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Coaching in Challenging Times John Blakey

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching in Challenging Times John Blakey"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching in Challenging Times John Blakey

2 “Where were all the coaches when the banks went down?” Peter Hawkins Chairman of Bath Consultancy Group

3 Questions, questions… Who am I? Our time together this afternoon? Who are you? Who are the International Coach Federation?

4 Over 17,400 members in 94 countries Adding 200 - 400 new members per month Over 1,000 members in the UK Chapter We offer the only independent international coach credential 204 ICF credentialed coaches in the UK ICF Today

5 Evolution of the Professions

6 Boom, boom, boom…. CIPD 2006 recruitment, retention and turnover survey: 82% of organisations reported difficulties in recruiting 69% reporting difficulties in retaining RightCoutts 2006, in Management Issues 2006 41% of Senior HR professionals thought retention of key staff was their most critical HR issue Accenture on-line survey 2006 67% of senior directors in N. America, Europe and Asia think the inability to attract and retain the best talent is one of their top 3 threats to success

7 The ‘soft’ skills of coaching Shows genuine concern for the client's welfare and future Demonstrates respect for client's perceptions, learning style, personal being Attends to the client and the client's agenda, and not to the coach's agenda for the client Summarises, paraphrases, reiterates, mirrors back what client has said to ensure clarity and understanding Asks questions that reflect active listening and an understanding of the client's perspective Acknowledges the client for what they have done, not done, learned or become aware of since the previous coaching session Asks questions that reflect active listening and an understanding of the client's perspective

8 Bust, bust, bust….

9 The ‘hard’ skills of coaching Positively confronts the client with the fact that he/she did not take agreed-upon actions Promotes client's self-discipline and holds the client accountable Creates a plan with results that are attainable, measurable, specific and have target dates Challenges client's assumptions and perspectives to provoke new ideas and find new possibilities for action Is clear, articulate and direct in sharing and providing feedback Accesses own intuition and trusts one's inner knowing - "goes with the gut" Is open to not knowing and takes risks

10 Facing the FACTS! F eedback A ccountability C hallenge T ension S ystems Perspective

11 Your Coachee – 2 nd Session

12 Possible Coach Responses Soft “That’s ok. I am sure you have been very busy. Let’s focus on what you want to get out of today.” “That’s interesting. What have you learnt from not doing what you said you were going to do?” Hard “You told me you were committed to taking action. What happened?” “I get the feeling you are not taking this coaching seriously. Maybe we should end our assignment now?”

13 Who Challenges You? What enables them to ‘get away with it’?’ How do they do it effectively? What is the positive impact on you? What happens when it goes too far?

14 Tension Gauge

15 Systems Perspective “I am the left eye, you are the right, it does not make sense to fight” Customers How will they react to this? Actors What is the impact on the people who do this? Transformation What are the outputs? Where do they go to? World View What is the ‘bigger picture’ into which this situation fits? Owner Who is the real owners of this? Environmental Constraints What are the ethical limits of this situation?

16 the universe spirituality nature religion nationality environment language race colour planet earth humanity family home sport team locality work team peers pop stars county shared interest animals industry company The Boundary Between Us and Them

17 Facing the FACTS! F eedback A ccountability C hallenge T ension S ystems Perspective

18 Balancing the Energies “T’ai chi is the expression of a human being in search of harmony with themselves and the duality of our world. It shows the way to equilibrium and balance amidst a world of contradictions. We live through the harmony of breathing in and out, constantly flowing within the stream of opposites. Knowledge is then brought forth as a living expression of The Dao”

19 Facing the FACTS! Feedback Accountability Challenge Tension Systems Perspective IMPACTIMPACT TIME

20 Questions, questions… Who am I? Our time together this afternoon? Who are you? Who are the International Coach Federation?

21 Coaching in Challenging Times John Blakey

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