of their congregation. Tackle stigma by creating accessible information Using Sikhism and how it teaches that everyone should be included

11 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Confusing back entrance now to have improved signage. Key staff including Prescription delivery driver to do free on line training in dementia awareness Driver taught expect to explain who he is every time he delivers medicine to people with dementia. All staff to read basic information booklet about supporting people with dementia

12 Some extracts from their plans ________________________________________________________________________________________ Parish reps will be offered free training. A parish church has also done it’s own action plan Bradford Cathedral is looking at how it can become more dementia friendly. Dementia has now been integrated into disability task group

13 We are now using these plans to Roll out the development of dementia friendly wards and communities via Council Ward Plans, Councillors and Ward Officers. Work with local businesses and organisations. Promote best practice through Bradford DAA ________________________________________________________________________________________

14 Bradford DAA Launched June 2013 50+ organisations present Commitment to 27 plans Quarterly meetings “How to” pack with checklists produced Awareness training with partner agencies developed. Will share and promote learning and best practice. ________________________________________________________________________________________

15 ________________________________________________________________________________________ “ The Prime Ministers Challenge on Dementia” (2012). Focus on Creating Dementia Friendly communities. Driving improvements in health and care. Improving dementia research.

16 The Bigger Picture Over 50 cities, towns and villages are already taking local action to become dementia friendly. Fifteen communities part of a pilot phase for the recognition process for dementia friendly communities ________________________________________________________________________________________

17 The Bigger Picture National awareness raising “training” initiative Local champions cascade information Links to be developed ________________________________________________________________________________________

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