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Idle-Reduction Technology Partnership Idle Reduction Technology Workshop January 30 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Idle-Reduction Technology Partnership Idle Reduction Technology Workshop January 30 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idle-Reduction Technology Partnership Idle Reduction Technology Workshop January 30 2006

2 Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop May 2004, WPNA celebrated 30- years of operations in North America with its new headquarters in Fenton, Michigan (USA). Webasto Continues Its Growth and Influence as an Innovator In The Climate Control Industry Privately owned company since 1901, Webasto invests heavily in research and development, with an emphasis on innovative products. With over 6,200 employees based in over 40 countries, Webasto services heavy-duty truck, motorcoach, transit, shuttle, school bus, marine, military, off-highway, RV and light-duty vehicle markets. In 1974, Webasto began operations in Canada & USA with In-cab air heaters & engine coolant preheating for heavy-duty markets and sunroofs for light duty vehicles.

3 The Many Reasons Why Idle Reduction Hasn’t Become A Part Of Operating Procedure Driver Habits Traditionally Low Diesel Fuel Prices Little concern for the environment No financial consequences Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

4 Emissions/Pollution One liter of diesel fuel produces 2.8 kilograms of Green House Gases (GHGs). An hour of idling produces 11.2 kilograms of GHGs. A year's worth of idling (2,000 hours) produces over 20 tons of GHGs. Engine Wear & Tear Additional Engine maintenance required due to idling results in cost from $200-$2000/yr The Cost Of Idling Is Impactful In The Air and Under The Hood Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

5 The Idling Impact on the Wallet and on the Dependence on Foreign Oil Wasted Fuel Fuel waste due to unnecessary idling results in 0.8-1.5 gal/hour (NREL/TP- 540-33629, EPA 420-R-02-025) 1.2 billion gallons a year of fuel are consumed in the US by truck idling Operating Cost Studies show annual idling cost range from $3000 to $7000 per truck Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

6 The Signs Of No-Idling Regulations Begin Enforcement Idling times vary from NO-IDLING (UT) to 15-minutes (NV). Fines have ranged as high as $25,000 (Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality). 25-States in the US maintain maximum idling time stipulations. Notable proponents include the California Air Resources Board, Environmental Protection Divisions, Air Quality Agencies, Department of Energy, Health Departments and local agencies Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

7 No-Idling Corridors Begin To Make Their Way Across the U.S. Washington D.C. Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

8 The Tonnage figures shown above do NOT include emission data from passenger vehicles idling not equipped with an OEM or aftermarket remote starting devise. Light-Duty Vehicle Remote Starters Doing Damage In 2004 over 4 million remote starters were installed in North America. The practice of remote vehicle starting and subsequent unnecessary idling is growing at an alarming rate of 12.6% annually. – source Martec Study Without a change, in 2010 OEM and aftermarket remote start idling will contribute the following annual emissions: 195,350 Tons of CO 803 Tons of NO x 15,673 Tons of HC 6,363,698 Tons of CO 2 -Source EPA Approved Laboratory Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

9 Mounts under the hood, gets power from the battery, and is activated by timer or heater remote. BlueHeat Provides No-Idle Solutions for Light-Duty Engine & Interior Preheating Heater circulates and preheats engine coolant to 180 degrees. Blower fan activates, sending warm air to the interior. No scraping windshields. No-Idling for heat. Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

10 Engine Coolant Preheaters Forced Air In-Cab Heating Systems WPNA Heaters Provide No-Idle Solutions for Cold Starts & In-Cab Heating DBW 2010 45,000 Btu/h Northern States Thermo 90 S 31,000 Btu/h Class 7 & 8 TSL 17 17,200 Btu/h Class 3-8 Air Top 3500 12,000 Btu/h 10-hrs/gal. Air Top 2000 7,000 Btu/h 20-hrs/gal. Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

11 Very low amp draw of 3.5 – 6.5 amps Can be used as a circulating fan. Control Panel with fan and temperature control operation. BlueCool Truck Features No-Idle Bunk Cooling Refrigeration and cold storage unit. Cab mounted air chiller/handler. 1/2 the weight of other systems (300 lbs.) 17,000 Btu’s cold storage unit. Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

12 Increased safety from getting a good night’s sleep. Elimination of fines for idling. Ability to get a cool night’s sleep regardless of state/local non-idling ordinances. A cool, quiet night’s sleep with no interruptions from engines starting, compressors starting, or temperature variations. BlueCool Truck Delivers Company & Driver Benefits Capability to keep the cab below 70 degrees F for 9-hrs. in 90+ degree F ambient temperatures. Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

13 Summer Leg Include: Green Bay Milwaukee Chicago Toledo Columbus Youngstown Pittsburgh Harrisburg Orangeville Montreal Quebec Toronto BlueCool Truck Summer Swing Truck Tour Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

14 Solves all cooling, heating, and electrical power needs Technology developed internally with no outside sources of funding used or required Total engine independent power solution for Truck, Bus, and Passenger Car, completely eliminating the need to idle In 2010, Webasto APU Prepares To Make A Huge Impact Fuel cell is powered by diesel fuel, gasoline or natural gas utilizing reformer technology First prototypes ranging 1 to 5 kW are currently being tested; full production is scheduled for 2010 Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

15 Combining heating, cooling and ventilation to vehicles allows for an operator to perform better. Markets Welcome The Concept C5…Complete Cabin Comfort Climate Control Light-Duty: BlueHeat & Sunroofs. Heavy-Duty Truck: Air Top 2000 & BlueCool Truck. Marine: BlueHeat Marine & BlueCool Marine. Bus: Coolant Heater & BlueCool Bus. Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

16 Webasto Advantage From Our Plant To Your Bottom-line Toll-FREE technical support (800) 555-4518 USA (800) 667-8900 Canada. On and Off-site sales, product and maintenance training available. Extensive dealer and distributor network. Strong product warranty with an interactive web site. Quick response, professionally trained customer service teams. Contact your Webasto representative for application details. Idle-Reduction Technology Workshop

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